2013: The law enforcement's dirty dozen

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
It is the end of the year and at this time we usually look back at the year just passed. So now let's look at the year the police in this review of 2013 and the year isn't over yet.

Here is the dirty dozen as it was called.

12) Father arrested for picking up his kid from school — Parent be warned: If you do not rigorously adhere to the Orwellian pick-up laws at your kids’ elementary schools, you can and will be hauled off to jail. Tennessee father Jim Howe recorded his exchange with a school administrator and safety officer, in which he was told that trying to bring his kids home a little early was “disorderly conduct.”
The officer also threatened to arrest Howe’s girlfriend for recording the incident. If the cops let everybody record them, how would they get away with their bad behavior?

11) Shock video: Police slams inmate’s head against wall, producing bloody smear – Mistreatment of suspects and jail inmates is a sad, recurring police motif. But few were as visceral as this one. Drunk driving suspect James Duckworth was handcuffed and cooperative when officer Charles Broaderick slammed his head into the wall. Duckworth was bleeding and barely conscious as the abuse continued: Broaderick even tried to wrap a plastic bag around the suspect’s head.
Kudos to the Marion County police department for charging Broaderick with assault and bringing a measure of accountability to the situation.

10) Felony weapons charge for student who brought fishing supplies to school — This is mostly the fault of the school district for having in place a draconian ban on weapons both real and imaginary. Still, it was an unwarranted police search that led to the discovery of the cache of weapons — a dreaded fishing tackle box! — in student Cody Chitwood’s vehicle.
Chitwood, an avid fisherman, is worried the felony charge will interfere with his dream of joining the Air Force. But at least his school is safe from the terrible threat of a couple fishhooks.

9) Police allegedly beat 13-year-old with cell phone, broke his nose — This Chicago-area teen evidently knows more about his Constitutional rights than the police do. After wisely declining to answer police questions without first consulting a lawyer — or at least his mother — an officer smashed his face in with a cell phone, according to his lawsuit. Thirteen-year-old Jonathan Garcia left the police station with a broken nose and considerable skepticism about police authority.

8) Kids no longer sure who to trust after police arrest all their friends; Autistic kid entrapped — The sheriff’s department in Riverside County, California must be obsessed with the recent movie “21 Jump Street,” which follows the exploits of two fictional narcotics officers pretending to be high school students in order to bust a local drug dealer inside the school. Maybe it’s funny when Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill do it, but in real life, it’s just awful.
At the end of the semester at Perris High School and Paloma Valley High School, students watched as dozens of their classmates were hauled off to jail for possessing or selling various drugs, including marijuana and cocaine. The arrests were made by undercover officers who had posed as high school students.
Even worse was a story of an earlier sting operation at a different high school, where one of the arrested students was an autistic boy. His parents said he had always had trouble making friends, and was caught off guard by the sudden friendship of another student, who proved to be an undercover narcotics officer. The officer tricked the boy into selling him drugs, according to the parents.
But hey, what’s more important: an autistic teenager’s trust issues, or relentlessly prosecuting the War on Drugs?

8) Kids no longer sure who to trust after police arrest all their friends; Autistic kid entrapped — The sheriff’s department in Riverside County, California must be obsessed with the recent movie “21 Jump Street,” which follows the exploits of two fictional narcotics officers pretending to be high school students in order to bust a local drug dealer inside the school. Maybe it’s funny when Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill do it, but in real life, it’s just awful.
At the end of the semester at Perris High School and Paloma Valley High School, students watched as dozens of their classmates were hauled off to jail for possessing or selling various drugs, including marijuana and cocaine. The arrests were made by undercover officers who had posed as high school students.
Even worse was a story of an earlier sting operation at a different high school, where one of the arrested students was an autistic boy. His parents said he had always had trouble making friends, and was caught off guard by the sudden friendship of another student, who proved to be an undercover narcotics officer. The officer tricked the boy into selling him drugs, according to the parents.
But hey, what’s more important: an autistic teenager’s trust issues, or relentlessly prosecuting the War on Drugs?

7) Police force black men to act like chimps, film it — Certain members of the police force of Grosse Pointe Park–a wealthy, largely white suburb of Detroit — were found to have frequently stopped black men on the streets of Detroit, asked them to make ape-like gestures and noises, and filmed the results. The cop or cops involved then shared the abjectly racist videos and pictures with friends.
The police department is investigating, and has handed out suspensions. It’s going to take a lot more than that to convince minority citizens of GPP and Detroit that the police are on their side, however.

6) Texas teen spends months in jail for threat during video game; second teen arrested — Like professional sports, online video games are competitive environments, and trash talk can escalate. When someone says something potentially threatening in an online chat window, what should the response be?
Whatever the answer to that question, two recent cases provided textbook examples of how NOT to react to vaguely offensive internet speech. Fearing that clearly sarcastic messages were indeed actual threats, police raided two teenager’s homes last year and arrested the perpetrators in two distinct situations: 17-year-old Justin Carter and 19-year-old Josh Pillault.
Neither teen possessed weapons, motives or actual intentions to commit violent acts. Yet both were held in jail for months before authorities decided what to do with them–and now face huge fines and decades in prison.
At least the cases have generated nearly unanimous outrage. From National Review’s Charles C.W. Cooke: “Even if one considers that Carter’s joke met the ‘imminent lawless action’ threshold — which I absolutely do not — the subsequent search and questioning of the suspect rendered it demonstrably clear that Carter did not present anything close. That the case has been carried beyond that point is astonishing — and unconstitutional.”

5) Jail guards ignore 22-year-old inmate’s dairy allergy, killing him –The most depressing story of police-on-inmate brutality this year isn’t actually brutal. What killed minor drug offender Michael Saffioti wasn’t guns, fists or billy clubs: It was nothing more than sadistic negligence.
Saffioti was serving a short stint in jail for missing a court hearing relating to a prior marijuana conviction. The 22-year-old lived in constant fear of his debilitating allergies, and used pot to calm his nerves.
Snohomish County Jail officials were well aware of Saffioti’s dairy allergies when they gave him breakfast. He even asked specifically whether the food was dairy-based, fearing the worst. But after being repeatedly told to just eat his food, Saffioti complied. Soon after, knowing he was as good as poisoned, the man begged his guards to bring a doctor. Instead, they shuttled him back to his cell, where he died — a casualty of marijuana prohibition and bureaucratic dehumanization.

4) Family calls 911 for help, cops show up and kill son — An adverse reaction to diabetes medication sent 43-year-old Jack Lamar Roberson into an agitated state. Fearing for his safety, rather than their own, Roberson’s family members called 911 to send medical help.

Instead, the dispatcher sent two officers, who shot Roberson to death upon their arrival at the home.
The police claimed that Roberson was armed and dangerous — a fact disputed by Roberson’s devastated mother.
“We don’t own two decent knives,” she said in a statement.

3) Police smell meth, raid home, kill 80-year-old man, find no meth — If the Roberson case demonstrates that you can be killed by the police for doing very little wrong, what happened to Eugene Mallory is evidence that you can be killed by the police for doing almost nothing wrong. Los Angeles County deputies raided Mallory’s home in the middle of the night after smelling chemicals while outside — the ingredients for manufacturing methamphetamine, they assumed.
Inside, police found no meth. What they did find was a half-asleep 80-year-old man with bad eyesight. Frightened by the disturbance, Mallory apparently reached for a gun and was killed by an officer. Police insist that the old man fired first, though his wife disputes this.
After the fact, a police spokesperson implied that Mallory’s fate was the old man’s old fault: “The lesson here is, and forgive me for stating the obvious, but don’t pull a gun on a deputy.”
Perhaps a more obvious lesson would be “Don’t assault on old man in his own home in the dead of night on a completely unfounded pretext.”

2) Car crash victim calls for help, is shot to death by police instead — If the Roberson case demonstrates that you can be killed by the police for doing very little wrong, and the Mallory case demonstrates that you can be killed by police for doing almost nothing wrong, what happened to Jonathan Ferrell is evidence that you can be killed by the police for doing absolutely, objectively nothing wrong.
Ferrell was in a bad car crash. He exited the vehicle and ran to a nearby house for help. When the Charlotte, North Carolina police arrived, they shot and killed him.
It’s difficult to deny the racial details of the case. Ferrell, a black man, had the stocky build of a former Texas A&M football player. The owner of the home thought he was trying to break into the house, and called the police. And the cops, of course, assumed he was up to no good.
Ferrell was just shy of his 25th birthday, and engaged to be married.
The police department agreed that the shooting was unwarranted, and has charged the offending officer with voluntary manslaughter.

