just did my 2nd bubble hash run ever with the bubble bags. i finished trimming 2 days ago and had a 3 gallon container FULL of the close trim from the buds
and then also maybe an oz or 2 of my moldy(but dank as fuck) indoor buds. id say maybe 150-200g total of plant product. the yeild last time i didnt weigh wet/dry
i just weighed dry and got like 5 ish or 6 grams or something like that. this looks like much more, total wet weight is 22-23 grams. 13.9 from the 75 micron which is most potent (so i read). pretty fucking souped to recoup some of the loss from the moldy buds. hoping i only lose like 25% weight from wet to dry, not like 65-80% like buds.ill weigh tommoro and update.
or if anyone knows the typical loss of weight let me know lol