2011 First Ever Outdoor Grow

Hey everyone, the plants are doing very well! they've gotten a lot bigger in the past week and I really hope they continue the trend they have so far (it seems like they're growing faster and faster). Two of the Red Dragon branches still haven't healed the way the others have. The others just swelled at the place where the supercrop was done and the branch perked back up a lot. I think I didn't do it hard enough on those two and too hard on the others :(. Yesterday when I went out and saw them after work, all of the leaves on one of the RD branches were drooping. I think this means not enough water was getting to that branch, right? As you can see in my pics, I tried to make two splints for the branches that couldn't support themselves. I only taped at the two ends, so the wound could heal while breathing, but I think it fucked me over and dried out the wound... What do you guys think I should do. The good news is I mist my plants every night and this morning when I took the pics below (except 1) the branch was looking good perked back up.

Your plants are looking great Doc, can't wait for the next update! Your posts always help a lot Doc, hard to believe this is only your second grow! I only have that flowering tea I've mentioned, I never got any veg nutes. I was kinda under the impression all of the nutes I would need for veg are in the soil mix I made, I really hope that's not wrong. I've been feeding the flowering tea every week right now, but as flowering progresses I guess I'll increase how often I give it (and higher dosages?). I don't really know if I have a feed chart lol, is that just on the back of the bottle? Speaking of discoloration, it has been a constant problem so far. Every so often, it seems on each plant one of the older fan leaves slowly yellows and dies. Does this mean I have a nitrogen deficiency?

Enough of my rambling, here's some pic updates of the DV and RD. Sorry guys, this is probably gonna make a long post.

First is side view of RD, it gets a lot more direct sunlight than the DV, so it's a lot more full and bushy.

This is a side view of the DV. This is the worse side of it, because this side doesn't get any side light, just above so it's a hella bad pic. It's a lot lankier than the RD, but I hope it'll fill in nicely. If I have to, I can tie branches of the tree in front of it in different places so it gets more light on the side.

Here's a closer up pic of the top of the DV. It's growing upward quickly with these two tops, so that'll give it some more direct sunlight and hopefully create a canopy like the RD did :D.

This pic is of the RD's two tops. The one on the right is one the one that was wilted yesterday during the heat of the day. You can see how much smaller and weaker that branch is than the other one. Sadly, I didn't notice until now that there is a leaf covering the knot the supercrop made on the top haha :(.

Here's a closeup of the top of the RD that was supercropped and isn't doing too well. This is the one that wilted the other day. You can see the splint I made and how I tried to allow the wound to breath, although I think
backfired on me lol. How do you think it looks?

Here's the side branch of the RD that also didn't react well to the supercropping, although better than the other branch.

And here's an example of the yellowing leaves I get, this one is on the RD. I can tell the leaf opposite it is going to start yellowing pretty soon too, they get kinda dry and dusty looking almost before they go.

Thanks for reading guys, can't wait for these two to flower!
they are all looking great Brandon. I have a Green Ribbon that has long arms like in your second pic down. I tied the long ones down and out and then I started getting all kinds of new growth on those branches. It opened them up a lot more to the sun. I am a newbie so don't take it for fact, it is just what worked for me.
:weed: Hi Brandon!
Thats was a wonderful update. Thank you for posting all those supercropping pictures. I admire the time and care you take with your plants.:joint:
Dont worry about that bottom yellow leaf. That is totally natural over time and more and more will turn yellow as your plant flowers.
I dont know too much about growing outdoors and using the all organic tea that you are using but it seems to be working very well because your girls look terrific!!
The feeding chart i mentioned comes with most synthetic nutes. I am using Flora Nova Grow and Bloom. the chart tells you how much to add during which weeks.
Most vegging deficiencies i see are Nitrogen or Calcium Magniusum. So if many of your leaves start yellowing higher and higher give a boost of Nitrogen. If your leaves are yellowing with some brown spots give them a calcium magnisium boost.
I use a lot of different nutes.. earth juice, hygrozyme, humosol, bloombstic, root excelorator to name a few.. I will feed nutes one time then the next time they need fed , i give straight water (ph checked of course)
Do you check your ph..? that could be a leaf issue as welll..
The only plant i have ever grown outside is one of my males that i booted out of my tent a month ago. I sloppily tossed him down into the woods. I check on him once a week. NO food or anything and the bastard is still alive!!!! hahaha..im waiting for the slugs to eat him..lol so growing outside might be easier then inside for the girls..
Your supercropping looks good, i would take the tape off asap, if they dont flop down
your doing really great brandon.! your going to have some massive buds. :joint::joint::joint:
i posted a picture of my super lemon haze in my last update ..shes doing really well.. thanks for stopping by... take care, amber :weed:
So the one top branch that's looking bad still is looking bad.. it's always wilted during the sunny part of the day. During the nights when the sun goes down though the leaves perk back after a misting and stay that way until the next afternoon. I think the break in the branch isn't allowing enough water to go through to the top during the heat of the day, so I taped it up with fiber tape and I'm going to keep the tape wet to help it stay moist. Thoughts on this? The other branch that wasn't looking so well is healing up quite nicely. However, the two branches that didn't take well to the supercropping are sooo much smaller than the other two, kinda fucked up my canopy lol :(. Here's a pic of the of the break before I taped it, and then the branch that's wilted right after I taped it (note the wilted branch). Input would be greatly appreciated :D


HI Brandon. I think they need more water dude! thats why they are wilting. From what i see from that picture of the break it is healing up and i would get the tape and sticks off... thats the best advice i can give dude.. good luck .. i think they look really fine. How much and how often are you watering?
Depending on how hot it is, every day or every other day. They have a drip system on them though so they get water every night. However, they don't get much water from the drip system, so I water them about a gallon each whenever I do water. None of the other branches wilt, and the soil is still really moist from watering last night.
hI B!
IVE have never grown outside , it must be very difficult to understand how much water they need out there.
Can you give them some EArth Juice MICROblast. Thas stuff has like EVERYTHING your plant might desire..:peace::peace::peace: if getting substantial water, i dont understand why the leaves are wilting.. except from heat, which outdoors they shouldnt. hmmmmm:joint:

anyway suck on this it will make you feel better...lmao

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Plant looks bootiful. Similar to my outdoor grow but I'd say you're 1-2 weeks ahead. I never really understood supercropping until I looked at your pics, didnt realize you had to actually break through the surface of the stem.. Aside from the questionable recovery, are there noticeable results on the branches below the supercrop?? :eyesmoke:
hI B!
IVE have never grown outside , it must be very difficult to understand how much water they need out there.
Can you give them some EArth Juice MICROblast. Thas stuff has like EVERYTHING your plant might desire..:peace::peace::peace: if getting substantial water, i dont understand why the leaves are wilting.. except from heat, which outdoors they shouldnt. hmmmmm:joint:

anyway suck on this it will make you feel better...lmao

Thanks for the suggestion Amber, I'll be sure to get some of that next time I'm in the hydro store! I like the crazy pattern of the background you used :D

Plant looks bootiful. Similar to my outdoor grow but I'd say you're 1-2 weeks ahead. I never really understood supercropping until I looked at your pics, didnt realize you had to actually break through the surface of the stem.. Aside from the questionable recovery, are there noticeable results on the branches below the supercrop?? :eyesmoke:

Thanks for the kind words harry. Yes, I did notice that in the coming week after the supercropping was done, all of the branches I didn't supercrop had a spurt of growth and came to the top canopy level or branched outwards more to get more sun. It made the plant a lot bushier while creating a wider, more even canopy (atleast it would create an even canopy but I fucked up two branches lol). Thanks for stopping by, I love seeing new people check it out XD
nice one brandon at fist when you supercropped your girls i was like ''ahh man poor guy hes fucked'' but i have forgotten once again weed shows some miracles like it does wen you get 'high' or just simply its life cycle weed is amagical thing well thats wat i think any1 else supports my ummm idea?
I'm horribly stupid... This whole time I thought the purp haze was a regular seed, when actually it is feminized (as it says on the first post that I copied from my email). I saw pistils confirming this, and transplanted the purple haze into a larger 20 gal pot. I know I probably over did it but I'm going to recycle my soil so what the hell lol. In other news I supercropped the RD branches that were growing taller and blocking the back canopy from later afternoon light. Hopefully these heal up quickly but great am even canopy :D.

Plant is looking great Russian, that's a big container. I can't wait for my plant to start flowering, I feel like I should add supports so maybe they'll bulk up extra from less energy spent on big stems. Thoughts?
idk man im using burnt compost dirt and foxfarm super bloom or i forgot the name and advanced nutrients lol im so stoned right now wooooow but mt plant is bagseed and the plant doesnt smell at all 2nd week of flowering
Here's an update on the RD's supercrops with pics. It's looking good, I see a lot of new growth popping up through the canopy. Here's some pics of it. Is it in it's stretch right now? It's growing like hell...

Side view

Pics of the canopy and new super crops.