1) Horror: Police force man to undergo invasive anal operation; it happened again; STOP THE MADNESS — The previous 11 stories on the list are tragic and horrifying, but not surprising to anyone who has followed police brutality stories over the years. This story, on the other hand, will shock even the most cynical anti-authoritarian.
In at least three instances, police have pulled over random drivers, hauled them to a nearby hospital and forced them to undergo invasive procedures, operations and surgeries — all for the purpose of finding nonexistent drugs in their body cavities.
One of the victims — a woman — has claimed sexual abuse, since the officers actually started sticking their fingers in her vagina before taking her to a hospital to continue the investigation.
The other two victims — both men — suffered old-fashioned, regular abuse and the hands of New Mexico police. The first victim, David Eckert, was suspected of carrying drugs because he was believed to be clenching his buttocks. So police requested a warrant from a judge, which they then received. Eckert was transported to a nearby hospital, where doctors were asked to perform inspections. The doctors quite rightly refused, so Eckert was taken to another hospital: Gila Regional Medical Center. Long after the warrant had expired, Eckert was poked, prodded, forced to defecate in front of police and Gila Regional medical staff. He was then given full-on surgery: a colonoscopy.
Even more shocking: The hospital had the nerve to send Eckert the bill for his own abuse.
No drugs were found on — or inside — any of the three victims, of course. And it seems that a drug-sniffing dog with an expired license was the instigator in at least two of the investigations.
The silver lining for the three victims is that their lawsuits — against the police department and hospital — will likely net them millions of dollars.
The rest of the inhabitants of New Mexico are left to wonder whether aliens could treat them any worse than their own police force.

~Here they are in all their glory our police force defending us from ourselves.
We need gun control...for the police. Only persons 40+ years of age and with a minimum of twenty years experience on the police force should have access to fire arms, tazors, etc. IMHO giving guns to gung-ho punks does not solve any problems.
For G a good cop story.

It was cold, wet and gray in Winston-Salem, N.C., when Police Officer Charlie Ziegler noticed a woman pushing a stroller in the rain.
“I went up to her and said, ‘Get in the car, there’s no reason for you or your baby to be out here,’” Ziegler told ABC News.
Ziegler’s act of chivalry last Tuesday was photographed by a passer-by and posted on Facebook and the officer has been surprised by how popular the photo has become on the internet since, to him, it was a normal act of kindness.
“You see someone and you just help them,” he said.
The woman and her child had only three blocks left before reaching her destination, a daycare center where she works, but Ziegler wanted to get them out of the icy rain.
Ziegler joined the police department four years ago.
“It was one of those, either do it or stop talking about it kind of moments. Right around when the economy went completely down. So I applied and here I am,” said Ziegler.
you better do an equal one for those who did Good this year.. :)

^ 8 and 8 are the same..

Lets see how many you can find. I will almost guarantee that for every one you find there will be 20 to counter it. And i don't mean just false arrest i mean death or beating.
I was processed on a warrant (turned myself in) by a cool cop. The punk ass rookie that transported me to the judge was a little prick who acted like I was a major criminal. I worked with a kid that made a mental note of the people that slighted him at the store and said if he ever pulled them over he's giving them any and all tickets he can when he got on the force. He did eventually make it.
Another one for G

BROOKLINE, Mass. — A photo of an armor-clad Brookline officer toting a gallon of milk in each hand during the manhunt for the second Boston bombing suspect that kept residents indoors has become an internet sensation after spreading over the weekend.
Boston Police Department was one of the many who tweeted the picture of the officer, who was later identified as John Bradley, according to the Brookline Patch.
Bradley was allegedly delivering the milk to a family with small children during the lockdown, in which everyone was strongly urged to stay indoors and keep their doors locked.
Brookline PD’s Twitter also posted the photo, with the caption “One of Brookline’s finest, providing milk to a family with young children during lockdown in Watertown.”
when I was 19 or so.. me and a buddy (his folks were well known in the P.D ) we were kicking back at a park at night and a pd unit rolls up behind us.. we have a 12 pack 2 open beers and a bottle of southern comfort under the seat.. Oficer gets us outta the car searches it within seconds has us drop the beer in the trash can.. He starts talking to my buddy and getting his info.. Officer knew exactly who we were (I was living with them at the time) and tells us.. he's telling his mom.. and explains how we are under age etc..
he never finds the southern comfort and he lets us go.. with a verbal warning and never tells mom or dad.. we are driving home and I tell him.. hey we have a bottle of S.C left lets toss it.. so we did.. few hours later were back to where we tossed it looking in a cotton field for booze at 2am..

we spent the next week waiting for mom to kill us..
For G a good cop story.

