22 Days Since Sprout - How is it going and next steps

Hello there my fellow growers

All good?

Its been 22 days since my little girl has sprouted. This is my first grow.
After a bumpy germination, she has grown beautifully strong.

Here she is right now:


Right now beginning her 4th node I think. And growing her first set of 5 bladed leafs. Been feeding her once a week with roth ferts. The next steps are transplanting to a 3L smart pot, then topping and then LSTing.

So what do you guys think so far? Is she ready for transplanting? Is she big enough for age? What can I do better?

She is under 84W on a PC grow

Thank you all

go go kid

Well-Known Member
yes transplant her, you can grow them in small pots, but the longer shes in there the sooner she will produce a root ball and roots cant grow out as freely from a root ball, you want them to be growing unhindered
I cant see any roots from the bottom drainage holes yet or from the side holes either. Should I wait a few more days or transplant her right away?

Thank you very much for the reply


Well-Known Member
If it does become "root bound" and makes a ball, even though its not optimal you can squeeze the ball alittle and break loose some root tips off the bottom by lightly scratching with a fork. This helps the roots grow down, instead of continuing into a knot or ball


Well-Known Member
Poor baby needs more light. Those secondary nodes will take forever to grow out if she doesn't get more light.