2012 outdoor grow (rd 3) by doowmd


Well-Known Member
ok so I was finally able to get back to my crop w/ a decent camera and upload a few pics.
Didn't want to start a thread w/o pics, so here we finally are.
Here's some info on the garden:2 O.G. Kush-one on left Dinafem the other on the right= Reserva Privada2012season 001.jpg2012season 006.jpg
Sweet Deep Grapefruit-dinafem2012season 002.jpg
1 Super Silver from Dinafem2012season 003.jpgIt was supposed to be fem but there's balls forming. Couldn't really get the camera to focus very well, try for pics of that shit next time :cuss:

Holes were approx 3x3x3(w/l/d) w/ 1 bag added of mg peat moss and 2 bags mg garden soil w/ native soil mixed in sparingly and mostly being used to cover the added soil mix.

One thing I will say about miracle grow (mg) (just because I know there's some who disagree w/ using it) is:
it's worked for me and mixing my own hasn't so I go w/ what works. :leaf:

Been using the mg triple 18 (tomato food) as fert and am very satisfied w/ it. Have also been hoeing it regularly and that's made a big difference this year.

Solved my water problem this year by filling gallon and 2.75gl (cat litter jug) and carrying them back. Just rained like a mofo here last night and I'd watered the night before so they'll be good for a week or so. During that time, I'll refill my jugs and have 'em waiting for the next watering time.

All in all I'm happy w/ where it's at. Big time disappointed in the super silver = 25% of my crop. But the 2 kush have really blown up. The pics don't do em justice. I'll try to have something for size reference next time (besides my hand). I can say that the one on the left is approx 6.5 feet and tied over away from the d.f. og.

Untied it might be/have been close to 7ft right now. (pics are from today) So I'm really really really anxious to see what this girl brings! Hopes are probably too high, but I'm willing to bet I get close to a dry elbow off her.

I've got another super silver and a cheese, dela haze, and buddha tahoe, but 3 of those weren't planted till this week so I don't expect much out of them.
Plus the big super silver has balls forming so it's got me down on the little super silver. If it goes hermie/male I'll let everyone know so they can avoid the dinafem supersilver. I'm gonna address that bullshit w/ attitude and see what they'll do to make it up to me.

But anyway there's the first 6 pics I've taken, hope y'all enjoy and I'll update as time/motivation/opportunity permits.


Sorry for the side-ways pics. they'll be right side up next time and I'll get this edited when I can.



Well-Known Member
Thanks DirrtyD.
@Kaendar: what makes u think mg "murders" plants? from personal experience, or reading that somewhere?


Well-Known Member
Thanks DirrtyD.
@Kaendar: what makes u think mg "murders" plants? from personal experience, or reading that somewhere?
From personal experience my first couple grows, then after trying to figure out if I did something wrong, I realized from my friends here at RIU and other forums that MG is cannabis' arch enemy..


Well-Known Member
From personal experience my first couple grows, then after trying to figure out if I did something wrong, I realized from my friends here at RIU and other forums that MG is cannabis' arch enemy..
ok whatever don't wanna argue about this. but I will ask: why? why is it marijuana's "arch-enemy"? what's so bad about it? easy to say its bad and shouldnt be used and yadda yadda, but harder to give an actual reason.


Well-Known Member
Dude, simply put, MG is overkill for cannabis plants. Its way too pre-loaded with ferts and chemicals, causing nute burns and PH balances up the ass.. not to mention the ppl that try to start seedlings in it only to watch them shrivel and burn. MG can work if you constantly monitor and test it for nutrients and PH and sit and examine leaves for problems, BUT, its alot easier to avoid all that by using a different mix all together. MG is great for fruits, veggies, and flowers. I use it for alot of stuff EXCEPT my medicine, because those plants are too precious too risk.


Well-Known Member
Dude, simply put, MG is overkill for cannabis plants. Its way too pre-loaded with ferts and chemicals, causing nute burns and PH balances up the ass.. not to mention the ppl that try to start seedlings in it only to watch them shrivel and burn. MG can work if you constantly monitor and test it for nutrients and PH and sit and examine leaves for problems, BUT, its alot easier to avoid all that by using a different mix all together. MG is great for fruits, veggies, and flowers. I use it for alot of stuff EXCEPT my medicine, because those plants are too precious too risk.
MJ a weed, to say MG, isnt good on a plant that can grow just about anywhere, but is perfectly acceptable for fruits is a stupid statement. MG isnt that difficult to use, i used nutes and soil last year, all MG, no problems, and i didnt constantly test for ph and nutrients?(how the fuck do u test for nutrients, thats another dumb statement) i tested ph when i was experiencing deficiency, and during flowering a few times, but i didnt have to contantly do it as u say. i didnt have to ph more with MG anymore than a grower should ph with other mediums. -- heres another dumb statement u said
Dude take that miracle gro out of ur mix.. also u shud substitute that cow manure with earthworm castings and either bat guano or chicken scat. You arent growing corn.
as if the useful things manure provides for corn, are going to be rejected when given to MJ, stupid, u need to learn not to believe what u read so much kaendar


