2014 was definitely the hottest year on record

Your sacred ice cores show temperature changes larger than your unprecedented .7 degrees in 3 decades. Why do you deny science? How do you sleep at night?
According to the ice cores, how long did it take for the average temperature of the Earth to increase .7°C?
Yeah, your response is that 715 Million years ago, things were different! :lol:

I'm telling you, ya just can't make this shit up!


If you look at the chart of temperatures over the lifetime of the graph, and realize that the .7 degree temp you are discussing would probably be smaller in height than one of the horizontal bars....

We have your own data over hundreds of millions of years that show the temperature is almost never constant and always changing.

Yet suddenly, you guys have decided that things should remain exactly the same.

Yes, ya cant make this shit up!!
Wow, read much?
Comprehension seizure?...oops no, you have consumed sufficient Kool-Aid...to render you impervious to contemplating or perusing anything which may ruffle your panties....
Good job.

tell us again about your theory that this is all just a hoax, and present some evidence for your theory.
So, now we know "probability" means exactly what I said it means. Would any of our resident Eco-Loons (AC) that obviously don't understand simple words like "probability" like to chime in on the breaking news on your hottest year horseshit?

We now know that 2015 was only the 3rd hottest year since 1979. And since 2015 was hotter than 2014, how could 2014 be the hottest year on record, when it isn't even in the top three since 1979?

That's weird, idn't it? Cause you said it was "definitive" and "settled science" because NASA told you as much.

1998 is still the hottest year on record since 1979.

That darn satellite data, always getting in the way of a good hoax.

2015 is the hottest year on record according to NASA and NOAA

"Following this three-step approach, we estimate a 97% probability that 2015 will become the warmest year on record. The graph and bar chart below summarize the distribution of the simulations for each month (top) as well as the resulting annual anomalies (bottom). Note that the values are anomalies relative to the corresponding 1971-2000 averages."


And unfortunately, they've already been proven wrong. I guess they should rethink their probability calculations.

Fact: 2015 verified as 3rd hottest year since 1979. You'll have to wait until next year, which actually has a chance at becoming the hottest year.

Thanks for playing and trying to hold the line for the frauds.
Where have they been proven wrong?

Maybe if someone's sniffer wasn't so far up the liberal MSM's ass, he would be exposed to the ALL the news worth knowing, not just the information that good little liberals are fed by their keepers.

Here's an idea, divert your attention from msnbc, huffpo, ny times and all the other bullshit sources you spend your time viewing and I'll bet you find it in seconds.

I considered giving the link in my first post, I just wanted to see you double down on the stupidity before you found out how wrong you are. Now it's an exercise in whether you can actually find information that doesn't fit your narrative.
NASA and NOAA both confirm 2015 to be the hottest year on record

Post your source so it can be verified
Probably talking about RSS and UAH, which show 2015 a little cooler then 1998 and 2010, but still a warm year. These are satellite calculated temps of lower troposphere, not the lower quality surface temp data you are using from NOAA. Isn't it curious that both NASA and NOAA support their pronouncements with surface data temps when they have access to higher quality satellite data?