It was cold, wet and gray in Winston-Salem, N.C., when Police Officer Charlie Ziegler noticed a woman pushing a stroller in the rain.
“I went up to her and said, ‘Get in the car, there’s no reason for you or your baby to be out here,’” Ziegler told ABC News.
Ziegler’s act of chivalry last Tuesday was photographed by a passer-by and posted on Facebook and the officer has been surprised by how popular the photo has become on the internet since, to him, it was a normal act of kindness.
“You see someone and you just help them,” he said.
The woman and her child had only three blocks left before reaching her destination, a daycare center where she works, but Ziegler wanted to get them out of the icy rain.
Ziegler joined the police department four years ago.
“It was one of those, either do it or stop talking about it kind of moments. Right around when the economy went completely down. So I applied and here I am,” said Ziegler.

video of the cop 2 days later..

Sorry, but cops being cool and letting you slide, or being a human with a heart and helping out another human does not equate to the atrocious acts presented before us.

Maybe if a man had a knife to a women's throat and a cop save her life, it would be alike.

But cops letting you slide for a sixer is quite an offensive comparison given the seriousness of the crimes they commited!
We need gun control...for the police. Only persons 40+ years of age and with a minimum of twenty years experience on the police force should have access to fire arms, tazors, etc. IMHO giving guns to gung-ho punks does not solve any problems.

Why don't we just ban the nation wide practice of personaility testing police recruits and only allowing them into the acadamy if thier CPI shows a proclivity for cruelty when permission is granted by authority?
Sorry, but cops being cool and letting you slide, or being a human with a heart and helping out another human does not equate to the atrocious acts presented before us.

Maybe if a man had a knife to a women's throat and a cop save her life, it would be alike.

But cops letting you slide for a sixer is quite an offensive comparison given the seriousness of the crimes they commited!

The small acts of kindness are not meant to excuse heinous incidents like those in the OP. Rather, they are to show that not all cops are pieces of shit, like so many people think.
I was processed on a warrant (turned myself in) by a cool cop. The punk ass rookie that transported me to the judge was a little prick who acted like I was a major criminal. I worked with a kid that made a mental note of the people that slighted him at the store and said if he ever pulled them over he's giving them any and all tickets he can when he got on the force. He did eventually make it.

I asked the trooper that busted me with some weight if he likes his job while he was transporting me to jail. He turned looked me in the eye and said, "I love it, we throw scumbag drug traffickers in jail every day" HAHAHA
I was processed on a warrant (turned myself in) by a cool cop. The punk ass rookie that transported me to the judge was a little prick who acted like I was a major criminal. I worked with a kid that made a mental note of the people that slighted him at the store and said if he ever pulled them over he's giving them any and all tickets he can when he got on the force. He did eventually make it.

Heard the cops were looking for me.I turn myself in to the old mellow dude who I've known my whole life.I'm walking around the police car to ride in the front down to see the judge.Then this rookie fawk comes flying outta nowhere,slams me around, then cuffs me up tight.The whole time the old guy was telling the punk wat an asshole he was.lol
I asked the trooper that busted me with some weight if he likes his job while he was transporting me to jail. He turned looked me in the eye and said, "I love it, we throw scumbag drug traffickers in jail every day" HAHAHA

The first rule is to "De-humanize" your image of the opposition (scumbag drug traffickers).
Then anything is justifiable.
I asked the trooper that busted me with some weight if he likes his job while he was transporting me to jail. He turned looked me in the eye and said, "I love it, we throw scumbag drug traffickers in jail every day" HAHAHA

Guys like that should not be in a position of authority to begin with. The caliber of people I saw get recruited since the 90's on has been total garbage.

Here the troopers put more importance on a candidate being mormon than anything.