225 Gallon Smart Pot Super Soil


Active Member
Holy shit those are some nice plants! And the pots look like the size of hot tubs, soil probably cost a shit ton, I'm it will be well worth it of course.

Sorry if others have asked already but what do you expect to yield off of each, ballpark??


Well-Known Member
I really have no idea. different strains, different height and volume of containers, total amount of time spent in container, soil recipes all different. I'm thinking conservative estimates of 4-5 lbs per plant


Well-Known Member
kushking i have a larry og kush that is like 3 feet tall and 5 x5 wide how much would guess i could yeild? damn u want 4-5 pounds per plant good luck! those r some big ass pots u have so u probably will


Well-Known Member
whats with all the straw i noticed that was recently put there
its mulch. and really is a must indoors and out. keeps evaporation down allowing you to water at least a third less often and brings out crazy root development at the top of the pot where the soil is normally allowed to get really dry and baked in the sun and exposed to wind. which means way more useable container space! straw is an ok mulch. but ideally 4" of year-old molding leaves are the best (feed the plant and create rich hummus in your soil). but you need a year old diverse leaf pile and i wasnt ready for that this season. right now my irrigation isnt set up so i have been removing the hay to water. i also topped off the taller pots with an extra 400 gallons of soil from the two ogs i ditched which is why their is so much hay on the ground. next week irrigation goes in thank goodness because hand watering these has not been easy.


Well-Known Member
the super silvers are pre-flowering pretty hard. not sure if the overcast days made them flower early, they have a reputation for a "hair trigger". purple diesel finishes late september and has slight pre-flowers, all three qrazy train phenos are not as far along, looks like they will take the longest to finish. everything should be in full flower by second week of aug.


Well-Known Member
Nice to see you have knowledge of what your growing and have a idea what they are gonna do. Thumbs up bro just gonna keep watching!


Well-Known Member
pics from today:



Well-Known Member
all i can say is I HATE YOU!!

just kidding, just pure jealously man, those things are so beautiful i wanna stick my dick in them!

btw i think your aloe plant looks badass! lol


Well-Known Member
How do you get them to bush out so perfectly? Mine always has some funky shape. For example if I top early then I'll just have 4 - -6 long stalks


Well-Known Member
Your celosia turned out beautiful as well, kk42!! You already know what I think of your other beauties, but I do admire All flowers!
We grew Dhalias this year...lol
All the Best!