20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

had to share this just for a lark:
from wiki: "Spinosad is also the active ingredient in Comfortis[2], a chewable flea medication for pets." <-- last year, when we got infested with fleas i seriously considered taking some of this myself (i'm allergic to the buggers). had i known the active ingredient was a beneficial bacteria, i might have been more tempted to.
After the hang dry, we strip the buds off the stems and place them in small rubbermaid storage totes. They're not quite air tight, which actually works for us. Instead of burping, I just open em up, stir em around and close it back up. This is just for a couple days. Then they go into turkey bags which are airtight. Then, we open, stir, and smoke once per day. When the smoke seems right, we seal em up. I am amassing some glass jars for longer term storage. Much of it is gone though, as soon as it smoke tests ok.

ever tried zipzag bags? they're like ziplocs but they're made of a different polymer (i forget which one) - they're actually water/air tight, unlike ziplocs. we usually do our 'burping' in those.
(we use turkey bags for replacement bags for our vape tho....)

not much info out there on what goes into bushmaster (which is no surprise, proprietary info and all that jazz), but i've heard it referred to as a "cheaper dutch master superbud" a couple times (which i've never used but i guess hubby used to). personally hormone treatments kind of skeeve me out but then i'm a girl and the word "hormone" has a negative connotation already with us.... lol. .... more homework-ward ho!....

i met a fellow here yesterday who had questions about the legality of an incorporated collective with 99 plants in cali and of course i thought... "hmm.... why do these circs sound so familiar...?" so i shot him your link. he may come pick your brain. hopefully they don't become your competition..... ;)

yay, i just re-hooked back up with my "used to work for kind seed bank" hookup.... employee discount wut-wu~t~.... speaking of which, i don't know where you were looking at the doc's strains but they have one at kind seed they don't have at vsb - nepal baba, which i had all but forgotten about. now *she is one of *those* girls (the kind that go behind the 7/11 with the older boys, you know ;))...... the narrowing down to 3 train rolls on.... (although i *hinted that it might become 4 and he didn't exactly bite my head off so we shall see.... worst case scenario the conversation will go: "you know you wanted it just as much as i did." ... "yeah, you're right, i did.") lol.
I to have been battleing thrips using marathon/azamax/azatrol and no luck they go away then
come back. so spinosad works? and where can you find it?

Monterey Garden Sprays have a couple products that contain Spinosad. After a heavy application by the notorious Helper D yesterday, I inspected 10 leaves under the scope and saw only larvae...no adults. Prior to the spray I could count on seeing 2-4 on each blemished leaf. He hit them again today and then we'll wait 4 days for 2 more hits. Typically, that wipes em out. One day someone is going to drive a truck through one of these infested clone stores. Why did I think it would be any different this time.
we've narrowed it down to a blue-heavy selection:
-next gen's 'avalon'
-dr. a's jam
-durban poison (<3 my *those* sativa <3)
-(*ssshh don't tell hubby) cash crop ken's rene x nuken (surprise!)
^i found this in the catalogue last night, and it replaced nepal baba as #4, mainly because to a bc-ite, a rene cross seed is like an historical anomaly -- you just can't pass it up. imagine being a comic book guy and coming across, oh i don't know, if spiderman and wonder woman mated and produced a few thousand viable eggs and they were for sale..... lol (that and i don't see nepal baba selling out between now and the next crop, but i'd kick myself if rene did)
i'll put baba to bed next crop.
we have seen a LOT more of those friends with the bigger plant allowance, these days, and it's only going to increase.... i hope they don't get sick of us.....

the 3 from kindseed, one from vsb, and, to make it fair, i ordered most of my vegetable seeds (close to $100 worth) from vsb as well. gotta support the friendlies.
we've narrowed it down to a blue-heavy selection:
-next gen's 'avalon'
-dr. a's jam
-durban poison (<3 my *those* sativa <3)
-(*ssshh don't tell hubby) cash crop ken's rene x nuken (surprise!)
^i found this in the catalogue last night, and it replaced nepal baba as #4, mainly because to a bc-ite, a rene cross seed is like an historical anomaly -- you just can't pass it up. imagine being a comic book guy and coming across, oh i don't know, if spiderman and wonder woman mated and produced a few thousand viable eggs and they were for sale..... lol (that and i don't see nepal baba selling out between now and the next crop, but i'd kick myself if rene did)
i'll put baba to bed next crop.
we have seen a LOT more of those friends with the bigger plant allowance, these days, and it's only going to increase.... i hope they don't get sick of us.....

the 3 from kindseed, one from vsb, and, to make it fair, i ordered most of my vegetable seeds (close to $100 worth) from vsb as well. gotta support the friendlies.

This just shows me how strain ignorant I've become. Besides the Durban, I have no idea what strains you're talking about LOL. Who the hell nis Rene? Does she like to party? I knew a Rene once and she was kind of a slut. Is this Rene blonde...kind of short?
Kitty...please take a second and tell me about these strains. Tnks.

I've been looking for a C-99 for the grow op. Also thinking about a cheese.
Cg my next will be romulan from next gen and cinderella 99. The c99 I want is from mosca seeds, there on attitude, and its a c99 bx. I want it so bad. I also just got some confidential cheese ( la confidential x exodus cheese) which I'm waitin till the plushb errys are done. Its getting so hot already I may have to switch my day cycle to nighttime or the heat will be detrimental.

Gardener, do you know a good way to change my light cycle to nighttime without stessing them out? Should I just give my veg plants exra daytime and my flowsering extra night time ?
when i switched mine i simply changed it 30 minutes a night till it was where i wanted it. i thought of that being less stressful than all at once.
This just shows me how strain ignorant I've become. Besides the Durban, I have no idea what strains you're talking about LOL. Who the hell nis Rene? Does she like to party? I knew a Rene once and she was kind of a slut. Is this Rene blonde...kind of short?
Kitty...please take a second and tell me about these strains. Tnks.

I've been looking for a C-99 for the grow op. Also thinking about a cheese.

hey, when i first showed up on pot forums, it was like a whole different *language.... some of this stuff is culled from my "i used to be a strainwhore a decade ago" memory ;) of course, we have a whole different "language of strain names" up here than cali does, i'm sure....
avalon = blueberry x afghani (cute, fast and pointy but with berries)
jam = nl blue (hi, have we met? lol)
durban is durban
and rene.... rene is a bit of a legend. the most convincing story i've heard is that it was bred in quebec by some frenchman named rene, who named it after himself....
it's one of those clone-only local legends (think timewarp.... oooo m fg that takes me baaaaack), and oh, yes, she likes to party alright. before the club, at the club, behind the club, and after the club. rene is an insatiable coug who never lets you down as long as you're good to her, peppery wildflowers. and apparently this is a rene mom -- very exciting. (i'm not familiar w cck but i've heard good things and no bad things, which is a huge indication in the breederverse, to me anyway).

vindictakitty is also a bit on the prowl, because i have never gotten to grow rene because my *one connect who knew people who grew it refused to get me a clone for 'proprietal reasons' oh so long ago now, as if my growing a few plants of it for personal was going to cut anybody's grass..... he was a middleman then but now he grows so i know he's going to be kissing up to me for it once he finds out i have it. my evil streak tells me i should just wait until i get a crop off and drop an unexpected teaser joint on him..... i'll make him *agree to paying an exhorbitant price for a five pack of clones or something and then *give it to him just to make myself feel extra-magnanimous..... lol
Cg my next will be romulan from next gen and cinderella 99. The c99 I want is from mosca seeds, there on attitude, and its a c99 bx. I want it so bad. I also just got some confidential cheese ( la confidential x exodus cheese) which I'm waitin till the plushb errys are done. Its getting so hot already I may have to switch my day cycle to nighttime or the heat will be detrimental.

Gardener, do you know a good way to change my light cycle to nighttime without stessing them out? Should I just give my veg plants exra daytime and my flowsering extra night time ?

I'm in the process of doing that right now in my bloom room. This last heat wave about scared the hell out of me...approched 90F! I just advance the timer 1 hr every day. This gives them 11 hrs light/13 hrs dark. 30 mins is probably better, but I need a 12 hr change and can't risk another heat wave. As far as the veg room, I just turn the lights on for a min of 24 hrs, then reset the timer to the new schedule. I've done this before with no probs. This may be because my clone flouros and my T-5's are on 24hrs anyways. So, there's always some light in the veg room.
I'm in the process of doing that right now in my bloom room. This last heat wave about scared the hell out of me...approched 90F! I just advance the timer 1 hr every day. This gives them 11 hrs light/13 hrs dark. 30 mins is probably better, but I need a 12 hr change and can't risk another heat wave. As far as the veg room, I just turn the lights on for a min of 24 hrs, then reset the timer to the new schedule. I've done this before with no probs. This may be because my clone flouros and my T-5's are on 24hrs anyways. So, there's always some light in the veg room.

Maybe I missed it earlier but, do you run co2? If so, just up your levels just over 1500-180ppm range and the plants will go nuts if you can keep up with the watering needs.
Yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do. I ordered some ceramic metal halide lamps today. been wanting to switch anyways but am doing it now cuz there supposedly much much cooler. I'm thinking if I give veg 24 hrs then switch there timer like you said, but for flower just leave dark an extra 11 hrs then start from there? So basically leave flower in dark and veg in light for 11 hrs then go off new time. Will that be ok?
Yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do. I ordered some ceramic metal halide lamps today. been wanting to switch anyways but am doing it now cuz there supposedly much much cooler. I'm thinking if I give veg 24 hrs then switch there timer like you said, but for flower just leave dark an extra 11 hrs then start from there? So basically leave flower in dark and veg in light for 11 hrs then go off new time. Will that be ok?