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda starting to think this Kaendar guy is have retarded or somethind(no offense bro). But damn check out my young plants that have thankfully accepted all purpose MG nutes. one has such thick foliage and is 13" wide and I think like 8 or 9 inches tall. nice green leaves too. I think going based of what you said you are a follower not a leader dude. Fuck what ppl tell you about certain nute brands.....they just don't know how to use them CORRECTLY..... keyword CORRECTLY!!!!!! I also have be a farmhand in some grows with MG from start to finish.....come harvest there was pounds on pounds on pounds of sweet sticky kush. also the finish product was better than alot of bagweed I have smoked. And I smoke ALOT. So moral of the story is if you don't know what the fuck you are talking about maybe you shouldn't talk at all. had to break it to ya bro. sorry. also most guys/gals hate MG soil because they start in it from the get......not a smart choice. better to use a seed starting mix then transplant to the MG when they are mature enough to handle those time released nutes. I speak from a stand point of experience and test runs.


Well-Known Member
Im not going off of what I have read or anything.. just giving my personal experience and lots of other growers here in SoCal that I know. For most of us MMJ growers here in LA, using MG is a no-no. Like I said, it works out for some but for most it doesnt.


Well-Known Member
Hehe, MG is a top seller because of how hard it is to fuck up. I think it's funny that most typical American's can grow amazing flowers with MG with zero problems but many MJ growers kill their plants with it.

I think most MG problems relating to cannabis are due to overuse - which isn't MGs fault, it's the growers fault. When you have people use to paying $20 for a liter of 2-8-4 and then you give them 4 lbs of 10-52-10 for $10 they freak out an somehow choose to calculate usage based on price or something ridiculous. For the most part the chemicals in MG are the exact same as the chemicals in pretty much all of the hydro solutions.


Well-Known Member
Chemicals are chemicals. Some are just derived from different sources than others. And I love that ppl put EVERYTHING else at fault and can't recognize that WE are in control of these things we blame. People say "Dude Mg burns plants" and then they use FF nutes or something fancy and say "I start out with 1/2 the recommended dosage". Well if those growers would have used common sense and applied what they did with the fancy fertz to MG then you might learn that it can work out for all if applied correctly. Man its only logistics. Learn how to handle plants correctly and you won't have the "MG Burn" but everyone is entitled to their opinion so I can't knock you for the way you feel brotha


Well-Known Member
all I can say is my plants love mg and why fuck w/ a good thing? the one og kush is really a monster (by my standards) @ over 6.5 feet (tied down ht. mind u) and probably over 10 feet around. gonna be a good harvest!

Thanks to all who posted w/ common sense onthe mg issue: It's just as good as the expensive stuff used in the same moderation and care.


Well-Known Member
all I can say is my plants love mg and why fuck w/ a good thing? the one og kush is really a monster (by my standards) @ over 6.5 feet (tied down ht. mind u) and probably over 10 feet around. gonna be a good harvest!

Thanks to all who posted w/ common sense onthe mg issue: It's just as good as the expensive stuff used in the same moderation and care.
The expensive stuff is just as bad.. the Fox Farms and all that can burn just as easily.. I use just regular $6 organic soil and plain water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks DR. Greenhorn....means alot coming form u bro.

Love the profile pic.

Got an update on the McDonald match up over at the club.


Well-Known Member
wentand hoed today and pulled up the super silver from dinafem. definitely a male at this point. as fucked up as it sounds I woulda been less pissed if it had been a hermie. But this fucker was a full on male!!!!!

I Loved Dinafem up to this point too. The sweet deep grapefruit is one of the best smokes I've ever enjoyed, but now I'll have a shred of doubt in my mind every time I think about going w/ d.f. again.

The 2 kushes are about 8-12 inces taller than they were on the 5th (tues.) so theyre doing great and the sweet deep grapefruit is about doubled in size in the last 4 days so I'm excited about that.

Hope to have pics next update. Thanks for stopping by.



Well-Known Member
Hello Doowmd,
Nice grow man. Subbed.
That one is going to have a tree trunk ! To bad about the male. I hate hermies though, so at least you won't have to worry about seeds in the rest of your crop.

I copmpletely agree with you on the Miracle Grow. I usually don't tell people on here because you get so many naysayers, but there is not a damn thing wrong with MG. I like the tomato type also because of all of their types the tomato has more nitrate in it vs the other formulations. I use them all though. I have used them in straight perlite hempies too. For young seedlings I have used the all purpose at 1/8 tsp/ gallon and as they grow up I will use 1/4 tsp/gal. Then as they get a litle older I switch to the tomato formula because of the nitrate and magnesium. As they mature I move the dosage to 1/2 tsp/gal until they start flowering. Then I will alternate with MG "Bloom" until they are really getting with it. Then I go with MG Bloom with a little bloom booster added for the last month. MG does not sell a formula with a high potassium level is why I go with another companys booster at the end. I have never used their pre fertilized soil and probably never will, but there is not a darn thing wrong with the nutes. Those that say bad things about them have just got on the bash MG bandwagon or they just used way too much, because if I can use them in hempies you should be able to use it anywhere. Works great in the vegetable garden too, but that is another chapter......:peace: