• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

2012 Doomsday?


Active Member
I've done lots of thinking about this. I know the dude predicted tons of stuff and i believe that part. But look at it this way. It's all based on the aztech calender thing and like the person who did it had been doing it for a while. I think he just quit doing it and ended the calender or he died and noone else could predict like he could. I could be wrong but I like too look at it that way because I'd like to think that this wonderful world isnt going to come to an end that soon


Well-Known Member
Learn about the Mayan calendar.

It is not like ours - it is a bunch of wheels. There is no end to the calendar; the wheels keep spinning. It is no coincidence that the 21st of December is the solstice / beginning of a new solar year and that just happens to coincide with the Mayan long count calendar making a cycle; starting it all over again.


See you on December 22nd.


My friends and i really do believe that something big is gonna happen on tht day so we already made a pact to get dumb stoned on tht day so we probly wont even notice the world ending lol


Well-Known Member
My friends and i really do believe that something big is gonna happen on tht day so we already made a pact to get dumb stoned on tht day so we probly wont even notice the world ending lol
I do agree that things will happen that day.

You have the people that believe the world is going to end - so they will do crazy shit fearing no legal repercussions.

You have the other group of people that want to help fulfill the prophecy and will be blowing shit up.

Shit is going to happen in a sort of pseudo self fulfilling prophecy. Like I said, see you on the 22nd


Well-Known Member
When the 2008 calendar ended poisonous monkeys rained down from the sky. Leprechauns sacrificed male virgins to paper shredders. And then the world exploded.

So yeah. The end of the Mayan calendar is pretty much the same as when our calendars end.

It's a marker of time. When one cycle ends the next one begins counting.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
I am supprised no one has brought up planet nibiru. Aka planet x. It is supposed to be heading our way and is going to be the cause of a lot of deaths. Like 90% of mankind. Do a youtube search and judge for yourself. WM


Well-Known Member
I heard of planet X. Very interesting, but I think its a myth. Its sounds like somthing out of Marvel comic books. It began with a tablet discovered in the near East. The earliest known inhabitants in the Middle East, the Sumerians, drew what looked to be our solar system. Only there were 11. The 10th might have been the moon, or the newly discovered planet Sedna, but left no explanation to the 11th. During the 1980's, a mystery force was tugging on the outer planets Neptune and Uranus. Some astroids were being disturbed by it aswell Some time later, between 1980- 1990's the mystery was solved. The astronomers calculations were simply wrong. Ever since then planet X also known as Niberu or Marduk has been just a myth. The fact that an unknown planet or brown dwarf has an orbit of 3,600 years in farfetched as it is. After a few orbits it would either fly off into..


Well-Known Member
... outer space, or simply become part of our solar system. Its a very interesting story that I kinda wish was true (except for thr massive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mega tsunamies it would be said to cause. It would be pretty cool to see.


I was in Belize in August and I climbed some Mayan pyramids and did neat shit like that. Anyway, we had a very friendly and informative pair of local tour guides. Both of them believed that the date 12/21/2012 does indeed hold significance since, as locals, they have great respect for the Mayans.

The thing is, neither of them think the world will end on this date. They both insisted that the date will simply bring "significant climatic change." Apparently this is the view expressed by most Belizeans.

Now, that could still mean something really fucking bad is going to happen. It also might mean that something might occur that will only be detected by sensitive instruments. As for me, I think they are right. I mean there are so many theories out there. I have settled on the "shifting of magnetic poles" theory.

But yeah, I'm a little nervous about it. I am only 18 but by then I will be 21, and I know for a fucking fact that I will be purchasing a handgun between now and then (you know, just in case).


Well-Known Member
There's no planet X.
Astronomical observations are very exacting, and the gravity wells of massive objects, even if they are on the opposite side of the sun from us would perturb the orbits of other objects within the system as they move closer.
Nibiru is only found on crackpot and conspiracy pages. You won't find a single piece of evidence in support of it at NASA, the Royal Astronomical Society, or any other reputable scientific institution.

But you will find it where people are trying to sell you a book about it.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
2012 is just the dawn of a new age. An age of enlightenment and science. Hopefully one where humanity can get past it's NEED for dogma. Man's greatest downfall is religion and faith. Chris Rock said it best in the movie dogma "I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier. Life should malleable and progressive; working from idea to idea permits that. Beliefs anchor you to certain points and limit growth; new ideas can't generate. Life becomes stagnant."
"Chris Rock said it best in the movie dogma", so he is one of the great thinkers of our time? lol :roll:



Well-Known Member
It's also believed it will be a renewal of consciousness. People will "awake", realize, and say 'oh shit.. wait, what-the-fuck are we doing?' [in regards to wars, exploitation, genocide, neglect, and other negitives]

That's what I'd like to think rather then an apocalypse ( if I had to choose ) lol

Y2K Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind.


Well-Known Member
I am supprised no one has brought up planet nibiru. Aka planet x. It is supposed to be heading our way and is going to be the cause of a lot of deaths. Like 90% of mankind. Do a youtube search and judge for yourself. WM
See you on the 22nd.


Well-Known Member
After speaking with a shamen 8 years ago and taking several guided conciseness tours, Im convinced a great event WILL take place. But don't take my word for it find for yourself by listening to heart and following your soul, Illuminate what is you want to "see" but be careful for what you might find. AHO-ME-TAQUE-ASE You are the master of your perception even if its Deception.


New Member
What I desire is a rational explanation for HOW THE FUCK the Mayans figured out how to calculate solar phenomena to within sub-second accuracy.

Would someone who understands please explain?

Vast South American cultures were wiped out by European viruses only a few hundreds of years ago.

These folks FARMED South America before the trees grew back over everything.

Care to guess why the soil in certain places in South America is the most fertile anywhere on earth?

How many generations of a civilization need to use a technology before they are considered proficient?

I believe if you were standing in the middle of the height of the Mayans you would believe they were proficient.


Well-Known Member
Was bored yesterday and watched a documentary on this... A young scientist traveled the world looking for clues on this.. I'm kind of on the fence about this whole deal, but it was interesting to watch to say the least...

The Mayan calendar began approx. 5000 years ago... So they looked into a possible event close to that time... This guy found proof of a deadly polar shift that occured 5,000 years ago.. he found proof in 2 continents.. Ice caps melting and retreating have uncovered plant life that has been frozen in time so to speak for the last 5,000 years... The "ice man" who was found in 1991, was dated back around 5,000 years...

Problem is, how do we know for sure that they weren't planning on continuing the calendar? how do we know that they weren't forced to abandon their city before they could finish their calendar?
Also, there is no way they would be able to predict the increase in population, the advancement in technology, etc etc...

I'm sure the world isn't going to end on 12/21/2012, but it's definetely an interesting topic...


Well-Known Member
Honestly, if it happens there isn't much anyone can do about it. Debating it is interesting and I enjoy it...BUT..I'll be glad when it doesn't happen so everyone will shut up about it.