freebies from Canuk Seeds from msnl I believe was the pack... They were my back ups to my backups of my backups... Bought 4 packs from 4 banks and 3 didn't make it. I can check but I think these WW were the freebies.. They could've been extras floating around the seed collection from last year but almost positive they were a freebie pack of 5 from this years canuk/msnl order...
To be honest.. Im extremely disappointed in canuk seeds / MSNL and TSB/true north seed bank this year.... All terrible wastes of money, even these ones that germ'd from the order I don't like... But its better than nothing and I didnt want to run any clones for vigor reasons...
NOT recommend canuk seeds /'ve had 3 total orders from them... First was good I forget the breeder and strain I grabbed it was a few years ago, I can find out if needed. 2nd order was decent as far as ordering shipping, concealment, and the genetics were hit or miss... About 2/3 of my order was on point, but the last pack and the freebies were all trash. But I gave them another chance, I like trying out seed banks for the outdoors because I just look at them as extras the indoors the main show usually..Although I love growing outdoors, reminds me of being a stupid teen running around planting hundreds of trees each year all over the place.

... but anyways, The 3rd order from them was this year and was just a shitshow... ) also would
NOT recommend true north seed bank. I wish I could recommend some good ones, but I don't usually trust them to be consistent.. You almost have to go into it expecting trash so your not counting on them, and you don't get disappointed.. Only pleasantly surprised which is fine by me. For my indoor runs I usually stick to passing around some known quality genetics with local people in SE mass that I've known through separate local growing groups and friends I burn with/grow with.