20,000 Watt Medical Grow Op Construction

Why isn't this mainstream news?

Because ppl would be pissed the fuck off.

Even if ppl don't agree with mmj, they have to see the feds total disregard for the democratic process.
Nice stalk legally. That's pretty impressive, I have one or two with stalks around 1-1/4" but nothing like that. What's your medium? You're a Dyna Grow guy aren't you? Or was it GH?

First run of DWC. Botanicare nutes, kelp foliar,liquid light, ginormous PK booster and bene tea throughout flower. Plants grow SO fast in dwc. It's a little freaky.
First run of DWC. Botanicare nutes, kelp foliar,liquid light, ginormous PK booster and bene tea throughout flower. Plants grow SO fast in dwc. It's a little freaky.

You running a chiller on your res? Every DWC or RDWC system I've run has developed root rot without a chiller. I agree that the growth is explosive. Aeroponic is slightly faster, but 10 times the hastle. I now believe that RDWC is the best system for explosive growth combined with dependability and ease of use. The Undercurrent system is a great one to copy.

Crop looks great. Nice production with a low plant count. How long a veg to get her settup for bloom?
I wish I could've heard this when I was just starting out not 8 months ago. Not that I would change my decision to grow, but I might have been more prepared for the road ahead of me. Idk about some of the other growers here, but I like how, I think it was c.indica put it; "I'm all in". I've known for a decade that I wanted to spend my life growing and have been writing journals and journals full of notes and plans since I smoked high-grade (what we here generically call 'chronic') for the first time in 1998. I was only 14 then, but I knew what I wanted to do.
Think you for your wisdom CG.
thanks for this, it WAS a great post.
6-8 weeks of veg. Maybe 10? Can't remember right now to be honest. Lots of people are fending off root rot by just adding benie tea on a regular basis. Even with temps in the 75-78 region. I'm running what I call a "semi-current" dwc. Fuck individual buckets for sure. I am using my ebb and flow controller (basically timed backwards) to always keep the individual buckets full and empty them into a 75 gallon Rez then refill 3x a day. There is about 40 gallons in the plant buckets and 30 in the rez which sits on the concrete floor. This stabilizes my water chemistry and keeps temps around 72(water in Rez acts as a buffer for ph,ppm, and temp)

The controller also automatically tops off the buckets as the plants transpire. Which is good because they are absolutely banging and drinking 15 gallons a day. Weird thing is that my ppm are very high...like 1800 in week 3. Plants not burning so not such a big deal but at this rate week 5-6 is going to be around 2200. Yikes.
6-8 weeks of veg. Maybe 10? Can't remember right now to be honest. Lots of people are fending off root rot by just adding benie tea on a regular basis. Even with temps in the 75-78 region. I'm running what I call a "semi-current" dwc. Fuck individual buckets for sure. I am using my ebb and flow controller (basically timed backwards) to always keep the individual buckets full and empty them into a 75 gallon Rez then refill 3x a day. There is about 40 gallons in the plant buckets and 30 in the rez which sits on the concrete floor. This stabilizes my water chemistry and keeps temps around 72(water in Rez acts as a buffer for ph,ppm, and temp)

The controller also automatically tops off the buckets as the plants transpire. Which is good because they are absolutely banging and drinking 15 gallons a day. Weird thing is that my ppm are very high...like 1800 in week 3. Plants not burning so not such a big deal but at this rate week 5-6 is going to be around 2200. Yikes.

Better drop those nutrient levels, your pH will be through the floor at that rate... Not to mention the osmotic force of having that high ppm outside the root zone.
6-8 weeks of veg. Maybe 10? Can't remember right now to be honest. Lots of people are fending off root rot by just adding benie tea on a regular basis. Even with temps in the 75-78 region. I'm running what I call a "semi-current" dwc. Fuck individual buckets for sure. I am using my ebb and flow controller (basically timed backwards) to always keep the individual buckets full and empty them into a 75 gallon Rez then refill 3x a day. There is about 40 gallons in the plant buckets and 30 in the rez which sits on the concrete floor. This stabilizes my water chemistry and keeps temps around 72(water in Rez acts as a buffer for ph,ppm, and temp)

The controller also automatically tops off the buckets as the plants transpire. Which is good because they are absolutely banging and drinking 15 gallons a day. Weird thing is that my ppm are very high...like 1800 in week 3. Plants not burning so not such a big deal but at this rate week 5-6 is going to be around 2200. Yikes.

