2013 outdoor medical 200 gal geo and smart pots grow


Well-Known Member
HEY whats up have been very busy had to work again today but got out to fertilize today plants look ok still in alittle shock from recent transplant and we have had wierd wether.They have been outside for almost two months only recently at this site in the big bags.I have been haveing early flower problems like most growers this year,i think i wiil be ok but we are forcased for rain for the next three days,and yes this so,o and we never get as much as forcasted,but those cloudy days dont make it any easier to keep them in veg.I am at 2100 elavation no problems not that high up as far as early freeze .The plants have been shuttled in and outside everyday to keep them in veg and still early flower bullshit but like i said i think i will be ok ihope.


Well-Known Member
I've never had the early flowering problem, I hear a lot of guys talking about it. I put mine out May 12th this year. My clones are under light for 20 hours a day and then two weeks before I put them outside the light gets gradually cut back to 16-17 hours. By mid-May we are close to 16 hours outside. I just put them out, no transitioning. I guess I've been lucky.
I never worry about rain till Sept. I HATE having to built tents over them, cause if you know Oregon, you know the gorge gets ripping winds, and that always messes with covers. One one thing I don't might the wind for is, if it does rain, the wind dries them out faster.
That fatty bud on my avitar pic is from a Cenex plant I grew a couple years ago, I have 4 Cenex this year, so I'm hoping I get a bunch like that!
Good luck on your growm man..It looks like youve got your shit together on it!!


Well-Known Member
Whats up few pics weather sucks but it is going to get hot out by friday,will do an update this weekend and i will get better pics.O and whats up Oregon growers thanks for posting will keep all updated soon.Peace


Well-Known Member
Man they look like there rally taking off!
I know its kinda of a hard question to answer but how much are you hoping for per plant?
i put one in a huge hole and was hoping for a pound plant but that thing is already
6 feet tall and a hugeeee bush like 8 feet wide like if input my arms together with another person.
im thinking that could get two pounds since we still have a couple months till things start budding.
Yours look like they could be some 2-3 pounders for sure with all that soil hah.
Goodluck and happy growing.


Active Member
This is awesome..looking good so far. Lots of hard work I see.....

.I'm growing in 60 gallon smart pots and they are massive already (check my grow sig)...your gonna have some monsters on your hands....good work and good luck this year


Active Member
This is what I love to see. Nice work. Awesome spot you got there. Nice looking plants as well. Will be watching to see how this plays out. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Hey whats up hope everyone is haveing fun this fourth of july weekened and are being safe.I have not posted any pics just very busy with my business and fam,and trying to keep the ladies watered.We were in the 100 degree temps like most of the west coast so i have been watering every other day and i haul the water from my house witch is half an hour from my property where the plants are.I do this at 5 am water for almost two hours then drive back to my house unload the tank and load up my truck then go to work for 10 hours ,and it is a bitch,but i love every second of watching them grow so it is all worth it.Here are some pics of today .001.jpg008.jpg010.jpg014.jpg026.jpg027.jpg029.jpg030.jpg031.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys just reread my post and damn i sound winey as hell sorry for that because i love growing and have done it for a long time just not as big, and i am always busy so i get alittle overwhemled trying to keep up .Thanks again and i will post more pics in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Looking so good man.
Yea sometimes it gets frustrating but don't worry 20 packs will be nice in October ha!
iv got 23 autos going right now talk about tedious the other day during this heat wave ha.
have a good season man keep it up

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Looking good man. I recommend placing a 5 gallon bucket next to them so people can see their true size in contrast with a familiar size (5gal)


Well-Known Member
Garden boss good idea will do that this weekend,jessicad,arcaned and doubletake thanks and as far as the watering goes that is the easiest part of my day it is the Landscaping i do for a living that kicks my ass.The watering can be alittle tedious but like i said labor of love.Thanks for all the good comments and i will update this weekend.