2011 KK QT CQ JH, Northern NE

I've been reading up and I think the leaf problems could be due to overwatering.The QT is in a 10 gal grow bag which i figured would dry out faster than those in the ground, but it really holds the moisture. after 2-3 days of 80 degree weather and direct sun, it seemed to hold more moisture than those in the ground. The topsoil wasn't soaked or anything, but it wasn't completely dried out either. I haven't watered or seen them since wed., so i hope it has come out of whatever the problem is. I was supposed to feed them on friday, but i held off thinking i'd let them dry out and get some oxygen to those roots and let them search for some water. Its been raining last night and today, so that will push the next feeding back a bit more, but thats alright.
Some shots of My Northern Light Blue's from last season.(1st Grow) Also a pic of some Organic Himalayan Gold and OG #18 indoor, Lst'd and supercropped. Theres also some spiritual punks from samsara in pics 2,6 +7 (The larger lady)
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Man, last years grow was amazing! What was the yield last year?
i believe i got 6-8 ounces off of the 4 NL blues and around 3-4 off the samsara spiritual punks. Since i got them in late a couple of the NL blues just started to have thier pistils die back when i had to take them down cause of the mold that was starting to get to them. And the samsara's started flowering really late, like mid- late august so i didnt get half as much as i should have. if they could've finished im sure it would have been more like a couple lbs!
made it out there today and gave them a feeding(although i forgot my bottlecap for measuring purposes, so it wasn't the most accurate measurments) but they were asking for it a little bit. they definitely greened up alot from the hot and sunny weather we've been having, plus a few showers here and there. This visit i noticed that the stalks had fattened up on all the plants a lot more than they had previous visits. The kandy kush branch healed right up! i kept it propped up still just to be careful and give it some extra healing time. Everything had put on around 8+ inches of new growth from the last time i had been out there on 7/5. The qrazy train was showing some nice large preflowers, and it had come out of the leaf thing it was doing before, which i'm pretty sure was a bit of over watering.The cheesequake is a male, but it hasn't really shown too much besides the first little ball is showing at the node. I'm not feeding that one anymore, and it'll probably be transplanted some point this week somewhere else, and then i'll pop a clone in his spot. I should have a couple of clones of LSD or white widow to put in the ground this week, i figured i could still get something off them and my buddy wasn't really planning on putting them in. woulda had some pics, but the phone died right when i got out there, go figure. I'll get a few in the next few days.
Glad to hear that stem healed up, plants have an amazing way of taking care of themselves quite nicely sometimes. You thinking of doing any breeding from the cheesequake? Maybe take a small clone from an established white widow, and create some white cheese? LSD quake? haha who knows just a thought. Do you haul in water or use stream? Do you just bring those kitty litter containers or do you have other methods. Really like the work so far good job. Bring on those pics im pumped to see the preflowers
Glad to hear that stem healed up, plants have an amazing way of taking care of themselves quite nicely sometimes. You thinking of doing any breeding from the cheesequake? Maybe take a small clone from an established white widow, and create some white cheese? LSD quake? haha who knows just a thought. Do you haul in water or use stream? Do you just bring those kitty litter containers or do you have other methods. Really like the work so far good job. Bring on those pics im pumped to see the preflowers
HAHA both those names sounds sweet, but yeah i definitely plan on doing some breeding. I got these sick little glass viles from a lab that are perfect for storing pollen in. I'll probably pollinate a couple lower bud on my qrazy train, and probably some LSD as well. I love the high on the LSD and the sweet lemony lime taste, but its sometimes too potent for a wake and bake before work, so i think that if i could mix the more mellow buzz of the cheesequake, it could be a nice cross. Lately i've been getting my water from a dugout spring with a 50 gallon or so plastic barrel on top of it with the bottom and top cut out, so it fills constantly and just overflows out the top, its a longer walk in with the jugs but the creek has been pretty low, so its a bitch filling them up there. Those kitty litter jugs have been my only means of transporting water so far, but they work perfect. hold 2.5 gallons a piece, but they aren't so heavy that i have to stop and put them down at any point. if i need more water i'll just make another trip for more, but with only a few plants, they can all get a decent drink in one trip. I'll try to get a pic of those preflowers next time i'm out, but the camera on my phone has this stupid auto focus and it makes it hard to get a nice close up of those.
dude your the fucking man, you actually made a sorta homemade well for irrigation purposes kudos good sir! For hauling purposes i use an old 5 gallon plastic container that frying oil came in, fits perfectly inside a backpack, its nice being able to carry most of the weight on your back. One thing i will say about possibly breeding a lower branch of a plant is this. I read awhile back, so this is definately not confirmed by any means, that even if you pollinate a lower branch the rest of the plant itself wont be nearly as potent. Just because as soon as any branch receives pollen, the plants natural instinct to survive and reproduce will cause the plant to put the majority of energy into ripening even that one branches worth of seeds. Just a thought. What a friend of mine did a few seasons back was moved his mile about a mile away from his plot, and then put a fem out there for strictly breeding purposes. Just so that his monsters could really reach full potential. He was a downeast grower as well and has had his shit on lockdown for awhile now.
dude your the fucking man, you actually made a sorta homemade well for irrigation purposes kudos good sir! For hauling purposes i use an old 5 gallon plastic container that frying oil came in, fits perfectly inside a backpack, its nice being able to carry most of the weight on your back. One thing i will say about possibly breeding a lower branch of a plant is this. I read awhile back, so this is definately not confirmed by any means, that even if you pollinate a lower branch the rest of the plant itself wont be nearly as potent. Just because as soon as any branch receives pollen, the plants natural instinct to survive and reproduce will cause the plant to put the majority of energy into ripening even that one branches worth of seeds. Just a thought. What a friend of mine did a few seasons back was moved his mile about a mile away from his plot, and then put a fem out there for strictly breeding purposes. Just so that his monsters could really reach full potential. He was a downeast grower as well and has had his shit on lockdown for awhile now.
THanks man, it was actually my friend that came up with the idea, cause the old spring right next to it had a old whiskey barrel dug into it like the current one, but the spring moved a couple feet away (or a new one formed, i'm not really sure how that all works) so we dug it down and my friend was like half in the hole in the begging of spring in the freezing water lifting out boulders. It was a bitch to do, but it pumps water out like a fire hose ( the best tasting water i've had hands down). I've heard that about a plant putting the energy towards seed production rather than trichome production after being pollinated. I might just save the pollen for an indoor breeding experiment though just to be safe. nothin like pure sensi.
well i just just smoked a bowl of blue hash and got lost in guitar jam for about an hour haha. i think i'm ready to post now. anyway, i went out this mornin at around 10:30( first time i had seen them before 3pm) and the kandy kush and the jack herer were still being shaded by a large spruce tree :sad:. so they aren't gettin as much sun as i thought, but by 11:30 i'm sure they all get sun. so they are really only gettin around 6-7 hours of good direct sunlight. I might do some climbin soon and prune that tree up a bit as well to give a little more morning sun. next year i'm going to make more plots futher out into the other side of the clearing so i'll be getting sun in the am at around 8 or 9. When i got out there i was checking things out and i hear some branches snapping from a large animal around 20 feet away, then it stops and i hear panting (like a dog panting). i start making nosies and grunting and shit to see if i could get it to either come out of the brush or scare it away, but no nosie or response, so i start throwing sticks and branches into the brush over in the direction to scare it off, and i never heard a thing or saw what it was. I don't think it coulda been a dog cause i am pretty secluded and i think i woulda heard the collar or it would've come checked me out. Think it might have been a bear cause they have been around the area alot lately. Kinda sketchy. On the green side of things everything was looking good except for that cheesequake which i'm sure is a male. They were already looking hungry for some more N, especially the Kandy kush (which i guess you gotta expect from many kush varieties) so i'm gonna let them dry out a bit and hopefully give them a feeding on friday. The qrazy train wasn't asking for the food as bad, but that one also has fresh soil with fresh compost, so that could be helping. The QT had preflowers shooting out all over the place, and they all began growing asymmetrically 3-4 nodes ago, so i hope by the end of the month atleast one of them will start flowering. Heres sum pics. 1= QT preflowers if you look hard haha 2=QT, 3=JH, 4+5= KK, 6=JH
nice update, i really like the looks of the jack herer, some of that recently just came through and it got me baked good and proper. You should consider top dressing with some alfalfa and maybe guano after they start flowering. Its nice to know that even if it rains good theres something leaching food into the soil, compared to soluble nutes being largely washed out after a good rain
Alfalfa is around 2.5-3 percent nitrogen, is packed full of other minerals, feeds soil life and produces naturally occuring growth horomones, seriously look it up if you havent already
well i just just smoked a bowl of blue hash and got lost in guitar jam for about an hour haha. i think i'm ready to post now. anyway, i went out this mornin at around 10:30( first time i had seen them before 3pm) and the kandy kush and the jack herer were still being shaded by a large spruce tree :sad:. so they aren't gettin as much sun as i thought, but by 11:30 i'm sure they all get sun. so they are really only gettin around 6-7 hours of good direct sunlight. I might do some climbin soon and prune that tree up a bit as well to give a little more morning sun. next year i'm going to make more plots futher out into the other side of the clearing so i'll be getting sun in the am at around 8 or 9. When i got out there i was checking things out and i hear some branches snapping from a large animal around 20 feet away, then it stops and i hear panting (like a dog panting). i start making nosies and grunting and shit to see if i could get it to either come out of the brush or scare it away, but no nosie or response, so i start throwing sticks and branches into the brush over in the direction to scare it off, and i never heard a thing or saw what it was. I don't think it coulda been a dog cause i am pretty secluded and i think i woulda heard the collar or it would've come checked me out. Think it might have been a bear cause they have been around the area alot lately. Kinda sketchy. On the green side of things everything was looking good except for that cheesequake which i'm sure is a male. They were already looking hungry for some more N, especially the Kandy kush (which i guess you gotta expect from many kush varieties) so i'm gonna let them dry out a bit and hopefully give them a feeding on friday. The qrazy train wasn't asking for the food as bad, but that one also has fresh soil with fresh compost, so that could be helping. The QT had preflowers shooting out all over the place, and they all began growing asymmetrically 3-4 nodes ago, so i hope by the end of the month atleast one of them will start flowering. Heres sum pics. 1= QT preflowers if you look hard haha 2=QT, 3=JH, 4+5= KK, 6=JH
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Holy crap! That's one thing I don't have to worry about thank god! The risks we take to grow a little weed... Chronic is right that Jack looks happy. I was
going to apply bone meal in a week or 2 for flowering but I wonder if alfalfa would be better?
i definitely agree guys, i was thingking aboout doing a little top dressing with some bat guano, but that alfalfa sounds great to top dress with as well.(i'll probably buy some next trip to The Urban Garden) I would've amended my soil more with those things plus some earthworm castings,kelp, dolomite lime, and epsom salt, but i didn't have the money to shell out at the time. I was thinking bone meal or blood meal as well, but i've heard that attracts animals. After learning more about veganics from Matt Rize (shout out) I've been more reluctant about puchasing many animal derived products such as bone and blood meal.
I usually use MG but I wanted to use less N, I have also heard that you can put hardwood ashes in the pot's and
it helps...
You need hi phosphorous in bloom not nitrogen, but some nitrogen is still required. If your outdoors skip bone or blood meal, like farmer said it can attract animals. Guano would be your best best for top dress in flowering
You need hi phosphorous in bloom not nitrogen, but some nitrogen is still required. If your outdoors skip bone or blood meal, like farmer said it can attract animals. Guano would be your best best for top dress in flowering

Believe it or not, in the spot I grow ther are no animal problems. Leaf jumpers are the worst thing. It's in a very populated
area with lot's of cars driving 'round... Sometimes the best spot to grow is right under everyone's nose!

One thing I would like to discuss and I don't know if this is thread worthy but I don't top my plants. Reason being
I think it's more valuable for 75% of the final product to finish at the same time. I have lst'd and trimmed and admit
that you do get more product but it seems that 50% isn't quite finished. In my spot it's more valuable to do less trip's
to the spot rather than topping the plant and coming back in a week or 2 for the rest to finish.

What's the opinion of the masses????
i've read that topping diminishes the flowering hormones in the apical meristem, and it take time for the hormones to build back up, but it will affect the overall yield. From what i've seen though, if you top early around the 4th or 5th node and give it a lot of time after to veg and recuperate, you get more medium size buds rather than having a big cola and smaller popcorn buds in the lower growth. I really like the fim technique and how it really opens the plant up and gives you a larger first shelf of buds, with better density due to extra light exposure. Last year i didn't top any of mine because i thought it would affect yield, but after seeing alot of the growers on here fimming, topping, pinching their plants ect., i had to give it a shot this year. i think it helps the plants look more discrete without that huge cola on top.(although i love having a huge top cola)