2012 outdoor grow (rd 3) by doowmd


Well-Known Member
Its all about genetics. Growing products is a commercial industry - sales and marketing.
Use common sense and you can grow top shelf medicine. Error on the side of less is more.
Try different things - expand your horizons and you may just end back up at mixing quality ground soil with whatever (MG, Fox Farm).
good drainage of course. Feed and water - and have patience. Keep in mind soil choices can lead to bugs etc more then other kinds etc

I'm using some Moon Dust this year.



Well-Known Member
nice plants. alot of old timers, at least in BC will tell you thats all people used back in the day. before people started making everything a science test.

nute burn is a moot point anyaway, just add more dirt and less miracle grow. not too tough.


Well-Known Member
Hello Doowmd,
Nice grow man. Subbed.
That one is going to have a tree trunk ! To bad about the male. I hate hermies though, so at least you won't have to worry about seeds in the rest of your crop.

I copmpletely agree with you on the Miracle Grow. I usually don't tell people on here because you get so many naysayers, but there is not a damn thing wrong with MG. I like the tomato type also because of all of their types the tomato has more nitrate in it vs the other formulations. I use them all though. I have used them in straight perlite hempies too. For young seedlings I have used the all purpose at 1/8 tsp/ gallon and as they grow up I will use 1/4 tsp/gal. Then as they get a litle older I switch to the tomato formula because of the nitrate and magnesium. As they mature I move the dosage to 1/2 tsp/gal until they start flowering. Then I will alternate with MG "Bloom" until they are really getting with it. Then I go with MG Bloom with a little bloom booster added for the last month. MG does not sell a formula with a high potassium level is why I go with another companys booster at the end. I have never used their pre fertilized soil and probably never will, but there is not a darn thing wrong with the nutes. Those that say bad things about them have just got on the bash MG bandwagon or they just used way too much, because if I can use them in hempies you should be able to use it anywhere. Works great in the vegetable garden too, but that is another chapter......:peace:

Thanks for stopping by and the encouragement Gyroscope! It plainly says on the mg box "Guaranteed not to burn when used as directed" so all the ones that like to hate on mg users can eat a fat one as far as I'm concerned.
I'll try to get more pics up next week.

Hey doowmd your plants look nice! I'm subbed up for the long haul :D
Thanks for stopping in Brandon. Your grows coming along well too. Looks like we'll both have good results come Fall!

nice plants. alot of old timers, at least in BC will tell you thats all people used back in the day. before people started making everything a science test.
nute burn is a moot point anyaway, just add more dirt and less miracle grow. not too tough.
IKR. Seems like everyone thinks that using mg is cheating, and cheating is bad, and thats why you shouldn't use it! lol Or some bullshit.
Ur right: if your using too much scale it back a bit. Simple.

Its all about genetics. Growing products is a commercial industry - sales and marketing.
Use common sense and you can grow top shelf medicine. Error on the side of less is more.
Try different things - expand your horizons and you may just end back up at mixing quality ground soil with whatever (MG, Fox Farm).
good drainage of course. Feed and water - and have patience. Keep in mind soil choices can lead to bugs etc more then other kinds etc

I'm using some Moon Dust this year.

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Moon dust? What's that?
Got some nice plants there.

Thanks for stopping in.


Well-Known Member
nm mikeandnaomi, looked it up and........140.jpg
looks like some good shit, but at $20 a lb, it'd have to be ALOT better than the mg tomato food results for me to switch. got any results pics from using it?


Well-Known Member
update: here's some pics from this evening. everythings lookin on point. the sdg had a limb broke off at the bottom. well it wasnt completly off it was hanging by a little piece and when i went to gently pull it off a whole big pice tore off from the plant! i think itll be ok tho......in time. here's the pics


Well-Known Member
Good looking grow! I grew a sweet deep grapefruit last grow and I was very pleased with it. I got about 7 oz dry off of it and it has a great taste and smell. I have been very happy with dinafem in the past.


Active Member
Seems like most people are on an organic kick and there is a lot of bad press out there on MG. I used it last year for an outdoor grow with no issues. When I started to study up on growing custom weed, I read everywhere that MG would mess up the grow. Mainly the MG soil due to time release or something. Bottom line with many folks on a different forum seem to think that you can taste MG in the finished product. They say it's harsh compared to other fetrilizers. Like I said I used it last year with no problems. This year I switched to Fox stuff. No real reason, I just believed what the big growers were saying about taste after curing. Let us know if you notice a bad taste from the MG after curing. What a great arguement this could start.


deficiencies maybe, but not murder, because of limited resources like money, i have used miracle grow bloom booster in the past with some potash, this adds some potassium and some trace elements that the MG is missing and really helps out flowering, you could even add a teaspoon of salt to a gallon of water to add a little more magnesium if you wanted. sometimes you have to work with what you have.


Well-Known Member
update: here's some pics from this evening. everythings lookin on point. the sdg had a limb broke off at the bottom. well it wasnt completly off it was hanging by a little piece and when i went to gently pull it off a whole big pice tore off from the plant! i think itll be ok tho......in time. here's the pics
one of my bro's OgxBubba got hammered by a bag of Co2 sitting on top of his HPS and tore practically a whole limb off and he was gonna tear it all off. I was pretty faded and went and got some duck tape and applied a "bandaid". and within about 2 weeks that bitch was healin up nicely.


Well-Known Member
lookin great man

Seems like most people are on an organic kick and there is a lot of bad press out there on MG. I used it last year for an outdoor grow with no issues. When I started to study up on growing custom weed, I read everywhere that MG would mess up the grow. Mainly the MG soil due to time release or something. Bottom line with many folks on a different forum seem to think that you can taste MG in the finished product. They say it's harsh compared to other fetrilizers. Like I said I used it last year with no problems. This year I switched to Fox stuff. No real reason, I just believed what the big growers were saying about taste after curing. Let us know if you notice a bad taste from the MG after curing. What a great arguement this could start.
I'll pay attn, but have to say I've grown w/ mg soil in the past and never noticed a bad taste from it. I personally believe that some of the fuckers spreading bad info about mg just want to feel superior to us "poor boy mg users" cause they use $20 a bag soil and mine costs $8 and they need to justify there snobbery?
On a really real note: one does need to be careful when using both the mg soil and the feed cause it can cause nute burn before u know it. Had to pull back on the feeding scedule a couple times already due to that. Nothing serious tho. And easily fixed by applying less nutes or str8 water.

deficiencies maybe, but not murder, because of limited resources like money, i have used miracle grow bloom booster in the past with some potash, this adds some potassium and some trace elements that the MG is missing and really helps out flowering, you could even add a teaspoon of salt to a gallon of water to add a little more magnesium if you wanted. sometimes you have to work with what you have.
Good advice. I'm gonna use the mg bloom boost w/ some molasses added to boost the potash level a wee bit more than wat comes in the mgbb.

one of my bro's OgxBubba got hammered by a bag of Co2 sitting on top of his HPS and tore practically a whole limb off and he was gonna tear it all off. I was pretty faded and went and got some duck tape and applied a "bandaid". and within about 2 weeks that bitch was healin up nicely.
Went and hoed this afternoon and looked at the stalk where the limb came off and everything's healing up well.

Have to say that hoeing the garden has made a big difference this year.


Well-Known Member
Very nice girls bro, super sweet plants hehhe you know I was not ignoring you I actually was rearranging my grow areas I have been doing some house cleaning now that I have decided I am happier single again lol ;)


Well-Known Member
I found this volunteer plant growing along the 7 foot dog-eared wooden fence between my garden and my neighbors mini-orchard when I was whacking weeds and I didn't even know it existed. Until I was in mid-whack on this plant and I was like "This weed looks like a cannabis plant" I went and told my wife and she came out(thinking it was a joke) and confirmed that it was indeed weed. So the main stem got cut half way deep by my shovel making the top half of the plant lean all the way horizontal. I just taped it up with red tape and topped it after that because it only had like 2 or 3 healthy leaves because my cat Ziggy loves cannabis. And I went to check it today and it healed up so nice with some good extra growth from the pruning. I'm just trying to figure out how to get the tape off without causing further damage to the stem.


Well-Known Member

I'll pay attn, but have to say I've grown w/ mg soil in the past and never noticed a bad taste from it. I personally believe that some of the fuckers spreading bad info about mg just want to feel superior to us "poor boy mg users" cause they use $20 a bag soil and mine costs $8 and they need to justify there snobbery?
On a really real note: one does need to be careful when using both the mg soil and the feed cause it can cause nute burn before u know it. Had to pull back on the feeding scedule a couple times already due to that. Nothing serious tho. And easily fixed by applying less nutes or str8 water.

Good advice. I'm gonna use the mg bloom boost w/ some molasses added to boost the potash level a wee bit more than wat comes in the mgbb.
Supersoil Brand soil is good also they were having a deal last month out here at HD 1.5 cubic feet for like $7. I personally use Kellogg Patio Plus Potting because I control the Nutes and the Ph of the soil fresh out the bag is usually neutral.