2011 First Ever Outdoor Grow

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:-PHi Brandon! I hope your doing well and have some nice herb to smoke. When i thought i had a bug problem i bought these 2 items. I really never needed to use them on my herb BUT i did use them on my office plants. Along with sand.
The Azamax worked very very well. I would recommend using it as a soil drench to kill the spider mites. It did not stress my plants in any way what so ever. The neem i think you already have works well as a foliar spray. I hope you kill every last one of those fukin spider mites. I used the sand as a layer on top of the soil.. I do NOT recommend this personally. It didnt trap the bugs for very long and is really messy mixing in with the soil. but other find it helpful. take it easy all your hard work will pay off brando! :leaf:

pineapple punch kushberry harvest 8 17 11 005.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, the spider mites are still here and causing damage. Gonna go buy that Azatrol tomorrow when I have the day off. When I was out taking these pics there was a big brown moth looking thing on a leaf. Before I could take a pic of it it flew away, but now I'm scared. Anyways, see if you can notice something... different.. about these pictures. :D Thanks for checking in guys hope you're all doing well. :blsmoke:

Pics of the Red Dragon.

And now for the Dolce Vita.



Well-Known Member
This is the first update I've ever done that wasn't pictured using a phone. :mrgreen: Haha! I'm loving the new avatar pic, I didn't even realize what it was made out of at first!

P.S. Was kinda thinking about hitting some smaller branches of each plant with homemade collodial silver? Any thoughts on it? Or is this kind of out of my league and I should just let them hang out?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
what in the world is collodial silver ? thanks about the avatar i just finished harvesting all my girls and thats one of the lemon skunks. Im celebrating right now. 77 days total and im fuckin stoked brando!!!
I love the way the sunlight hits your plants and they reach for the sun in a vertical pull. fuckin amazing shit kiddo~!


Well-Known Member
Good luck Brandon. Let us know how they turn out. *a youngster will teach a middle age something* hahahaha I love to learn.


Well-Known Member
A fem seed has a greater potential to hermie on you. Be carefull what you wish for. Have you tried ladybugs on your plants? Couple thousand and that should keep the mite problem under control, if not then the spray rig comes out.


Well-Known Member
Plants are looking great!

Are they on the tea? :)
Yep! Just fed them yesterday. I'm pretty confused about how often to feed, because you said once every two weeks but some people say 2/3 waterings feed and every third straight water. There's a lot of different things thrown around, but right now I've been feeding them every 5 days or so, probably one in every four waterings? Should I increase this as they bud more?

A fem seed has a greater potential to hermie on you. Be carefull what you wish for. Have you tried ladybugs on your plants? Couple thousand and that should keep the mite problem under control, if not then the spray rig comes out.
Thanks for the insight Hodge. Don't think I'm going to be spraying colloidal silver on them this year, but it's definitely a strong option next year. I didn't try lady bugs, but I will buy some tomorrow from Home Depot after work, it's better to let them out later in the day anyways, right? Today I went to the hydro store and bought some Azamax today, the worker there said it was pretty much the same thing as Azatrol. I looked it up when I got home and it has the same percent (1.2%) of Azadirachtin that is contained in Azatrol. I kinda get the name now haha (Aza)! I mixed it up and misted the plants thoroughly tonight. I'm really crossing my fingers that the mites go away and I get only a few bud worms :mrgreen:. It's OMRI certified so my parents are really happy, they were contesting me to put anything on it besides water haha! Not to mention they kinda flipped when they heard I paid $25 for 4oz :o. Anyways, I really hope it works!



Active Member
Dude, to be honest I've been feeding twice strength two times and flushing the third. You're safe to keep feeding. I would feed the soil pretty heavy these next few weeks and then flush from there on out.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
How are things going Brandon? yeah, thats the stufff i told you to get boy! there is some really good information going down in mellokittys journal about budworms.later doc


Well-Known Member
Things are going well, just busier now that school started. I thought the spider mites were kind of on their way down so I have been slacking a bit on the mistings. But this morning when I went to check em out I found another leaf that the mites had pulled two blades over the center blade and made a little fort where they were all laying nest and shit I assume. Anyways, I didn't take a pic cuz my phone wasn't on me, but I picked off the leaf and threw it away. I've been looking pretty closely for some worms, haven't found any yet though. The dolce vita looks a few weeks ahead of the red dragon, I'll take some "jailbait porn" according to Mello of the DV later :D. Thanks for checking in everyone, still got a ways to go but the end is in sight... :hump: