
says who? id like to meet the astronomer who said this, or at least read that a real astronomer did

with common scene i call bs on that last statement. but i am not an astro-physicist

8 mins for light from the sun

13 billion for the big bangs light to to reach us. without knowing where the big bang took place/ how far away, it would be impossible to figure this out

fuck it i dont want to argue what we dont know enough to argue about anymore

i just want to smoke @ 420
Lol. The big bang happened everywhere, which at he time was nowhere.
http://www.physlink.com/education/AskExperts/ae48.cfm If you wanted references to that one.
Just cause you don't know what you're talking about doesn't mean others don't.

Look up a documentary called "Journey to the edge of the universe" very informative and entertaining.
never a good thing to get extremely baked and start watching conspiracy crap. Supposedly every 20,000 years or every age the plant goes from its 20' something degree tilt to no tilt on its axis, therefore when this change occurs, devastating natural disasters start happening. Does anyone else know what am talking about? If anything is going to happen on 2012, it will be this

That's the Earth changing, i understand this. That's why we need to make changes get prepare for these natural disasters. I believe if we're gonna survive in the new world we will have to work together.
Pick up a text book kid.

Did you know it takes 8 minutes for the light from the sun to travel to earth?

We've looked so far into space that we've seen the light just now reaching earth from billions of trillions of miles from earth. It took so long for that light to get here that it was the light from the explosion on the big bang.
well i did not know that i dont watch news i just go 2 work n smoke weed all day
time machines and cryogenics dont really exist so if idiocracy really is whats gonna happen to us (say starting in 2012) then there isnt going to be anyone smart preserved to save mankind from their stupid ways.

anyone seen it on comedy central? you know the restaurant slowly turns into but fuckers? well they blurr it the one time its the only thing on the screen. but whenever they drive/walk past one on the road you can see the sigh that says butt fuckers a few times. i was so happy to see the censors to miss something as bad as butt fuckers on TV and at like 9 am too, and like 3 times
exept fried cuz he's a time travlin monster!
you cant really expect someone who controls the whole world to have "good intentions". more likely he will be drunk with power, a maniac who wants to start a whole new genocide or mass enslavement/exodus of the people who wont follow.

but all we can do is speculate for the next few years

Why is it so hard to believe we can have one ruler with good intentions?
There will probably be a new world order, but it won't be for the better. The government will have control over everything. Thats why they are trying to tax us to death. Whoever has the money has the power. Look at the back of a dollar bill, look at the pyramid with the all seeing eye at the bottom it says "Novus Ordo Seclorum" latin for New Order of the Ages.
I believe the world as we know it will end, in the next few years society is gonna change for the better and we'll have a rebirth on 2012 in order to start a new era. I think every nation is gonna be apart of the New World Order and we'll have one ruling government, every nation will have the Bill of Rights. We can see the changes happening already, for instant Michal Jackson's death stated a new movement, Eat Good Live a better healthier life style, once people start doing this they will feel better about themselves start making wiser decisions in their everyday life. Also California is pushing to be the 1st US state to make Cannabis legal, this is a huge change and i believe once this happens it will cause a domino effect.

Your thoughts?

my thoghts are you got stoned and watched the nat. geo channel.
Aliens are coming on Dec. 21 2012... lol, don't worry so much about it. If all goes to shit, we must take up arms and smoke hella to do what we must. Did you ever consider the number sequence? The mayan calander is nothing like our contemporary one.12-21-21(21st century)-12. So that would really be 12-21-21-12... what do you think about that? Could it be a binary system? Like the ones and zeros in computing? Except 0 cannot be a legitamate number so the number 1 and the number 2 are in place of 0 and 1. Food for thought.
Whats up kid? I posted something on this too since you got my attention. Check it out and tell me what you think. I called it "Yogi's 2012, new found interest".
Aliens are coming on Dec. 21 2012... lol, don't worry so much about it. If all goes to shit, we must take up arms and smoke hella to do what we must. Did you ever consider the number sequence? The mayan calander is nothing like our contemporary one.12-21-21(21st century)-12. So that would really be 12-21-21-12... what do you think about that? Could it be a binary system? Like the ones and zeros in computing? Except 0 cannot be a legitamate number so the number 1 and the number 2 are in place of 0 and 1. Food for thought.
thats stupid y would anything come from computers this is bullshit the fate of the world wouldent resolve around a number system it would revolve around theory and dates.Its not math its science
thats stupid y would anything come from computers this is bullshit the fate of the world wouldent resolve around a number system it would revolve around theory and dates.Its not math its science
"The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets are proportional to the cubes of there mean distances from the sun"

Is that math, or science?