2012 countdown to destruction

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...Egypt's already in.

"One of the greatest civilizations ever known, and one of the most mysterious in history, could possibly hold one of the many keys to the 2012 phenomenon. So what do the early Egyptians have to do with the Year 2012?
There are two sources of information related to the Egyptian doomsday prophecy: the Book of the Dead and the Kolbrin Bible.
Just as with the Mayans, the ancient Egyptians were master astronomers. Watching and charting the skies for phenomena that would foretell impending events was an important and accepted way of life for them. Chapter 17 of The Egyptian Book of the Dead makes reference to two critical events. An astronomical sign appeared to the Egyptians in the year 9792B.C., that caused them great concern. The celestial event was the retrograde motion of the planet Venus through the constellation Orion. What is important to note is that there are only two dates when Venus will be in retrograde through Orion while the earth’s pole precession is the same; 9792B.C and 2012A.D.!
Orion had incredible significance for the Egyptians in that Orion represented Osiris in the sky. During 9792B.C. and with Venus in retrograde, an “event” occurred that caused “… the sun to rise at a new horizon.” Disturbingly, the text goes on to say that “The sun moved from his wonted course, twice rising where it now sets and twice setting where it now rises.” , and “The Old Lion turned around.”
Unless the references to the sun rising where it once set are completely misunderstood, this could only mean that either the earth changed its rotation or a pole shift occured. If either of these actually happened, there would have been dire consequences for the human race living at the time. Which is exactly what the ancient Egyptians described."
It's all BS, and I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. On the 21st I'll go to the store and buy green bananas, just to show my full faith that I will live to eat them after they ripen on my counter.


Well-Known Member
It's all BS, and I'm going to put my money where my mouth is. On the 21st I'll go to the store and buy green bananas, just to show my full faith that I will live to eat them after they ripen on my counter.
thats an awesome idea lol, I think I'll do the same, but how to put my own spin on it? Ideas?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
where are the threads? having endured years of this i have to wonder whats going on?

where are the believers have they all gone to ground(ready with years supplies of food) /traveled to the mayan temples (for the enlightenment)?

or are you pretending like you never believed it in first place?
Hopefully all the threads are buried and the believers are putting neosporin on their butts after getting berated by the all the rational people that post here.


Well-Known Member
...Egypt's already in.

"One of the greatest civilizations ever known, and one of the most mysterious in history, could possibly hold one of the many keys to the 2012 phenomenon. So what do the early Egyptians have to do with the Year 2012?
There are two sources of information related to the Egyptian doomsday prophecy: the Book of the Dead and the Kolbrin Bible.
Just as with the Mayans, the ancient Egyptians were master astronomers. Watching and charting the skies for phenomena that would foretell impending events was an important and accepted way of life for them. Chapter 17 of The Egyptian Book of the Dead makes reference to two critical events. An astronomical sign appeared to the Egyptians in the year 9792B.C., that caused them great concern. The celestial event was the retrograde motion of the planet Venus through the constellation Orion. What is important to note is that there are only two dates when Venus will be in retrograde through Orion while the earth’s pole precession is the same; 9792B.C and 2012A.D.!
Orion had incredible significance for the Egyptians in that Orion represented Osiris in the sky. During 9792B.C. and with Venus in retrograde, an “event” occurred that caused “… the sun to rise at a new horizon.” Disturbingly, the text goes on to say that “The sun moved from his wonted course, twice rising where it now sets and twice setting where it now rises.” , and “The Old Lion turned around.”
Unless the references to the sun rising where it once set are completely misunderstood, this could only mean that either the earth changed its rotation or a pole shift occured. If either of these actually happened, there would have been dire consequences for the human race living at the time. Which is exactly what the ancient Egyptians described."
Well seeing as how 2012 is all about astronomy, I can see how Egypt would be ruled out as a source for the next doomsday myth. Pole shift would be doomsday though it could be referring to the sun rising in a different constellation, such as Aquarius. It has been quite a year for astronomical phenomena too. Since this solstice marks a great syzygy, nothing less should be expected. Leading up to a great alignment are increasingly frequent minor alignments.

Maybe there is an ancient culture that draws spirituality from a source other than astronomical observation from whom the next doomsday scare could be contrived.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well seeing as how 2012 is all about astronomy, I can see how Egypt would be ruled out as a source for the next doomsday myth. Pole shift would be doomsday though it could be referring to the sun rising in a different constellation, such as Aquarius. It has been quite a year for astronomical phenomena too. Since this solstice marks a great syzygy, nothing less should be expected. Leading up to a great alignment are increasingly frequent minor alignments.

