Hey Horrible, thank you for the kind message. Will have an update tomorrow of my room and the ladies. Great stuff man nug porn in the near futurehey puffadder I just popped in to see how you're doing things look good in spite of having to overcome a few obstacles my tents are progressing good it's been a rough summer but it's fall & ive got the cob tent in the early stages of bud & the blurple by this weekend if all goes well your avatar looks cool if my memory is right a puffadder is a deadly member of the viper family we have rattlesnakes here but rarely do people get bit the fires lately are the most deadly thing so far they've missed us year before last we had to evacuate though

Yep you right man they quite nasty lil buggers, quite common here in my parts. Wild fires are another level, can't stop them when they get going. Must keep safe man