2000w Purple Kush/Mystery Beans-RND3

mango looks good bro burn that shit ill match you some of this chem dogg or the mo ram lol na for real shit looks fire thou bro good job !
mmmmmmmm so tasty! i love that purple (being all girly and all) lol puff puff give MF

LOL, glad to hear it. It would be nice if we could really get a riu harvest circle together, becuase I would love to share.


cant spread any more rep to ya or i would
Thanks Smoke!

very nice trim job :)

Thanks TLD, if you remember m first harvest I chopped the shit out of the buds. I'll bet I cut 20% of them away. Now I just take the tips of those frosty little leaves.

Here is a pic of the rollable tables I am working on. The plan is to have both the res and tray rollable. I plan on mounting apower strip to each one to run pumps and air stones. I plan on having a circulation pump and a ebb/flow pump in each tray along with some air stones( not sure on the air stones yet, since it makes it harder to clean the res between water/nute changes. I am picking up the rest of the materials this afternoon from hd. I will be looking for power strips with 10 foot cords so I can move the tables around. while they are plugges in. I will also be looking fo r apump that I can attach hose to both ends, so I can use one end to suck all the water out when changing and washing out the res.
As far as air flow, here is what I am thinking. I don't want to cut too many whole in the wall so I want to install a large exhaust with a three way T( if they make them. The T will be inside with one attached to the 1000w relfector exhaust, one to the room exhaust, and the third for the 600's ehxaust. I want to put in two 3x3 trays in there with 600's over them as soon as I get the 1000 watters set up. I will run a seperate 6" vortec to exhaust the 600 relfectors. The intake for the room will be passive with a spring loaded damper that is closed when the exhaust fan is off. I have a 10" carbon filter that will be attched to the exhaust ducting and a 6" carbon filter that will be attached to the ac exhaust. Damn, so many exhaust fans..lol I plan on running the exhuast up at the top of the walls so when I get the CO2 set-up it won't just pull it all out. I will have 4 oscilating fans as well. I have a 9000 BTU protable AC that I am hoping will handle the room, but am expecting to have to get a bigger ac eventually, probably a split unit. There is also a vent in the room so when the house AC is on there will be extra cooling in the room. Anyway, as you can see the plans are still in the works. lol


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hey raider! congrats on the new harvest! sorry i have been away for some time, i just moved into my new pad. i signed a year lease and found out i cant do anything outside so im kinda bummed. ill have to keep it in the closet, idk i guess i thought it didnt matter cause it was medical id forsure be cool but i guess thats not how it works.

damn your buds look even more amazing this round. are u still using the co2 buckets? i read that you really liked the extra nutes this round. can u detect any difference in flavor at this point or will it be another few days/weeks?

salud and puff puff pa...puff!
Thanks for the pics of the tables raider. Thats very similar to what I have planned. except I think it might benefit to have supports to run at 45 degree angles from the corners to keep it from moving sideways when full. It might not need them Idk. Ive been doin a lot of research on co2 setups and just picked up a minigen for next run. I noticed youre getting a carbon filter for the ac implying that it will be exhausting your room. If it is a single hose portable it will be. If you havent bought one yet I would get a double hose model because this wont waste co2. Or you can find the input [usually a rectangle shape on the side] and make your own intake hose leading to the outside of the room. This should in turn prevent the need for the small carbon filter also. If your exhaust fans are pulling through your room constantly even if they are up high they WILL pull out co2. Youve got to setup your lights to their own exhaust/intake so they run separate from the room exhaust/intake. Everyone does the next part a little different you can exhaust the room not at all, only during lights off [thats what im gonna try], every so often during lights on with a controller that turns co2 off while exhaust is on, or with a very small fan constantly while lights are on slowly pulling air out. Please dont think Im trying to be a know it all. This might be shit you know yourself. Im defenitely in the learning process over here. Ive never ran co2 and feel your crops speak for themselves [your the man!]. This is just something ive been studying the past month or so. Hope that helped with your planning a little. Peace!
hey raider! congrats on the new harvest! sorry i have been away for some time, i just moved into my new pad. i signed a year lease and found out i cant do anything outside so im kinda bummed. ill have to keep it in the closet, idk i guess i thought it didnt matter cause it was medical id forsure be cool but i guess thats not how it works.

damn your buds look even more amazing this round. are u still using the co2 buckets? i read that you really liked the extra nutes this round. can u detect any difference in flavor at this point or will it be another few days/weeks?

salud and puff puff pa...puff!

Thanks Nor Cal, sorry to hear you won't be able to go outdoor. That is a bumb deal. I did you the Co2 buckets again, but will be trying to get a real CO2 set-up before next flower. I have been reading on T'ing off of the hot water heater exhaust, but I am still not sure. I may just get a tank. As for the flavor it is the same as always, pk has a very definative taste aroma. Maybe because I smoke it all the time. lol The yeild on the pk was low however, I am assumiong it is because of the shorter veg time this round. I pulled only 14 oz's from the pk tray. That is about 1.5 oz per plant. It looks like there may be close to 20 oz from the mango, bd tray. I will know in a few days when is all dry.

