24 Trillion Stolen SO Far...

Sometimes ya gotta spend money to make money. I'm no economics major, but it seems like they are certainly spending money. Some of the bailed out banks are now making money,(and handing out Bonuses/commissions at record levels) Ford recorded a 3 billion profit. When will we the people start making some cash? I believe these "too big to fail" entities owe us some interest. I wonder, will we ever see our money returned? With interest.
Sometimes ya gotta spend money to make money. I'm no economics major, but it seems like they are certainly spending money. Some of the bailed out banks are now making money,(and handing out Bonuses/commissions at record levels) Ford recorded a 3 billion profit. When will we the people start making some cash? I believe these "too big to fail" entities owe us some interest. I wonder, will we ever see our money returned? With interest.

I could be wrong, but I don't think Ford took "your" (gubment) money. Hence the profit. Lesson learned?
Give me 50 billion dollars and I'll produce a profit too, no problem. :lol:

Why are the American people not protesting the 24 trillion? Because we have become a dependent class of citizen where we were once a fiercely independent class of citizen. So, with that in mind, all a politician has to do these days to get the support of the dependent class is to promise the unattainable. Free healthcare for all is a good example.
