Well-Known Member
*****wordz*****. Furthermore, they do not offer justification for those changes, at all.
yeah giss never ever say anything about why they adjust data................GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
Updates to Analysis
Note 1: This webpage describes updates to the GISS analysis made in December 2011 and after, starting with the change to use of GHCN v3 data. Updates made before December 2011 are detailed elsewhere.
Note 2: In spring 2015, NOAA's NCDC (mentioned in various entries below) was merged into NOAA's NCEI (National Center for Environmental Information), a new entity combining the three centers: NCDC, NGDC, and NODC (National Climate, Geophysical, and Oceanographic Data Center).
Graphs and tables are updated around the middle of every month using the current data files of NOAA GHCN v3 (meteorological stations), ERSST (ocean areas), and SCAR (Antarctic stations) combined as described in our December 2010 publication (Hansen et al. 2010). These updated files incorporate reports for the previous month and late reports and corrections for earlier months. Here we list updates of the data or procedures that have occurred since our 2010 publication (Hansen et al. 2010).
July 19, 2015: The data and results put on the public site on July 15 were affected by a bug in the ERSST v4 part of the automated incremental update procedure. The analysis was redone after recreating the full version of SBBX.ERSSTv4 separately. We would like to acknowledge and thank Nick Stokes for noticing that there might be a problem with these data.
July 15, 2015: Starting with today's update, the standard GISS analysis is no longer based on ERSST v3b but on the newer ERSST v4. Dr. Makiko Sato created some graphs and maps showing the effect of that change. More information may be obtained from NOAA's website. Furthermore, we eliminated GHCN's Amundsen-Scott temperature series using just the SCAR reports for the South Pole.
June 13, 2015: NOAA's NCEI (formerly NCDC) switched from v3.2.2 to the new release v3.3.0 of the adjusted GHCN, which is our basic source. This upgrade included filling some gaps in a few station records and fixing some small bugs in the homogenization procedure. NCEI's description of those changes is available here. One of the impacts was removing some data that the GISS procedure had always eliminated and the list of GISS corrections was correspondingly reduced. Hence the (insignificant) impact on the GISS analysis was slightly different from the impact described in that document. The changes produced a decrease of 0.006°C/decade for the 1880 to 2014 trend of the annual mean land surface air temperature rather than the 0.003°C/decade increase reported by NCEI. Both are substantially less than the margin of error for that quantity (±0.016°C/decade). Impacts on the changes of the annual Land-Ocean temperature index (global surface air temperature) were about 5 to 10 times smaller than the margin of error for those estimates.
Please note that neither the land data nor the ocean data used in this analysis are the ones used in the NCEI paper"Possible artifacts of data biases in the recent global surface warming hiatus" that appeared on June 4, 2015. For the ocean data, GISS still uses ERSST v3b rather than the newer ERSST v4, but will switch to that file next month, when we add the June 2015 data; the collection of land station data used in that paper includes many more sources than GHCN v3.3.0 and will probably be incorporated into a future GHCN v4.
May 15, 2015: Due to an oversight several Antarctic stations were excluded from the analysis on May 13, 2015. The analysis was repeated today after including those stations.
February 14, 2015: UK Press reports in January 2015 erroneously claimed that differences between the raw GHCNv2 station data (archived here) and the current final GISTEMP adjusted data were due to unjustified positive adjustments made in the GISTEMP analysis. Rather, these differences are dominated by the inclusion of appropriate homogeneity corrections for non-climatic discontinuities made in GHCN v3.2 in 2011/2012. See the earlier notes from December 14, 2011 and September 26, 2012; more details are provided in FAQ.
December 29, 2014: The title on the US temperature graph was corrected by replacing "Continental US" by "Contiguous US". References to the corresponding graphs in the literature were updated.
September 15, 2014: Color maps using the Robinson projection or polar projection are now presented without contour smoothing, since that process occasionally results in skipping some color bands. It seems however to work fine for the equirectangular projection.
July 14, 2014: The missing China May 2014 reports became available and are now part of our analysis. That correction increased the global May 2014 anomaly by a statistically insignificant 0.002°C.
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i think your trying too hard heckler