Maybe there is an ancient culture that draws spirituality from a source other than astronomical observation from whom the next doomsday scare could be contrived.
...hmm, Lemurian? Said to be pre-atlantean. Really not sure :)


Well-Known Member
...hmm, Lemurian? Said to be pre-atlantean. Really not sure :)
No I think Padawanbater is correct, with this doomsday myth out of the way there will be no fear left for the superstitious to cling to. This in itself surely must vindicate claims that the collective subconsciousness is about to undergo massive development.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
No I think Padawanbater is correct, with this doomsday myth out of the way there will be no fear left for the superstitious to cling to. This in itself surely must vindicate claims that the collective subconsciousness is about to undergo massive development.
...could well be. Could also be that I was reading your post incorrectly. Seems that you're saying 'no doomsday scenario is left to contemplate'. Is that it? It'll always be there if the psychological equivalent of 'doomsday' is waiting for all of man (individually) :shock: So, as a collective, we'll always represent that in some form or other.


Well-Known Member
Well I think that a lot of people are shaping their lives around doomsday fears. They have been fearing this for decades now, and so many proposed doomsday and rapture dates have come and gone uneventfully. 2012 was given some extra weight by those who figured that it corroborated biblical fears and some crazy I-Ching prohpecy and Hopi prophecy and a bunch of others. It obviously isn't just the Maya. That brings it to the crux of my argument, I was making a point of showing that there will exist a dearth of doomsday prophecies to give lives a fearful meaning when we peacefully wake up on December 22nd.

There is a lot of fear out there guiding hundreds of millions of lives and affecting decisions and attitudes. It is affecting everyone. Who knows, it may even be behind the seeming carelessness of people in high places to take global warming seriously, they might just be saying, "fuck it, the world is going to end anyway". It might be why the fiscal cliff doesn't even seem like an obstacle. If doomsday fears are indeed playing into a fuck-it attitude and approach to human development and the stewardship of our planet, what would happen if nothing happens?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Well I think that a lot of people are shaping their lives around doomsday fears. They have been fearing this for decades now, and so many proposed doomsday and rapture dates have come and gone uneventfully. 2012 was given some extra weight by those who figured that it corroborated biblical fears and some crazy I-Ching prohpecy and Hopi prophecy and a bunch of others. It obviously isn't just the Maya. That brings it to the crux of my argument, I was making a point of showing that there will exist a dearth of doomsday prophecies to give lives a fearful meaning when we peacefully wake up on December 22nd.

There is a lot of fear out there guiding hundreds of millions of lives and affecting decisions and attitudes. It is affecting everyone. Who knows, it may even be behind the seeming carelessness of people in high places to take global warming seriously, they might just be saying, "fuck it, the world is going to end anyway". It might be why the fiscal cliff doesn't even seem like an obstacle. If doomsday fears are indeed playing into a fuck-it attitude and approach to human development and the stewardship of our planet, what would happen if nothing happens?
...this is good stuff. You bring up a point that I agree with. "fck it".

...okay, there's more :lol:

...I've worked with some protestants that think the rapture will take them up. So, who cares about the earth, right? If you actually get down to the bones of the Bible, the 'spiritual science' contained within is about creating bodies. Take Genesis, f.e. :) Really though, ethereal bodies is what they are describing. 'Store your treasures in heaven' to attain it (monstrously huge undertaking). But, that one sentence says a lot. If we knew how to do that, maybe global warming wouldn't be on the minds of the minds :) This shows that most of humanity is thinking from a 1/3 of the brain. Shelter, food, sex. No good to be too spiritual either, then the bottom third starves. Somewhere in the middle you might find rationality and irrationality balanced well enough to stand up on it's own.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Maybe there is an ancient culture that draws spirituality from a source other than astronomical observation from whom the next doomsday scare could be contrived.
...I really looked at this seriously and could not find one civilization that we 'figure' were not astronomically spiritualized :) I posted Lemurian, the 3rd root race according to theosophists, and others. When I read some more, I saw that they were rooted in the stars. Beyond them we get to the ethereal 'figures' of male and female polarity. Then, just the 2 spirits contained in 1. (Holy Trinity, Flatman :) )


Active Member
I do not think the world will end but I do feel like the 21st will be a world changing day. Possibly the implementation of the mark of the beast and the arrival of the antichrist. Just sayin many people have different views of what will take place on that day, not just the Mayans, pole shifts, Nibiru, or the aligning of planets. Some believe that we are entering a new dimension and or a new sense of enlightenment. I have felt that we are approaching a huge climax to a world wide change whether it be a new world government, a new world currency, a socioeconomic collapse, 666, massive earthquakes/volcanic eruptions, or the complete loss of freedom and privacy. We shall see. Either way I'm not scarred of the outcome, if the world ends, sweet. If they take away our freedom i'll die fighting for it. One cant be scared of death, it's more natural than not dying.. Whatever happens God bless and don't do anything stupid

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I can't wait to watch the 2020 end of world/mass enlightenment scenario to take over the masses in a few years, just remember, i called that shit.