the city i lived in allowed you to have chickens under a certain number, i think it was 10.Cockadoodle doo McP, nice one. Was wondering if my neighbours would find it weird if I got chooks, lol. Living in a city with chickens, I am sure there are a load of people doing it.
what about Organic Miracle Gro?if youre trying to keep it organic watch what soil you buy. miracle grow is NOT.. i repeat, NOT organic.
Is that possible? lolwhat about Organic Miracle Gro?
Here in SD you can have chickens in the city, but not roosters. My sister has 4 chickens and she gets 2-3 dozen eggs per week! More than enough to supply her household and then some.Is that possible? lol
F-mg....... owned by monsanto... Im not down with that.
My neighbors in new orleans had chickensIv always wanted some lol They have great poop... It would be tough getting to know them then killing the cluckers
gotta do what you gotta do.
Sounds cool on the winter crops mc pIm not doing any this year,, will next year though.
i hate MG and i doubt theri organic soil is 100 percent organic, most soils unless OMRI listed are not 100 percent organic. yes they may have organic stuff in it but the stuff it was derived from was not organic. like lets say you buy some gauno from the grow store, yes it says organic but who knows what the bats were fed could have been some non organic stuff meaning that the shit is not all organic if that makes sense.Here in SD you can have chickens in the city, but not roosters. My sister has 4 chickens and she gets 2-3 dozen eggs per week! More than enough to supply her household and then some.
as far as the MG, i wasnt saying to use it, lol. Just wondering if the Organic labeled MG was truly Organic, cause if not, isnt that false advertising??
Should be similar enough to basil.I imagine it would be something like harvesting the seeds from my mint plant. I just let them continue to flower until they seeded. I cut the heads off and collected the seeds by breaking the heads apart over a white piece of paper. I forgot I had them until this post, so I don't know if they will sprout. Doubt if this helps, but you never know.![]()
Well that's the thing I can't put this out side because its my AeroGarden. I have no idea if I can hand pollinate it or not but my lemon basil is flowering right now. I toped it thinking I stopped it from flowering and the little bugger grew new flower spots on the top. So I would have to do it by hand but I have no idea how to tell when its ready to be pollinated by and and if basil is self pollinating or not.I have collected basil seeds. The plant will flower (I have some in flower just now if you need pics). Not sure if you can self pollenate or if you need bees (check that out). Anyway, once pollenated eventually the flower dies off and the seeds can be collected from the seed pods (normally little black looking things)
Well that's the problem my herb plants are indoors and I can't put them out doors because they are in a unit that is indoors only and even if it wasn't the would probably die out side because its already. Its already getting to 5C to 3C (37.4F - 39.2F)I imagine it would be something like harvesting the seeds from my mint plant. I just let them continue to flower until they seeded. I cut the heads off and collected the seeds by breaking the heads apart over a white piece of paper. I forgot I had them until this post, so I don't know if they will sprout. Doubt if this helps, but you never know.![]()