Hey Mcp and the Veg posse. Here's a few piucs from the greenhouse.
Well I won't be starting a Jam factory very soon, but fek me these little beauties were SOOO Tasty!!
I took your advise guys and just planted some potatoes that had a few roots on them in my veg box. So I guess once the leaves are above ground I cover them with more dirt, and just repeat that process? Anyones advise appreciated....
These are the shop bought tomatoes that I really liked so dried out some seeds from them and planted. Looking good to go...
Pumpkin Flower
And another
This weird thing is growing on my leeks...I am guessing seeds
Komkommer's coming along (cucumber)
Seriously need to get these Napolitano Broccoli repotted...
Pumpkin patch with some Cauliflowers at the bottom left
Peas growing bloody everywhich way but loose..
Happy veggin people,