some flowers for your enjoyment....
black calla lily
grandiflora rose "love":
flowers are always welcome, and i used to eat rose petals when i was a kid, they didn't taste to bad with butter, i dont know if they are good for you or not but my sister said it was and they didnt taste to bad. i dont eat them any more though.
all right well i found the video on my cpu today, i guess i did upload it right just lost it. now this video is like a week or 2 old now and every thing has really grown much more its crazy, i will try to get a new video soon.
today i got 2 taxi or cherry tomato plants from work, they werent labeled right and were gonna get tossed so i took a few, i also got a small egg plant start to plant, just planted a few cantaloupe today as well. each zuchini and squash already has 4-5 fruits on them, i think i might pull them in a month or so and replant something new. i got a pic of my dollar princess plant, the flower is so cool looking and as of today it is my favorite flower, followed by the hoya.
i also planted a few potatoes in a 7 gallon pot and they already got leafs and they are growing quick, this is just a small test run as it is my 1st time, but i think i should get at least 15 pounds from them.
i also picked up some bokashi from the store the other day to add to the tea, i dont see all the hype of it though as it is pretty much the same shit as any other micro organisms for sale but it was cheaper so im gonna test it out.
im getting a soil tester kit to see what my nute levels are in the soil and tea, if my tea is strong i plan on selling it by the gallon for 3-5 bucks a gallon. i see it for sale all the time for 25 for a gallon, so i figure my price should be fine. plus it is pretty much free to make.
any way here some pics and a video, it is kinda long and some times i repeat myself cuz i was baked.

ok well for some reason i have the video but cant do any thing with it besides watch it, i will get it posted tonight though.
god i fucking hate CPU"S