Those girls are really doing well. You should be very happy this Fall! It's amazing that Qrazy Train was still alive and
growing after being snapped over. I'm sure it will be fine!
Its hasn't started to flower yet, but its coming along nicely. lately its really taken off and become the most vigorous plant out of my 4. She should be a monster when its all said and doneHow. Did. Ur Jack turn out? I got one right now, 3 weeks in and she is almost 6ft! Indoor
Get ready for the heat muthafucker cuz here it comes
I'm ready for it. definitely gonna go out tomorrow afternoon and do some watering. they've really take off since its gotten hot lately, just soakin in the rays. I just hope my Qrazy train isn't completely dead or wilted to fuck when i go out there tomorrow. I have faith though.
i've never really thought about that, but my spot has had flyovers in the past, and they've actually ripped up some plants years back that were in the vicinity of mine. I''ve thought about doin a camo'd hoop house big enough for them for the fall though. I just want to keep a low profileU. Ever think of putting up some black shade cloth?? Plants perfer diffused light over direct
I dunno man, i've seen some monster plants that were topped and pinched back many times, and they were monsters. look at some of double jj's plants, or hodgegrown or any of the big outdoors cali growers on this site. many of them top, and you can't argue with the results. granted they put alot of money and soil into those monstersNever, I repeat NEVER top ur plants! Wtf, ur cutting off fingers, all it does is make the lowere branches grow more, but u can do this with good light reflection