Well-Known Member
wow...runs under 3.1
ok so you shut me up but he was taking about binary n shit n math isnt my strong point either"The squares of the periods of revolution of the planets are proportional to the cubes of there mean distances from the sun"
Is that math, or science?
yogifresh, read the book 1984 by George Orwell
I reply to whatever i want buddy, and i've read your crazy alien talk and non human shit, you kookoo!
2012 is the year we need to calculate a new myan calendar, its predicted astrological events for thousands of years, it cant keep going for ever. there is no meteor predicted to destroy the world in 2012, the calendar just stops. 2012 is like the december of our calendar. acording to the bible a dark, handsome well spoken man will try to take over the world in 2012(next election?) he will be the antichrist and jesus is suposed to come back again and kill evryone and start life clean on this planet.
but these are all crazy theorys, there was an apocolipse scare in 2000, but where all still here
have you read utopia or the comunist manifesto? i think these books are up your ally