21 days from seed how do they look???

DDo you think they are better then the floros???
no, you only use them in the late flowering stage, maybe somebody in the advanced growing section can answer your question better.
A Metal Halide grow light has a lot of UVB light as does a Ceramic Metal Halide.
I call BS. Sorry.
well im starting seven more seedlings... this Time I'm just going to use pro mix... and we will see! i have more then enough lighting if you go by the output of the bulb 2000watts if you go by the actual wattage 600 all of which is 6500k
Then for flower i have about the same... but I'm not using it all yet as the plants get larger i will add light!
well im starting seven more seedlings... this Time I'm just going to use pro mix... and we will see!!
that's what I use, suprised you can get it down there. That and all 6500 K light and you'll be looking like the pros this time.
I can get them at the pet store i was actually looking at them today cause i went to get a ph kit, which ill he going to buy tomorrow! so ill try. and grab a light as well. the also ha the full spectrum plant floros i looked them up they are real high in red and in blue they are actually equally high in every spectrum been yellow all of it!
I'm going to get the pro mix Tuesday, I'm only going to give them max of two more weeks then off to 12/12. once my plants are ready for transplant they are being put in pro mix...
again hes wrong...buffer dose not mean no ph...google buffer dood. show me where it say we dont ph in any buffered soil as all soils are buffered. poor guy dont understand how foods and mediums and plant process food. in nature the lime may hold the ph relativly good but we arent outdoor letting them go on their own. we pout heavy use to the limes and stuff in the soil.
dont dench it..water of feed accordimng to root mass. to wet and it will stay wet longer and drops ph cause it kills the o2 around root zone. right there is one reason lime gets used up and is a bennefit by using ph to relieve the work load on lime to ballance it slightly...key word here...buffers slight..not fully..
worm poo is benneficial but not a need. youd be better of doing your ph. if not all the fancy extras dont work like they are supposed to and some blame products. like some say no ph as they dont get it and blame the item. just got into this on other thread for 2 days to find the guy set ph in liquid to red colour...but he blames the ph...he set it to low but wasnt his fault and says ph is bad....lol
always let the medium dry between water or food. im running pro mix hp here as well and its awesome medium. no need to do anything relay to it
you don't need one with Pro Mix, it's buffered with dolomite lime so the ph stays stable as long as you keep the soil flushed with heavy watering.

still waiting on the research that backs your false cliams, just like the others ive been askin,. you dont have any
So.when.planting i.should drench. and just make sure i keep her wet but not over watered
No ! you let it dry out to almost bone dry (a moisture meter is a good investment for that) then you give it a heavy watering to the point of runoff to flush out the excess humic acid from the peat breaking down. I've seen runoff as dark as strong tea from unflushed pots.
Worm castings OK, humus uneccessary.