Well-Known Member
Yeah I think Im going to invest in one of the atomizing fogger sprayers next year... I really like the hudson ones on amazon theyre sub $300 I think and seem to work great.After having been fighting the worst PM I have ever seen this year. I have learned that our typical sprayers and foggers don't atomize or cover for crap. And even worse on large crowded plants. Tried my Graco airless paint pump with a 0.315 tip on lowest pressure setting. A-F'n-mazing coverage with 2/3rds less solution. Complete bottom to top coverage and a dense fog if I spray in the air just above the plants. I am now finally winning the battle. Using this requires a full face respirator and head to toe covering. I'm convinced it changed my treatments effectiveness. Coverage is the key people.
They also have some cheaper ones that I see on aliexpress and alibaba for about 70-100 bucks but I havent taken a chance with one yet. I do go through so much solution trying to get the finest mist I can with the tip of my sprayer, as well and spraying into the wind of the leafblower and fans or even just straight in the air trying to get the droplets to break apart in the air and float back down. Hadnt really thought of a paint air sprayer gun and compressor though... That may actually be cheaper especially if I can fit one of the atomizing nozzle tips on the paint gun..