$25 for a bag of fox farm ocean forest is really isn't it?

That’s how much it is where I live. Do yourself a favor and mix your own soil. You are going to amend that soil anyways, might as well mix your own. I’m using Clackamas Coot’s mix and I love it. So much easier to grow in than fox farms. I used to have horrible watering issues with OF. If you’re going the organic route, might as well dive all in
You need to get rid of the miracle grow asap! It has all kinds of chemicals it it that while is perfectly safe for food bearing plants, you for sure don't want to smoke them

That make no f'n sense. If it's safe for food plants it's safe for pot but I wouldn't fuck with it with somebody else's dick. lol
You can buy sunshine advance mix, a big of bagworm castings, 4-4-4 and 3-9-4 organic and make 7 cubic feet of kick ass organic soil for 80$