I'm with Wolverine on lowering EC/TDS. 1800 is very high for a DWC system. I'm confused about how they're using 300ppm day and also 15 gallons of water. We would typically see high water usage and increasing ppm, as the plants use more water than nutes. You may find that lowering your ppm will help stabilize the PH. I've ran every system out there at every PPM you can think of. Here's what I have learned: 1000 PPM works great on every hydro system out there. It's WAY more effective to change water more often than to run hot nute solution. From day 2 after a water change your solution is not optimum. The rule I use is to change the water when the fresh water I have added equals the size of the res and plant buckets. If you are using 15 gallons a day, and there is 70 gallons of water, that would be every 5 days. Just what I do in water systems.

All that bullshit being said, the plants look great, and that's what's most important. However, my plants looked great growing with Cutting Edge. In fact, they looked better than with AN. But, the AN out yielded the CE BIG TIME, and the quality was superior, as well. This told me that just because they look healthy doesn't mean you are maximizing your plant's potential. Try playing with your ppm and see what happens. I know you won't be chasing PH as much with lower ppm. Also, if you keep your bloom room dry (40% RH) to ward off PM, lower nute PPM is needed because the rapid transpiration that occurs in a dry atmosphere. We are having dry winds here. The RH in my op was 27% this morning. We fed with 600ppm nutes...and fired up the swamp cooler to get some humidity going.
yeah, OK. I'll lower it and see what happens. I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but i'm telling you I checked everything..like twice. I was running around 1100-1200 in veg and they started to show micro deficiencies. But nonetheless, you guys likely have waaaaay more hands on experience.
yeah, OK. I'll lower it and see what happens. I know it doesn't make a whole lot of sense but i'm telling you I checked everything..like twice. I was running around 1100-1200 in veg and they started to show micro deficiencies. But nonetheless, you guys likely have waaaaay more hands on experience.

hey legal you can be seeing def at 2000 if you dont let your ph swing a bit, your plants feed on different thing at different ph ranges,
why I stopped holding my ph at 5.8 and now set at 5.6 and let it swing to 6.0 then re set, this might help you out
Word! And I don't mean to bogart your thread but it's relatively douche free so I figured WTF. I think they are REALLY hungry. The water consumption could be lower than I stated as I don't really measure it, but it's about 8" in a 70 gallon Rez. So anyways, I changed my Rez on Monday and was at 1900. Left town for work.

Wife says yesterday..need to add water. She adds back the water and takes reading...1600 she says.
About 10 minutes ago she says se added back water again. Ppm of 1020!!

She added cup of BC bloom and 1/2 cup Calmag. Now at 1280.

It does seem like they are just super fucking feeding but then again, they are BIG plants, especially for their "effective" individual Rez size which is only 6 gallons per plant.

You guys just have me worried. Maybe I should change my Rez every 4 days or something. I'm currently adding a shit ton nutrients anyways and there is that whole chemical imbalance thing.

Word! And I don't mean to bogart your thread but it's relatively douche free so I figured WTF. I think they are REALLY hungry. The water consumption could be lower than I stated as I don't really measure it, but it's about 8" in a 70 gallon Rez. So anyways, I changed my Rez on Monday and was at 1900. Left town for work.

Wife says yesterday..need to add water. She adds back the water and takes reading...1600 she says.
About 10 minutes ago she says se added back water again. Ppm of 1020!!

She added cup of BC bloom and 1/2 cup Calmag. Now at 1280.

It does seem like they are just super fucking feeding but then again, they are BIG plants, especially for their "effective" individual Rez size which is only 6 gallons per plant.

You guys just have me worried. Maybe I should change my Rez every 4 days or something. I'm currently adding a shit ton nutrients anyways and there is that whole chemical imbalance thing.


Well, I don't run hydro so CG or someone else would probably know better than I, but your plants do seem to be taking it very well. And as he mentioned above, and I know you know, your rh plays a big role. I actually shoot for around 50-55% so that I don't end up getting calcium and other micronutrient deficiencies, then I drop it the final two weeks into the 40-45% range. I find that if rh goes too low, the newest growth appears to burn a bit, but it's actually a deficiency. Ideally, you'd be measuring VPD (combination of temp and rh) but I just guesstimate on that usually. Anyhoo...
ph nutrient uptake chart (x = pH, y = uptake efficiency)


That is a soil chart. If you guys are talking about hydro its a bit different. I think you're talking about hydro...
