2010 #1 - Indoor Coco-Perlite Hindu Kush & Hailley's Comet 400w


Well-Known Member
i'm posting my setup here, so i can link to it in my signature:

box 3' X 3'8" X 4'4"h
lights 400w hps and some 6500cfls
240 vent pulling from the box and a 180 duct fan pulling from the cooltube out of the window
2 gl pots
mostly hindu kush, some hailey's comet, afghan kush, and one bubble gum. all regular except gum which is fem.
7 plants in 50-50 coco-perlite, using HESI coco nutes
5 plants in organic soil (mostly peat, some coco, volcanic ash, unspecified time releasers and aerators, as well as some hydroton). so far not using nutes, in the future using bio bizz series. using RO water


Well-Known Member
I now understand that I probably need to give a lot more food than I do.

i will try watering with maybe 400-500 ppm today, and work my way quicker up the scale in a controlled experiment.

i wish i had calmag+ here, but there's nothing that has calmag except epsom salt, which I may add to one plant. Also will try using mineral water that has a lot of cal.


Well-Known Member
today i've seen a noticeable improvement on plants that were given nutes. it won't be seen on photo yet but I can definitely see an improvement with my eye. this is encouraging. I've given 450ppm HESI coco nutes to 2 plants today, and 550ppm to another.


Well-Known Member
my current wish-list:
1. a new pH meter. the red HANNA meter broke. i've learned how to use the liquid, but i'd be better off with an accurate digital meter.
2. A/C - this will be an issue, both financially and security wise. my land lord lives next door. he will wonder, if he sees an a/c hanging out the window.
3. 250w MH bulb. I'm thinking my plants will grow faster with it than with my 400w hps, but i'm not sure about this.
4. more coco ferts - i'm not sure if my HESI choice was good. perhaps should go for the H&G series. Perhaps it doesn't matter. Anyway, other than the coco nutes basic, all i have are organic ferts (biobizz), and i'm not sure that will do.


Well-Known Member
growing mine wth hesi and they are green and mean, 2.5 ml- 5ml per litre
thanks for the info! are you growing from seed? can you expand a bit on your dosage and schedule, esp. seed and early veg?

now I have seen algae on the rockwool of one of the plants. I've been wanting to top the pots up with some coco and then a layer of hydroton maybe it shield from evaporation. perhaps I should first use h2o2 and eliminate the algae, only then cover it.

improvement is continuing on the bigger plants that are being given nutes. on smaller plants, i may have overdone just a bit, and looking very carefully i can see the edges a bit red. so I'm gonna flush quickly and try again with a lower dosage.

smoke n strum

Active Member
thanks for the info! are you growing from seed? can you expand a bit on your dosage and schedule, esp. seed and early veg?

now I have seen algae on the rockwool of one of the plants. I've been wanting to top the pots up with some coco and then a layer of hydroton maybe it shield from evaporation. perhaps I should first use h2o2 and eliminate the algae, only then cover it.

improvement is continuing on the bigger plants that are being given nutes. on smaller plants, i may have overdone just a bit, and looking very carefully i can see the edges a bit red. so I'm gonna flush quickly and try again with a lower dosage.
Asaph, he has a grow journal here>> The 12-12 from seed thread<<. Look at the amazing bud he grew.. incredible!!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info! are you growing from seed? can you expand a bit on your dosage and schedule, esp. seed and early veg?

now I have seen algae on the rockwool of one of the plants. I've been wanting to top the pots up with some coco and then a layer of hydroton maybe it shield from evaporation. perhaps I should first use h2o2 and eliminate the algae, only then cover it.

improvement is continuing on the bigger plants that are being given nutes. on smaller plants, i may have overdone just a bit, and looking very carefully i can see the edges a bit red. so I'm gonna flush quickly and try again with a lower dosage.
i soak my coco in 1/4 strength nutes, once they got a set or 2 of leaves i go 2.5 ml per litre all the way through til flower, then use hesi bloom at 5ml per litre , you will also need pk 13-14 or hammerhead 4-8, thats extra pk nutes for flowering


