That is pretty much how it works. Most THC is produced during hours of darkness to begin with . when you remove the degradation due to light there is only a steady increase without the up and down day-loss, night-gain normal process.
But .. as the study found it will not work as well with all strains, but it will work at least a little. It is like how way before there was scientific proof to support it outdoor growers learned to harvest just before first light, or as soon after the sun came up as possible. It gave them higher potency, they did not lose any to the sun that day. Later when people began to grow indoors, those who knew about sunlight and THC, would manually switch off their lights after their final light cycle so their lights would not come on again before they had a chance to harvest, again to get maximum potency. Later it was found that extended periods of darkness increased THC levels more and 72 hours is about as long as a plant can run on stored energy so going beyond that will not gain you anything and doing it for a shorter period of time will not gain you as much as you can possibly get.