Thanks for the pics of the tables raider. Thats very similar to what I have planned. except I think it might benefit to have supports to run at 45 degree angles from the corners to keep it from moving sideways when full. It might not need them Idk. Ive been doin a lot of research on co2 setups and just picked up a minigen for next run. I noticed youre getting a carbon filter for the ac implying that it will be exhausting your room. If it is a single hose portable it will be. If you havent bought one yet I would get a double hose model because this wont waste co2. Or you can find the input [usually a rectangle shape on the side] and make your own intake hose leading to the outside of the room. This should in turn prevent the need for the small carbon filter also. If your exhaust fans are pulling through your room constantly even if they are up high they WILL pull out co2. Youve got to setup your lights to their own exhaust/intake so they run separate from the room exhaust/intake. Everyone does the next part a little different you can exhaust the room not at all, only during lights off [thats what im gonna try], every so often during lights on with a controller that turns co2 off while exhaust is on, or with a very small fan constantly while lights are on slowly pulling air out. Please dont think Im trying to be a know it all. This might be shit you know yourself. Im defenitely in the learning process over here. Ive never ran co2 and feel your crops speak for themselves [your the man!]. This is just something ive been studying the past month or so. Hope that helped with your planning a little. Peace!

Thanks for the idea on the vertical supports. I will take a look when I get it all together at the strength and stability. I may throw some more supports on them too. i went with the 2x3' to try and keep them from getting too heavy, so it is very likely that I will need some more support. As for the exhaust, I am planning on runnng a closed loop for the light exhaust( one end in and one end out) the other exhaust I am planning on hooking to a timer that will recycle the air every hour. My portable ac does only have exhaust on it. This is where I will be exhausting co2, but I am getting down on the budget, so I will run with it for now. I will see if I can locate the intake and attach a duct to it. I figured I would have the Co2 on a timer too and have the exhaust fan cycle right before the Co2 kicks on. I would really like to get a spllit ac system, maybe a 2 ton or something eventually.

[QUOTE="SICC";4134603]Damn that PK is insane!!!! :weed: :clap:[/QUOTE]

Thanks man!
So here is the table with the top board on

Here is the revegging BD, this one re-vegged quick

The revegging pk

The revegging Mango

A BD bud off the drying rack



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Revegging really well there, :). give em some N with an extra shot of P and K and their stems should green back up for yah, ;).

Thanks, some of them are and some are not. I figure I will make the final cut in about a week and keep the next ones. I will give them some N, P, and K. Thanks for the advice
Damn, I just found out my buddy got robbed. His plants were at 6 1/2 weeks into flower and he had an emergency and had to go to the hospital. Sent his gf to water them tonight and they were cut at the soil, just empty pots. So fucked up. Anyway, he asked me to check his room out since he is in the hospital to make sure the lights were still there and shit and it looks like they were just cut hours ago. There were globs of water on the stems where they were cut. They cut both his master locks with bolt cutters. I am just so bumbed for him, that was his meds for the summer. Fuckin jackers, can't just grow their own, they have to steal someone elses hard work.
Damn thats shitty, i wonder how they knew he grows.
idk if i could even grow at the same spot after something like that.
[QUOTE="SICC";4135911]Damn thats shitty, i wonder how they knew he grows.
idk if i could even grow at the same spot after something like that.[/QUOTE]

He feels the same way, he is selling his equipment and over it he said. He broke the number one rule and he showed off some of his stuff to a few close friends( supposed friend). He thinks he knows who it was.
Yeah thats one rule you dont break, at least he has an idea on who it could be.
Man i'd go crazy and end up doing something i regretted if that happened to me.
Pisses me off just thinking about it.
[QUOTE="SICC";4135960]Yeah thats one rule you dont break, at least he has an idea on who it could be.
Man i'd go crazy and end up doing something i regretted if that happened to me.
Pisses me off just thinking about it.[/QUOTE

I feel the same way, pisses me off. I would do something I shouldn't too. I have a guard dog, security system,cameras and most important I don't show anyone. Shit we have house parties and no one is the wiser. The patients that I have traded clones with have never been to my home and I never sell it. All these precautions and I still stress when this happens to someone I know.
loose lips sink ships period dot end of it you cant do it you just cant its fucked up you wanna tell people you wanna show em BUT YOU CANT dont trust no one anyone its it how it is and even if you have a dog and cameras and all that shit its dont matter i used to be in game and it was known to me whenever i set up shop in new area someone would try to rob me everytime someone tries its the way the world works when u have shit people want someones gonna try to just take it !! so if your growing you can avoid all this by not letting anyone know what you have neither telling anyone OR SELLING SHIT and even then you can still be found out dont put your shit outside you main house is another rule of sorts he broke when its not near a main house ie in a shed etc its easier to get to feels less personal for the person robbing u less risk and just plain easier
treat it like money like something of equal value of more value than it is understand that there are soooo many people who smokme weed and majority of criminals do they want you shit everyone wants your shit its a big target and you never know who is taking aim alot set ups happen too you tell someone who tells someone who does the actual break in and all the orginal "friend" gets is a cut and its still worth it to em to do that to you man this world is a grimmy place its not all candy and sunshine we fall into complaicancy because of our way of thinking ( peace love helping being nice to one another sharing info bud clones seeds we share we care ) but there are strait up wolfs out there just looking for the weak sheep DONT BE THAT SHEEP anyone can be got know that i wish i could tell u guys some shit but basically the biggest ones fall the hardest its always the ones that think they cant be jacked who get took for the most anyone can be took know that your grow has a target on it the cops and the robbers both want your shit DONT LET EM GET IT DONT TAKE A RISK ITS NOT WORTH IT TELL NO ONE SHOW NO ONE SELL NOTHING NEVER ANSWER YOU DOOR FOR COPS AND DONT TALK TO EM IF THEY HAVE A WARRANT THERE COMING IN IF NOT THELL GO AWAY be safe all my peeps its fucked up this happen to dude but learn from it dont just sympathize