Well-Known Member
my current wish-list:
1. a new pH meter. the red HANNA meter broke. i've learned how to use the liquid, but i'd be better off with an accurate digital meter.
2. A/C - this will be an issue, both financially and security wise. my land lord lives next door. he will wonder, if he sees an a/c hanging out the window.
3. 250w MH bulb. I'm thinking my plants will grow faster with it than with my 400w hps, but i'm not sure about this.
4. more coco ferts - i'm not sure if my HESI choice was good. perhaps should go for the H&G series. Perhaps it doesn't matter. Anyway, other than the coco nutes basic, all i have are organic ferts (biobizz), and i'm not sure that will do.
1. Get one from eBay, its much cheaper usually and they work fine.
2. If you plan to use it in the summer your electricity bill will go crazy. If you do get one, its cheaper to run the built in one and not the portable ones.
3. In your space a 400W is just fine. If you need less light - hang it higher.
4. Hesi works well with coco. H&G and BioNova should work a bit better but I've had some very nice grows with the Hesi Coco bottle. If you use Hesi the BioBizz line should be your backup - use it to fix deficiencies.
Keep you BioBizz nutrients in the fridge, they go bad quite quickly.
5. I'm subbed :-)


Well-Known Member
1. Get one from eBay, its much cheaper usually and they work fine.
2. If you plan to use it in the summer your electricity bill will go crazy. If you do get one, its cheaper to run the built in one and not the portable ones.
3. In your space a 400W is just fine. If you need less light - hang it higher.
4. Hesi works well with coco. H&G and BioNova should work a bit better but I've had some very nice grows with the Hesi Coco bottle. If you use Hesi the BioBizz line should be your backup - use it to fix deficiencies.
Keep you BioBizz nutrients in the fridge, they go bad quite quickly.
5. I'm subbed :-)
ahalan wasahalan! :)
yeah i wanna get one from ebay indeed. know any specific cheap brand or are they all essentially the same (I gotta tell you, that red hanna device kinda sucked even before it broke. and I think auto-power off is a must, i fear it may helped break it)

how can you tell if the organic ferts have gone bad? indeed it doesnt smell as good as it used to (I just love that smell), but not a bad smell either. it has been outside for very long, perhaps a year.


Well-Known Member
ahalan wasahalan! :)
yeah i wanna get one from ebay indeed. know any specific cheap brand or are they all essentially the same (I gotta tell you, that red hanna device kinda sucked even before it broke. and I think auto-power off is a must, i fear it may helped break it)

how can you tell if the organic ferts have gone bad? indeed it doesnt smell as good as it used to (I just love that smell), but not a bad smell either. it has been outside for very long, perhaps a year.
I got this kind. Its not that good, but I don't check my pH too often.
Its ain't that waterproof either.
Get some extra batteries (eBay sells them for a friction of what they cost in here) and the extra electrode most vendors offer if you decide to buy this model.
Works for me so far.

Organic fertilizers smell bad, lose their clearity, change to a more brownish color and get solid residue on the bottom of the bottle when they go bad. If you'r not sure its good - take it to the store and ask the man.
Considering you use the Hesi nutrients I wouldn't get anything from BioBizz except their Alg-A-Mic. Get a bottle of PK and some bloom stimulator (I use the ATAMI one, its WAY better than TopMax) and you'r good to go. I like to add enzymes as well, and molasses for flowering at a rate of 1 tablespoon per gallon.

Shabat shalom and Purim sameah.


Well-Known Member
Yes the plants have taken a turn to the good. I am optimistic. Today I saw a picture of one of my experimental bagseed plants. it's from 18 days ago, it was very small, maybe 10-15 cm. So I know the soil is very good, and other conditions as well. Nevertheless, summer draws near and I must be prepared.


I'll introduce you to some of my bunch. This is Punjab - less that a week ago it was pale, small and wilty.

Kesha and Parvati- in soil. You can see they are still being burnt. I really don't know why. I think this maybe because the bag of soil was sitting open in the rain for a while. Perhaps this triggered some time release ferts or something in it, and perhaps now it's burning it. I don't think there are any other symptoms though - it seems to be growing well - except just now kesha had a problem with the third leaf set - for some reason one leaf grew first, and only now the second is growing while the first is stopped. I'm a bit worried about these two.

