Well-Known Member
how would i put horse shit to good use? I have it readily available.
ni i just use a air pump into a air stone to bubble the water, dont have a water circulater, so no water fall happening. i have on in my fish tank that would work but they need it more then me i think.
"Are you using the water pump to aerate the tea by means of waterfall? I think water falls work fairly well to aerate solution..." baked, it just sounds funny, but would help aeration.
I dont dilute the tea for my older plants but you probably made a much stronger batch then I did. Im just toasted and speaking my mind![]()
You two are
the mad ones.
Hey Iv come across a few good ones, I'' try to find em' again.
if it is aged, i would just toss it into my soil and mix it real good. it seems to me it is much easier to alow just the soil feed the plants rather then feed them every time you water, and having to make some sort of tea or dig it in to the top 2 inches of soil with out disturbing would i put horse shit to good use? I have it readily available.
i just looked at mine and a few neighbors and ours are a few days behind yours in the budding stage and they all have the same thing. they are not mights, but like you said above a rose trichome. i rub my finger on mine and it felt like soft thorn almost. i dont think it is anything to worry about. the webs did throw me off though.
im not to sure on the aged thing, i have always been told to use aged manure and by aged all that is meant is that is it is about a year old or composted. if you go into a cow field in summer and find those dried up cow patties and i mean crunchy dry, those are considered if it isnt aged dont use it??? and how long should it age for?
mine will get theri soon, our growing season is just about to beginnice i cant wait to get me some tomatoes. my plants are 3+feet tall already. best of luck
thanks DS. why do you say mine are going to like the next few months more then yours? your garden looks great to meDamn, looks good. I think your garden is going to like the upcoming months more than mine!