• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

2011 Veggies


Well-Known Member
I was walking around Home Depot the other day and saw a bunch of cool veggies and fruits I'd like to grow. We cleaned up my mother in laws back yard on Sunday and we were thinking about building a small green house for her mom so their dog will stop tearing up her plants. She used to maintain the back yard until they got a dog and he tore the yard up.

We're thinking about getting her one for mothers day, I should look into the one you have mcpurp, then maybe build a fence around it to keep the dog out


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good plan and gift for the mother in law.
i have to stop collecting veggie plants so cuz i am not gonna have enough room for every thing as is. and my back yard was nice as well till the dogs took over but i have a small part in the back that is off limits to them. i just use cheap 2 1/2 ft tall plastic fencing, they can jump over it but they learn real quick not to after i catch them.

i got mine at fred myers so maybe check theri 1st and then call around and look on line for something similar but maybe cheaper. mine was 120 but was on sale so i got it for 99.99. i think they are still on sale here to.
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I guess I can only claim to be in the "600", but all those number places where you all come from sounds cool as well. lol.

Hey McP, took me a while but I am here and subbed up bru. Unlike some of you lucky peeps I live in the centre of a city so my garden is my roof terrace. It's quite a nice roof terrace, I have placed a greenhouse on it (at much expense - kind of outweighs the growing your own veggies malarky, but hey such is life, I hope to break even by 2099, lol.) Not much on the pic front just now, I took some pics a week or so ago and will throw some more up soon.

So far this year I have:
A blueberry Bush
Romansa Brocolli Napolitano
and some Potatoes (seed still to be bought)
and eventually some tomato (cherry, and some shop bought tomatoes called Tasty Toms - I just dried out some seeds and will give them a go)

Some pics for the crowd:

ok, so I thought I had more pics, still looking. This is from last year:

This year:

More pics to come by the time you lot are out of bed......welterusten.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Here is what is going on now...start of the season.

My wife is growing Stralizia's (Birds of Paradise)

These where the only strawberries that survived last years Spider Mite attack. I binned 4 pots, totally infested.

Our avacado plant...seemingly these can take 10 years to produce any fruit! (my clone box in the background)

Couple of Jade (Money Tree) clones I took end of last year.

And some more Stralizia,s and the mother Jade plant behind...the catus in the corner I have had for about 8 years. You can see the very bottom indentation, that was the height when I got it.

Anybody grown Leeks before? I grew them last year, chopped them at the base and just left them, these grew throughout the winter and have now started to kick off. I didn't realise they just grew back if you left the base in...quite chuffed.

My Male Deep Blue that I am breeding with. Along with some outdoor babes. (didn't think McP would mind since they are in my greenhouse)

And some Pumpkins, the little mutant one kind of grew with it's cotyledon leaves stuck in the dirt. It's first real leaf came through okay so lets see what happens to that. I am trying to regrow some flat leaf parsely there as well and a couple of little outdoor MJ babes as well in the mix.


Some old CD racks I decided to change into seed trays for the basil.

And the start of the Romansa Brocolli Napolitana

Give us a P!

Now I thought this was quite cool. I grew some Basil in this last year and at the end of the year it seeded. I just left it sitting over the winter and brought it in when the freeze started. I have a section outside my front door that has a big skylight window about it and I just left them there. Well all the seeds started to pop and this is the result. I basically didn't do a thing. They do look like they have stretched some (lol) but they ar eback on track now.

I am using a mix of coco that I recycle from my MJ gorws. I have a compost heap in the corner of the terrace (I made that with one of those big cushion box holders, drilled holes into the side of it, and then put a hose through the middle with air holes so that some air can flow into the middle of the box. I add some stuff from the kitchen like egg shells, veg peels and what not. The only issue I do get is that I have to weed my indoor grow out (lol - the odd bit of grass pops up) Gnats are a bit of a pain but not too bad. I also added some worms that I dug up in the grass outside. Was pissing with rain, my neighbours must of thought I was a bit mad, crouching down with a bucket and fork, lol.

I have also recently discovered White Worms in the compost as well. These are classed as being beneficial as they eat compost and release nutrients. They can beomce excessive, and if so, the best way to treat them is by soaking a bit of white bread in milk and leaving that in your compost heap. Just remove the bread the next day as it attracts the worms.

Well I'll keep you all posted and look forward to seeing some nice veggies grown from across the pond.

Peace out, DST


Well-Known Member
Wow!! Nice garden DST! If I ever make my way to Amsterdam (hopefully in 2012) I hope to be able to pay a visit... :D

10 years for a freaken avocado? No wonder they're so damn expensive, I better start one soon if I ever plan to have one in my backyard...lol


Well-Known Member
Hey baja, thanks bru, it's the only reason I think I can handle living in the city. And if you come, bring yer shorts cause we'll be having a few rounds of Muay Thai sparring, lol. Always followed with copious quantities of weed to relax those muscles of course.

Wow!! Nice garden DST! If I ever make my way to Amsterdam (hopefully in 2012) I hope to be able to pay a visit... :D

10 years for a freaken avocado? No wonder they're so damn expensive, I better start one soon if I ever plan to have one in my backyard...lol


Well-Known Member
dam dst thanks for stopping by. your place looks great so far and im sure it will only get better. my strawberries are blooming already here to about the same as far along as yours, i got some with pink flowers to so i think i have 2 breeds. sorry about the mites. my prob outdoors is aphids and slugs, but they should be handled this year.

whats the sand for on some of you plants? i assume knats?
i had 2 jade last year but they died of to much heat and sun by accident but all well. i do have a few corral jade now though. send me a cut of the jade if you can man. J/K
and i dont mind the MJ at all the more plants the better. im really liking your cd planters that is some smart thinking.
your omansa Brocolli Napolitana starts look alot like my radish starts.

i got alot of deformed starts do to them getting cold, but it seems almost all are making a recovery and are now growing like they were topped and growing multiple tops so i guess thats a positive that i got out of the cold weather, although it slowed growth alot and killed a few off.

your garden looks great for being on a terrace


Well-Known Member
Looking sweet DST :-)

Heres my tomatoes and corn... also some water mellon basil dill beans cantaloupe cucumber... some others im forgetting :hump:
Started a little to early eh? haha. They'll prob go out in the beginning of may...


Well-Known Member
dam your tomatoes got big quick, must be all that light they get in the grow room. my tomatoes are still a bit small every thing should take off this week though.


Well-Known Member
Dont forget that co2 ;-) Iv just been flooding the treys with leftover diluted tea. I had to take the beans out, they were latching on to everything and were gunin quick for the scrog lol.


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, it's cool to finally get back to growing some scran for meself and mrs. I think I am going for some lettuce as well and some potatoes.

Re the temps, I was looking at a few of the seed packets and they said to keep the trays around 13-14 celcius for germination. I sowed a whole load of normal cauliflowers and peas a bit too early, the peas ended up going to mush in the soil, and the cauliflowers grew algae on top of the soil = FAIL, lol. Try again.

McP, the sand is indeed for gnats. These stralizias take around 2-3 months to germinate, and you have to keep the soil moist. When they finaly popped up they take a good while to grow, and just seemed to attract the little buggers. The sand sorts that out though. It drains quickly and means the top is effectively dry so gnats tend not to lay eggs.

I tried Peppers last year but boy did they attract aphids. I have some thyme, parsley, and lavender in a grow box and when I was checking the thyme yesterday, it was full of cocoons!!! little fekkers.

Ah well, off to do the rounds. Cathc you all later.



Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, it's cool to finally get back to growing some scran for meself and mrs. I think I am going for some lettuce as well and some potatoes.

Re the temps, I was looking at a few of the seed packets and they said to keep the trays around 13-14 celcius for germination. I sowed a whole load of normal cauliflowers and peas a bit too early, the peas ended up going to mush in the soil, and the cauliflowers grew algae on top of the soil = FAIL, lol. Try again.

McP, the sand is indeed for gnats. These stralizias take around 2-3 months to germinate, and you have to keep the soil moist. When they finaly popped up they take a good while to grow, and just seemed to attract the little buggers. The sand sorts that out though. It drains quickly and means the top is effectively dry so gnats tend not to lay eggs.

I tried Peppers last year but boy did they attract aphids. I have some thyme, parsley, and lavender in a grow box and when I was checking the thyme yesterday, it was full of cocoons!!! little fekkers.

Ah well, off to do the rounds. Cathc you all later.

on the potatoes DST. im sure you know already but you dont needs seeds, you can use any potato you have around the house. that is what im doing, i have one potato with a ft long growth already, it needs planted soon.
and aphids suck, they seemed to love my corn last year and only the corn, took out the whole corn crop after i got about 5 ears. its like theri was a few one day and then the next bam a whole shit ton of them and i had ants farming them so it was hard to kill them. stayed off every thing else though. i plan on getting mantis eggs this year or lady bugs again. ive been looking around my house and have found what looks like a mantis egg sacks all over but then again they look like a mud dobbers nest.
i got some lettuce started indoors that needs to go outside badly but it is just still to fucking cold and wet here.

Just though i would stop by and see whats up. i have been lurking on you page so i decided to post something.
thanks for stopping in mna


Well-Known Member
heres a few pics from 3 days ago after i transplanted some of the plants. most are doing good now. a few died and a few still might be tossed. but all well.

i had my plants indoors last night under my light and this morning when i turned the light on a small tomato plant had bean chopped at the stock like something bit threw it and then just left it. it doesnt appear it fed on it or touched any other plants i just found it odd, the only thing i know that can do that is a slug ( but theri is no slime trail), Caterpillar (still kinda early for them) and a leaf hopper( still early for them as well). so im stumped and hope it doesnt happen again. im going to look in the room to see if i find any bugs.

also my hen and chick plants i planted a few months back are not fully rooted and producing babies


Well-Known Member
hey mc, I had the same thing happen to some of my beans and they were inside... Looked like something took a clean bite and just left the top lying on the floor. Since Iv set them on a table Iv not had this happen again. Maybe 4 months back someone posted the same thing in the 600, like 18 of their seedlings all had the tops sliced off! gut wrenching! I has a small mice problem during the winter so thats the only rodent I can think of the got to my yins... but upon inspection of the "crime scene" ,lol, I didn't see any mouse poop and I know those little critters poop EVERYWHERE they go!... strange.


Well-Known Member
maybe its the plant snatcher. just to be safe of the thing i think it might be i am going to place a small cup of beer in the grow room.

i have been using beer outside for slugs and it is working great, but i have noticed it gets more then just slugs, ive noticed it gets flies,ants,pincher bugs, rollie polies ( dont know if they are a good bug or not) and gnats. and a few others but i dont know what they are.


Well-Known Member

heres a few pics from 3 days ago after i transplanted some of the plants. most are doing good now. a few died and a few still might be tossed. but all well.

i had my plants indoors last night under my light and this morning when i turned the light on a small tomato plant had bean chopped at the stock like something bit threw it and then just left it. it doesnt appear it fed on it or touched any other plants i just found it odd, the only thing i know that can do that is a slug ( but theri is no slime trail), Caterpillar (still kinda early for them) and a leaf hopper( still early for them as well). so im stumped and hope it doesnt happen again. im going to look in the room to see if i find any bugs.

also my hen and chick plants i planted a few months back are not fully rooted and producing babies
Cool strawberry flowers. Nice set up McP. Don't be surprised if it's a caterpillar. I have already been killing them in my thyme! Little munchers.


Well-Known Member
hey mcp, I was watching some gardening thing the other day and they said you HAD to use specific seed potatoes?? i thought, that sounds weird. If I leave my new potatoes in the dark long enough I get roots on them???