Ashoka (below in the coco) was the most underfed plant. you've seen its photos with the leaves just fallen like that. I gave it a bit too much perhaps and it burned a bit. but then I flushed it, and after that gave some lower dosage of nutes (about 200ec) - and it seems to have recovered very nicely with hardly any damage:

Now the strangest thing of all, this plant Oort, which is of the Hailey's Comet strain. I think it may have had problems hatching from the seed. but then, this seems to be a problem of genetics to me:


i gave it nutes so it's not underfed, but it won't grow. So i'm kinda losing hope for him! that's too bad. I have some more of that strain and they are growing well so far, but perhaps it's a bad seed, I hear it happens. I also had one Bubble Gum that was bought in a shady place i was told, and it germed out of its seed and looked beautiful, superdark green and thick cotyledons. but then it just stopped, and died at some point, I don't know why! It was in soil so it had plenty of water. Maybe it was the rockwool, I don't know.

other than that, all my other 9 plants are looking swell, and i am happy :)


The soil plants are pretty much in Veg now, with three leaf sets. I should very soon have a plan for my canopy. I should really think it through and design it in advance, and know how my canopy will look in a month from now. I wonder how much veg time I should go for with my 6.5l (2gl) pots. I am considering a double pot arrangement, where the current pots will simply be fit on identical or slightly bigger pots. This is good vertical space for the roots that doesn't require more area space at all, and i'm not planning to use the height anyway. I'd like to have a modular scrog I think, where every pot has a little screen connected it from above maybe 20-30 cm. I think this would be ideal. I could even tilt the screens to have a colosseum shaped grow. I'll hook some wooden sticks to each pot, and then connect some screen on them.

I should start cloning soon from my experiment plants. I've never cloned before and I really don't know how to do it. There was a time when I experimented with a small DWC where a two week old plant (not a clone) was actually put in with only a slight bit of it's main root. After two weeks it was rooting well, so I think I might try that. It will also be a good indication for me whether or not DWC is in any way possible for me with my temps. I'll also try the regular method of rockwool and soil, maybe coco.

the hardest issue is definitely going to be the heat. It's still cold, but heat waves will begin soon. other than that, it should stay pretty cool for another two months at least. but I am worried, right now the outdoor temps are 10-20, room temp 23 and box temp during lights is 27-28. But at summer outside temps can go as far as 25-35! and what will be of my box then? even the best venting in the world will not help when the outside is warmer than the box :\

It's true that I won't really be able to handle and A/C there. too much costs(?), and perhaps security problems. I hope that with proper venting (I should get another one of those centrifugal duct fans), and some manual help from frozen bottles or something in the hot days, I can have the temps under control, hopefully no more than 32c, I think they can handle that although it's not ideal.

I am also having some smell already (from the mature plants). This may become a problem sooner than I thought and need to figure out a way to get a carbon filter. or maybe try some diy on that?

that's it for now!



Well-Known Member
update: mostly happy in my grow room.

the mutilated plant has not advanced. I cut off its weird head today (the first set of blades, instead of two blades that face each other they were connected to each other from the side, with no hole in the center for new leaves). It continues to only show weird cotyledons growing through the inside of another cotyledon... it's very ugly

As for the rest, we are doing fairly well I think. I'm approaching the end of seedling week 3 and I will probably announce veg time for the coco plants, so the week that starts tomorrow could be week 1 of veg. I am working my way up the ppm, already have one plant with feeding of 0.280 EC (HESI TNT) + 0.640 (HESI Coco). So far it's been an hour or two and it doesn't seem to be burnt. Tomorrow more plants will receive this dosage or above it. I wonder what is the dosage I will stop raising in. I think I won't go beyond 1500. I also haven't given them any root juice. I dunno why, I just don't like it. I'll get a rhizotonic tomorrow I think. I'm a little bent about giving them organic nutes. I've seen someone else do it but I don't like it.

I have two plants that were a later addition to the plant, but at the same time, they were planted one in coco and one in soil, and the soil plant only has a slight advantage, not such a big difference as with the older platns.


Seems that I should especially point this: this is a comment-welcoming thread. feel free


Well-Known Member
status and line-up

all plants in the garden are growing very nicely and looking well. bless Jah! Plants that failed to meet growth were disposed of, not with ease. Two plants have joined my line up.

So now, of the seedbank (the thread title) there are now 6 plants in coco and 5 in soil. So that's ten, and there's two plants I just now got of unknown (but good looking) strain, bagseed. Three more plants (two of which are in the same pot!) are experiments I was doing that I just couldn't kill. They came from a friend who had a hermie.

So I have many plants right now, and I don't know my sexes yet. I'm actually hoping for a low female ratio right now, cuz I planted so many just to be safe, but actually I think 3 or 4 plants or a bit more, with much bigger pots is what I wanna go through flowering with. Too many plants is a lot of mess and also not looked well upon.

I will use LST and FIMming for canopy designing. Scrog is just too much for me right now. I hope to have many many branches that I can even out. I should fim some of my plants today. I'd like to compare FIM+LST to just LST of the main branch. They say that when they are in even height they grow as if fimmed. Yes, I will try this.

I got drips today, installed them for 6 of the coco pots. This allow me to water 4 times a day now, the same amount to all plants, with measured runoff and shit. Is having a steady percentage of runoff really that important?

So I have a res now - I put 9.4 liters of RO water in it, ~25ml of HESI coco for EC @ 1350mS; 2 drops of SuperVit; about 15ml of Biobizz root juice; 5ml of Bioheaven; - Perhaps a bit low especially for the new more mature plants.

I'm gonna put an air pump and stone in there so the water doesn't go bad, esp. with all the organic ferts in it. I really hate using organic ferts, but I'm too broke to replace them with hesi nutes and I have a lot of them. The biggest problem is that I can't use H2o2 with it, and then I have algae forming on top of the coco, as it is mostly wet/moist. This is upsetting though I think not crucial. Using H2o2 does stop it, so perhaps I will do one small res fill (two three days) with organics, then one large res fill of h2o2. I'm not sure about this though, as organic ferts rely on building colonies and shit, and I just kill those with H2o2. But then, algae is really not cool.

Tomorrow I must clean the cooltube.

Plants and pics:

1.jpg - the coco girls. The center plant, an afghan kush, was planted 6 days after the rest, as well as the two small soil plants behind it, Vega being Hailey's Comet, and to the right of it is Pashtun, an Afghan Kush. I must say, the lights are wrongdoing them in these pics. They are green and fresh and hardy, very healthy.

2.jpg - Rivka, the plant beneath the thermometer is a new plant I got from a friend this week. It was planted a few days before mine, and it smell really great. So, it was a bit wilty when I got it, I gave it my mix and now it's leaves are curling a bit upward. They still look dark green. I'm not sure if I'm good on this. I should probably transplant it tomorrow. The thing is, I can't see roots from below! But it's so big... what am I missing here? should I transplant?

-Lea, the farthest plant in the small pot is also new. He's been fimmed, and is very big. When I got it it showed signs of what I believed to be a mag deficiency (severly curling upwards and yellowing bottom leaves?) and possibly nitrogen deficiency as well. After getting my mix it seems to be recovering and the leaves are slowly lowering. It's still yellowing bottom leaves however, this I must counter. Perhaps my nutes aren't enough for him, and perhaps it also needs a transplant now. also doesn't show roots from below.

-the plant with the thermometer is an experimental plant. She (showed hairs) is much smaller than her siblings in the second pot. I just started to LST her, haven't fimmed because I'm not sure if she's flowering or not (I've had autos from this guy before, though he denies it)

3.jpg - afghan kush in soil. not the healthiest of leaves (but still healthy), and has trouble standing up. not much i can do about it though except giving some root juice and bioheaven today.

4.jpg - another shot of Rivka, the new plant. It's leaves are rather different than all my other indicas.

5.jpg - this is my big ass experimental pot! These are two plants in the same pot. Interestingly, each of them is bigger than the other experimental plant that is the same age and stands alone in her pot! They have hardly gotten any nutes since the start, I just now started feeding bio grow to them, as well as root juice and bioheaven. The oscillating fan fell on one of them, a while back ago, and actually supercropped them very nicely, as you can somehow maybe see in the pic, it's quite a nice canopy, perhaps twice in width than in height. I am most pleased.

That's it for now. Stay tuned and comment all you like. I'd love to hear thoughts and opinions and love.

P.S - I'm not sure, but I might be leaving this website soon. Message me if you like and I will keep you posted with a new address.



