Well-Known Member
Hottest September on record... Must be more of that science bs stuff.
Three times the raging hurricane season,....Where ? I missed it, or is it still in the works ?
Hottest September on record... Must be more of that science bs stuff.
Hottest September on record... Must be more of that science bs stuff.
You're a walking argument for birth control.when science says jump,....think twice
The issue is real, everyone knows it,....The damage and severity of it is what`s at question,....the surety of it has nothing to be compared to,....
How many deaths so far ?? How much is needed ?? Who do we write the checks out to ??
Are you scared yet,......??
Still waiting for a peer reviewed study which contradicts anthropogenic global warming though.I LOVE THAT
Still waiting for a peer reviewed study which contradicts anthropogenic global warming though.
protip:Hang on, I'll be right back with that for you. If I'm not back in 15 minutes...just wait longer.
The methodology used in this is pretty interesting. The abstract implies that 97% of the 1372 climate researchers agree on something. Of the 1372 researcher in the study, 66% agree with tenets of ACC, not 97%. At least that is how I read it. Here is the methodology description:http://www.pnas.org/content/107/27/12107.abstract
William R. L. Anderegga,1, James W. Prallb, Jacob Haroldc, and Stephen H. Schneidera,d,1
Although preliminary estimates from published literature and expert surveys suggest striking agreement among climate scientists on the tenets of anthropogenic climate change (ACC), the American public expresses substantial doubt about both the anthropogenic cause and the level of scientific agreement underpinning ACC. A broad analysis of the climate scientist community itself, the distribution of credibility of dissenting researchers relative to agreeing researchers, and the level of agreement among top climate experts has not been conducted and would inform future ACC discussions. Here, we use an extensive dataset of 1,372 climate researchers and their publication and citation data to show that (i) 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field surveyed here support the tenets of ACC outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and (ii) the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of the researchers unconvinced of ACC are substantially below that of the convinced researchers.
Oooops, looks like the per reviewed studies are in, and they're saying climate change is real.
The problem is one side refuses to accept defeat, even when they're shown the scientific evidence. Some people simply refuse to believe it, no matter what, because it contradicts their beliefs. Their beliefs are actually what's more important, not what's true. So now we're at a point where the deniers are dismissed, as they rightly should be because we don't have time to entertain their denial forever. They have reached a point where they're so strong in their beliefs that they dismiss the science.The Catastrophic AGW gestapo has placed Keen on the official "denier list"...hahhaha
They would prefer to censor him, or maybe even put him in jail...that's science ya know...hahahaa
"The science is settled"....hahaha...is there a less scientific pronouncement out there???
It is all about politics, science has left the building!
Too funny...
The problem is one side refuses to accept defeat, even when they're shown the scientific evidence. Some people simply refuse to believe it, no matter what, because it contradicts their beliefs. Their beliefs are actually what's more important, not what's true. So now we're at a point where the deniers are dismissed, as they rightly should be because we don't have time to entertain their denial forever. They have reached a point where they're so strong in their beliefs that they dismiss the science.
Unfortunately for people like you, there are a lot more people like me involved these days who feel hey, we're sorry you feel that way, but like I said, we don't have time to baby you into the future and there simply aren't enough people like you out there who disagree with the overwhelming scientific consensus to make any significant difference.
Is it "censorship" when someone says a holocaust denier is stupid or when he gets laughed out of academia like the kook he is? Or when someone believes we never landed on the Moon, is it censorship when you call him an idiot and say his ideas are retarded and that landing on the Moon is scientifically verifiable and requires no faith to accept it?
No, it's not censorship. It's calling stupid out for being stupid, and when you side with a tiny fraction of the population over the overwhelming majority of scientists in every field, you're stupid, and you should be called out for it. Now if you can't handle the criticisms that come along with being stupid for denying something so scientifically obvious, well, my advice to you would be not to share your private opinions on a public forum. Your heinie remains pain-free, nobody is subject to reading such stupidity, win/win!
Like I said, people like you believe what you want regardless of what the truth actually isUnfortunately for people like you, the people like me that you think you have the power to dismiss (you don't), are successfully stopping your agenda in its tracks. it must really suck to be so right and yet, not be able to do shit.
Like I said, people like you believe what you want regardless of what the truth actually is
Enjoy the delusion
Obamacare got passed. Pretty sure that agenda wasn't stopped. Ah health care for all!!Unfortunately for people like you, the people like me that you think you have the power to dismiss (you don't), are successfully stopping your agenda in its tracks. it must really suck to be so right and yet, not be able to do shit.