2012 outdoor grow (rd 3) by doowmd


Well-Known Member
Very nice girls bro, super sweet plants hehhe you know I was not ignoring you I actually was rearranging my grow areas I have been doing some house cleaning now that I have decided I am happier single again lol ;)
Well glad to hear your happy,sorry to hear of your separation but if your in a better place now it's all good.
(*I figured out you hadn't been on after I visited your page so my bad*)

Those trees are coming right along. I like the shovel comparison !
Thx for the compliment Gyro. And that's a spade, but same difference.
They're the same ht. (a shovel and a spade).
Thought it would give everyone a good indicator of the size of the plants.

I found this volunteer plant growing along the 7 foot dog-eared wooden fence between my garden and my neighbors mini-orchard when I was whacking weeds and I didn't even know it existed. Until I was in mid-whack on this plant and I was like "This weed looks like a cannabis plant" I went and told my wife and she came out(thinking it was a joke) and confirmed that it was indeed weed. So the main stem got cut half way deep by my shovel making the top half of the plant lean all the way horizontal. I just taped it up with red tape and topped it after that because it only had like 2 or 3 healthy leaves because my cat Ziggy loves cannabis. And I went to check it today and it healed up so nice with some good extra growth from the pruning. I'm just trying to figure out how to get the tape off without causing further damage to the stem.
View attachment 2223935

Dr. Greenhorn's probably right. The plant will outgrow the tape and shed it itself. You could, if all else fails, take a razor and carefully remove the tape by scoring and it peeling away.

About the grow: The girls are a little droopy from needing water today. Gonna water tomorrow and Wed or Thurs. and pray it rains sometime soon. Getting into drought conditions around these parts, which I was most definitely hoping would not happen this season.

Hopefully I'll have 'em perked back up and looking pretty for the next pic update I'm planning to do this coming Saturday.


Well-Known Member
Thx for the compliment Gyro. And that's a spade, but same difference.
They're the same ht. (a shovel and a spade).
Thought it would give everyone a good indicator of the size of the plants.
I was so focused on the size of that stalk that I didn't even notice, lol. I have shovels with yellow handles like that so in my haste, I overlooked the end.

It is very dry here too. We are way below average on rain. I have to water my garden every day.... and the next, it is dry as a bone again.


Well-Known Member
I like to let mine dry for a day or few, I feel like it allows the roots to grow looking for water.

Luggin water to these bitches can be a pain, but I just think about what I'm gonna get in the end:SDC10652.jpgSDC10654.jpgSDC10653.jpg(those are from the year before last' grow, didn't pack much water last year and the harvest suffered for it)


Well-Known Member
hey has any body tryed planting marijuana seeds in early july? and at least got 2ounces from each plant?
One year I had my wife plant me some in the third week of July and I promised her a I would get them gone. Well I procrastinated and she kept babying them and eventually put them in the landscape in our side yard in July. Those little babies stunk up the whole yard and were nice little xmas trees by September. They only got around a few feet tall. We only got a little over an ounce each, but we picked them a little early because of her paranoia. Every year I tease her and tell her to start me some seeds, but she refuses....

Edit: It was the third week of June not July. My mistake.


Well-Known Member

ok, went and watered the girls Monday and Tuesday. When I got to em yesterday they had really perked up more than I was expecting from the previous days watering. I had begun to worry about possibble nute burn and decided to go w/ straight water yesterday. watered yesterday evening about 6:30/7p so I know they'll be good for today up until probably tomorrow evening and I'll go back and hit em w/ another shot of water (maybe w/ the bloom nutes again depending on their appearance). Hope to have pics up today or tomorrow.

This heats a bitch.


Well-Known Member
Here's a video from today. As you can see they've about righted themselves after the watering and grooming and hoeing treatment they got yesterday evening.


Well-Known Member
thx drdave! i've had to put in some work to get em that size, and still have a ways to go.


Active Member
From personal experience my first couple grows, then after trying to figure out if I did something wrong, I realized from my friends here at RIU and other forums that MG is cannabis' arch enemy..
Miracle grow potting soil with timed release pellets is your enemy, it burns them. Get yur facts straight.


Well-Known Member
Here's a video from today. As you can see they've about righted themselves after the watering and grooming and hoeing treatment they got yesterday evening.
I would have rated it a 10, but there was no narration.


Well-Known Member
Very nice garden you have man hehhe, I like it a lot ;) ya I am really happy and happier about having total control of my garden again hehehe I just got done smoking some Skywalker OG and even though I had to sacrifice it a lil early it is bomb ;)


Well-Known Member
that's what I love about growing top quality stuff.......I can pinch from it early and it still gets me a buzz. I usually have one or two I "top" when I need a free smoke and try to have at least one I've left alone so it'll have the big kolas.

Haveto admit that I pinched some tops from all of these at one time or another. but the kushes have been topp minimally (once). really the sdg too. only topped it twice.


Well-Known Member
Hehehhee ya I only did this cause of the break up and one of the plants was getting the axe hahaha, but I totally get it, I hope I don't have to chop another early, but ya if it comes down to it I will ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I went and watered this evening and took a few more snapshots of the ladies.

I put the kitty liter/watering jug on the SDG (again) for size reference, she's really becoming quite the bush. The kushes are getting bigger everytime I go back to em.

I'll try to do a video update later this week.

Here's the gals:

Df OG and RP OG
2012season 030.jpg

2012season 027.jpg

OG's in forefront w/ SDG in background
2012season 028.jpg

Parting shot of the OG sisters
2012season 029.jpg

Stay tuned...........


Well-Known Member
Thx Doc. And here's another short video..........:weed:[video=youtube;q3ajIK4odbI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3ajIK4odbI[/video]

I'm not the best at shooting video, and am too paranoid to do much narration Gyro, but I might throw in a few shout outs next time I post one.


Well-Known Member
WooHoo it rained today! So I'll not have to go water this evening (which I'd been planning on).

Gonna throw the bloom nutes to em again on the next watering. Which should be tomorrow evening. Unless it comes another shower or 2.

I'll play the wait and see method for now. .......might water tonight w/ the nutes so it saturates the roots nice and heavy and any other rain that comes will just wash the nutes down even further! Gotta love the brain storm! lol

Have I mentioned what my bloom nutes are? MG Bloom Booster 10-52-10 along w/ adding an equal amt of dry molasses (2 table spoons each of the molasses and mgbb per 2.75 gallon container).