2011 First Ever Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
New pics of the RD and DV taken this morning. The RD is growing a bit too tall for my liking, might do something about it.. idk what though.

Red Dragon top

The Red Dragon is closer in this pic, DV behind.

Opposite angle of last, DV in front RD in back.


Well-Known Member
The plants are just about halfway through their lifetime, right? They're about two months old and I'm getting pretty worried on the height already. Do they grow faster during flowering than vegging? The Red Dragon is getting to be about a foot taller than the Dolce Vita, so only the RD is of concern right now. I don't really know what else to do, so I'm gonna start bending the branches a few times a day to help control height. Anyone have any more experienced ideas :roll:?


Well-Known Member
How much have you been watering them? Do the pots feel completely light and dry before you water again?
I water them until I get a bit of runoff out of the bottom. I stick my finger a few inches into the soil to check moisture. Usually I water them once every 2-3 days, depending on temperature and size of container.


Well-Known Member
You know, for a first time I think you are doing great. I dont know if I'm seeing this correctly but I think I see a discoloring, maybe a yellowish tent to your plants. Correct me if I'm wrong, it may be your camera but you might need to start adding a bit more phosphorus to your nute program and water just a tad bit less. What that added phosphorus is going to do, is slow the height from growing, and add more leafs and force the plant to start flowering earlier.( :


Well-Known Member
Thanks turtle! They are slightly yellow, so I'll feed them again pretty soon. Thanks for the tip, I think I have been overwatering a little, so I'm gonna cut back on it.


Well-Known Member
Yea this is my first go around to on my own. I over fred my banana and blue dream a little bit with the general hydroponic duo system. I did a general feeding but dident watch it close enough. What is weird is my smaller plants got the same dosage and no burn. Yet the bigger blue dream and banana got burned a little bit. : (


Well-Known Member
You will be fine.. Just back off the nutes on the burnt ones a bit. I was able to pull 7 oz off plants that went out in the beginning of July last season. :)
Wow really? How big was it when it started flowering? Im just curious because i was wondering what i could expect to pull off a small plant i started a little before july.


Well-Known Member
Nice i am going to have to get some lines of string and hangers or clips to hang on to the buds for drying. Whats the easiest way? Those wodden clips or chip bag clips? lol

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
my what big leaves you have brandon.lol..looking peachy! what a beautiful tree with big huge budds you are going to have!
i tossed my males out of my tent and into the back woods.. those bastards are loving it , even being smoothered in rotten stinky decomposing grass.. have a nice weekend!


Well-Known Member
They were small clones when they went out. :)
7oz total off 5 plants. :) It can be done with a late start. Keep in mind I didn't know what the hell I was doing so I say go for it!

Here is a link to the grow in case you wanted to read up on it.


Loving this, as I have added two new clones to my lineup: Island Sweet Skunk and Chernobyl. They are both planted in 2 gal fabric pots with FFOF. I'm really looking forward to seeing how much they grow in the next few months now :grin:

my what big leaves you have brandon.lol..looking peachy! what a beautiful tree with big huge budds you are going to have!
i tossed my males out of my tent and into the back woods.. those bastards are loving it , even being smoothered in rotten stinky decomposing grass.. have a nice weekend!
Thanks Doc, hope you have a good one too. I'm really happy with how my grow overall is going. I don't think a lot of people realized not even half my plants survived haha, right away I killed all 8 autoflowering seeds I germinated. On top of this, I think I'm watching the slow death of the Purple Haze pictured in the past pages... :(


Well-Known Member
nice plants i am in the middle of my first outdoor aswell . they are about the same height as yours maybe a bit smaller. but was hoping youd know around when theyre suposede to to flowering im worrying mine(im from BC) arent gunna start soon enough lol. yours is lookin sweet though. definatly a beauty


Well-Known Member
nice plants i am in the middle of my first outdoor aswell . they are about the same height as yours maybe a bit smaller. but was hoping youd know around when theyre suposede to to flowering im worrying mine(im from BC) arent gunna start soon enough lol. yours is lookin sweet though. definatly a beauty
I was kinda hoping someone else who could give a better answer would answer, but I'll try to answer I guess lol. I would assume pretty close to when we start flowering you do too, which to my understanding is in the first few weeks of august here in cali. Thanks for the compliments, I hope someone provides a better answer for you :D