2009 Early Start Monster Outdoor Competition

Put a Pic of the Monster Plant next to your Plants, so they will know how to act. My shit is just now popping. (9.9?? My guess, 6 3/4th's dry.) I hope it's 7 1/2. Hope You didn't kill the Lady. Rejuive?

after seeing that..im not sure i wanna post my pics, i feel like i brought a knife to a gun fight...lol
well here is the final tally of what i took off the big girl.

i put the boat rod in the pic so you would have a gauge [it is 5'6in long]

the dry weight is 9lb 9oz and a wee bit .so all in all not a bad effort

hope you enjoy and have a successfull grow

Lets see some close up pics for the judges eh? I actually know a professional pot photographer that said she would go take pics with yah for hightimes....... but I think she thinks your in the U.S.
Lets see some close up pics for the judges eh? I actually know a professional pot photographer that said she would go take pics with yah for hightimes....... but I think she thinks your in the U.S.

as stated many times my camera is no good without the proper lense for close ups.:-(
so if it aint good enough then it is just too bad.i have done the best i can and achieved what i set out to do and grow a monster plant,that is after all what this comp was about...:-)
Ok so here is the list so far:

4.Easy P

Why not judge everything individually in its own category, and then add up totals, and whoever does best overall wins? Size, Weight, Quality, Growth, Technique, etc. if you want to add to either list of competitors or Judging categories just copy them and paste and add what you want to add, everyone is free to join the Competition, but I will probably moderate Judgment categories or a few other things since it was all my idea, :P.
I think we should pick a day that everyone should update on once a week, and if they miss a week, they have to do a double update!

we were talking about judging a lot of things.......
I know.... I think I got a really good impression from your smoke report..... sounds like some really nice smoke.... how would you rate it?

well my friends say it is the best around here.but they could be bias..:-).they call it giggle weed

it is a very energetic uplifting high with good legs so i would give it an 8.5/9 for the stone.,an 8 for the look of the buds ,and a 10 for production
Ill be entering this Holland's Hope.

Here are pics of my entrants for the comp, so far these are the only ones out of the 8 I took that have rooted(other than the two I am keeping inside for mothers). I have 4 left to see if they root, on I think is dead the other 3 aren't lookin so good. Will see what happens,

I am goin to try and get a 3rd entrant being a White Widow, the mother I plan on taking clones from is in the 2nd pic. Will be a late one tho so it wont be as big as the others, Just transplanted her from soil to coco. Will give her about a month or so to veg under the flouros, then take more babies.
is it to late to get in on this? im a new grower so i dont plan to win anything i just wanna have sum fun if i can join heres wat ill put forward.. the first 2 are from today and the third is an old pic but i cant get a new one without it being super sketchy so if im let in then ill update cant wait to see everyones bud


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yeah me too.... really need to get on top of it in here....... ok will update everything in a couple hours....

I was wondering what was goin on.....:-? Last I knew u said mandatory updates were supposed to start this week I think, too stoned to remember/go back and look:joint: LOL
This is an example of what an entry may look like... Mandatory updates once every two weeks starts in ONE WEEK, going in the numbered order, up to four updates per day, this competition is still up to those that wish to join!!

WOW I was way off, u posted this on 4-27