NO...For bloom advance the "current time" setting on the timer 1hr every day during the lights on period. Keep doing this every day until the lights are coming on when you want them to. What this does is puts the bloom room onto an 11 on/12 off schedule. Since 11+12=23 every day the lights will turn off 1 hr earlier and stay off for 12 hours. Do you see? The only effect may be the plants finishing a day or so earlier. This technique works well because the plants continue to recieve 12 hrs darkness each day. As we know, it is the dark period that generates the flowering hormone.

On a side note, I have tried blooming plants using a 6 on/12 off lighting schedule. The net effect is smaller plants that finish 30% sooner. A 60 day plant will be done in 40 days. However, the plants are about 40% smaller. Obviously the shorter bloom duration is not worth it due to loss of yield exceeding shortening of time. BUT, when I used to highgrade alot, and was testing 100's of seeds, I had a small extra bloom room set up on this 6 on/12 off schedule. I could then see the results of each seed 20 days sooner! While highgrading I was not interested in obtaining maximum yield from each harvest. My only yield considerations were how much one seed yielded compared to another. Since they were all on the reduced daytime schedule, I could determine this. Using this method is a great way to find that "special lady" considerably faster than the traditional 12/12 bloom schedule. This technique was taught to me by an old So Cal commercial grower, who, after choosing to grow a new strain, would plant 100+ seeds, take 3 cuttings from every plant, and throw the original plant away. After the cuts were rooted well he would bloom one cut and save one cut in veg (the 3rd cut was in case of clone death). This Old Boy would cure and smoke EVERY ONE of those hundred plants to find the one with the best quality. He would then compare quality with yield to determine which one or 2 cuts in the veg stage were to be his new mothers. This demands much commitment. But, he was the most successful (read rich...LOL) commercial grower I have ever known. Today he spends his time relaxing is his not-so-humble home in Belize.

Damn...where was I? Oh, yes...timer changes:

For the Veg., it's not as important. Just turn the lights on and let them run for 24 hrs, then set the timer for the new schedule. An altermate method is to keep the lights on through the original night period, when you get to the new lights off time, set the timer for the new time and go back on the timer. Either way will not affect the plants. I have done them both
Maybe I missed it earlier but, do you run co2? If so, just up your levels just over 1500-180ppm range and the plants will go nuts if you can keep up with the watering needs.

No CO2 until I install a new ductless spli air conditioner and seal the room. We were planning on doing this originaly, but the plants came early and we had to just get em going with what we had. We'll put in the 4 ton ductless system in a couple months. With that kind of cooling power, I can seal the room up tight and add CO2. I've, by far, had the best results with CO2 in a sealed room. It's really the only way to go. Kind of ironic that when I start adding CO2, I'll have ample cooling power...yet will be running higher temps because of the CO2.
there is no real way to seal up my setup but want to add co2 but with air moving out of the room will there be any bennys from runing it?
there is no real way to seal up my setup but want to add co2 but with air moving out of the room will there be any bennys from runing it?

If you can maintain your CO2 level you will see results. The problem is, plants get addicted to high levels of CO2. When they get used to say 1000ppm, if the levels drop to 300ppm, growth can actually stop. Personally, I will never run CO2 in a non sealed room again. If you have a small tent grow, you can probably do it. But, if you are moving alot of air, forget it. Why cant you seal the room?
cant afford the large AC unit and my hobbie aint large enough justify geting one, plus to control hum im moving alot of air through a scrubber.
thanks for the heads up on the co2 sounds like its going to do more harm than good.
No CO2 until I install a new ductless spli air conditioner and seal the room. We were planning on doing this originaly, but the plants came early and we had to just get em going with what we had. We'll put in the 4 ton ductless system in a couple months. With that kind of cooling power, I can seal the room up tight and add CO2. I've, by far, had the best results with CO2 in a sealed room. It's really the only way to go. Kind of ironic that when I start adding CO2, I'll have ample cooling power...yet will be running higher temps because of the CO2.

How high of a temp do you feel comfortable running with co2?
If you can maintain your CO2 level you will see results. The problem is, plants get addicted to high levels of CO2. When they get used to say 1000ppm, if the levels drop to 300ppm, growth can actually stop. Personally, I will never run CO2 in a non sealed room again. If you have a small tent grow, you can probably do it. But, if you are moving alot of air, forget it. Why cant you seal the room?

Bingo. Though I've read that the true dependence doesn't take effect unless you're running around 1500 ppm and then drop to below 800. I keep mine running around 1000ppm through most of flowering, then gradually reduce the final three weeks so I don't inhibit ethylene production. It works well, and if I ever slip and let my tank go empty without filling the backup my plants still grow without the added co2.
ok so over the past few days Ive seen many posts about lighting change, What I wanna know is why? I mean i run them from seed/clone 24 on for 2 weeks, then to 16/8 for veg, and straight to 12/12. I guess Im asking am I doing something wrong there? It does work with good results.