Well-Known Member
all is going well in my garden! They are growing incredibly fast, I am very pleased.
They did not like the first feeding I gave them with the drips, and they started drooping. I changed the solution and watered them again, they responded well. The blame seems to be in the organic nutes I gave them (biobizz heaven and root juice). I don't know why it made them wilt a bit, but I was alarmed and now I'm cool. Currently feeding 100ml every 6 hours, @1300EC of HESI coco, 3 drops/15L of Supervit and 45ml/15L of h2o2.

All plants look very healthy, I still have some minor problems.

some plants are pointing a bit too much upward to my taste:


and one or two are still a little droopy:

but really, other than that, they are so green and cool and big. I'm having a wonderful time growing them. tfu tfu tfu, touch wood.


yesterday I took a clone of one of the experimental plants, and put in a very small DWC I made. I only put 150EC of COCO nutes, and some root juice. I took a very small branch, too small I think not in length but in girth of the stalk, but it's only an experiment. It's only been about 24 hours or so, but it's actually already up. I constantly spray it with water and root juice. The pain about the small DWC is it's very unstable on the pH.


Well-Known Member
100ml 4 times a day sounds like a LOT to me.
I water my coco-perlite pots every 3-4 days with around 1L of solution, containing 40cm high plants in a hot tent.

Whats the H2O2 for?


Well-Known Member
100ml 4 times a day sounds like a LOT to me.
I water my coco-perlite pots every 3-4 days with around 1L of solution, containing 40cm high plants in a hot tent.

Whats the H2O2 for?
thanks for the heads up. I'll run it down. I've been having problems since I started the drips, I listened to a friend, self-proclaimed expert. He said it should encourage root growth. But I've read. They say that you can treat it like soil, watering when it's dry and keeping a higher pH; or you can go hydro and water constantly (like i did) with a lower pH. They say that the plant cannot be over-watered at any rate. The H2o2 is also to reassure this (giving more oxygen). Since I treat coco as a hydroponic medium (being soiless) I thought a hydro setup would be better, but perhaps I can have better results with the soil-like arrangement? and if I do, what pH should I go for? Having no digital meter sucks. I have to go by color. So I was watering my coco plants always with the color of copper, which I assessed should be around 5.8. But I may have been wrong about this, and perhaps the symptoms I am seeing now (that seem to indicate some deficiency which may have been caused by low pH lockout) are because of this. Resembles a magnesium deficiency from what I've seen, only the brighter spots start from the "heart" of the leaf rather than its edges. I will get pictures maybe. Also the edges curl upward and the new leaves have a bit of twist on them. I'm not sure what this is but I feel it may be due to pH too low. Then again, earlier this week I was watering with water with the blue pH color - that's around 8 I believe! So no wonder they are showing lockout symptoms, considering that they are getting high ppm levels of balanced nutes.

Also I have had algae growing - so I used h2o2 to stop it. This also indicates that I should start letting my medium dry. So that's what I'm gonna do.

So right now I am watering them with yellow with a greenish taint, this should be around 6-6.4 I hope, give me some clearance from the 5.7 magnesium lockout. Also reduced the nutes a bit in the solution to EC 1.0, not sure about this but I'm gonna try. Once soaked with it, I will let them dry for a few days. See how things improve there.


Well-Known Member
So first, get a digital pH meter. Will make your life much easier.
The marom golan coco-perlite mix isn't aerated enough to be treated like straight perlite or hydrotron - you should treat it like well aerated soil. With coco coir (the coco brick) you should water as if you'r with hydrotron.

While its harder to drown your plants to death there's no use in giving them too much water. You should give them a dose until theres a litttle bit (a few drops) of runoff.
Anyhow, if the medium is always very wet root wouldn't develop too well and algae and root-rot will accure.
I don't usually care much for algae - it doesn't do much. I usually indicated that light reaches the place rather than that its flooded with water.

The pH I use for coco is 5.8-6.4. Works for me.

The difference between 1 and 1.2 mS doesn't mean much to the plants.

Don't overthink stuff. Water daily until there's a little runoff (if you'r with drippers), pH to around 6, use a EC of around 1.2.
I ran a run with pretty much only 5ml\L Hesi Coco and PK, pHed to 6 and got 0.86 grams per watt. Haven't even checked the EC.