250w HPS Club And Help Guide

Hey guys this is is my first grow so please dont discourage me hah but any i started out with 2 plants and one was male so im stuck with one lady. vegged with cfls and now i am about 5 days in flowering with BC nuts and my ph is at 5.9. so of course its a hydro setup with gravel as the medium. only got one fan in there just for air flow. pplease help any comments are welcome to what improve on this. but so far im looking good.:bigjoint:



Hey guys this is is my first grow so please dont discourage me hah but any i started out with 2 plants and one was male so im stuck with one lady. vegged with cfls and now i am about 5 days in flowering with BC nuts and my ph is at 5.9. so of course its a hydro setup with gravel as the medium. only got one fan in there just for air flow. pplease help any comments are welcome to what improve on this. but so far im looking good.:bigjoint:
Lookin Real Nice My man....


Man i'm 30 days into flowering Blue Cheese and its starting to stink!! its got that blueberry skunk smell with a dank smell of.... i guess cheese is the best way to describe it!!!... lol !!! i guess thats why they call it cheese.... it such a intoxicating smell....man these are gonna be good.... gonna venture out over the weekend and pick up a camera and hopefully i'll have some pics up soon... I went to Amsterdam last year with 4 buddies and fell in love with this strain..thats all i smoked for 4 days...my friends had to keep pulling the joint out of my hand because i was never passing it!!!...so far my 250 watt hps with 642cfl's is doing the job on 3 plants 2 lst and 1 normal....i'm very impressed with what a 250 watt can do in a closet grow...also i'm learning alot from the regulars that post on this thread...i've done alot of reading over the last week or so and picked up alot of tips from you guys...keep up the good work!!


Well-Known Member
I'm doing six but in the beginning i had three.. after 30 days i addedd three more that way i harvest 3 plants every 30 days or so "depends on strain"...I'm doing blue cheese i harvest between 2-2.5oz every 30 days (getting better each time i think i could do 3-4 with some more experience) ..with one 250 watt MH in my veg closet(3x3x6H) and 250 watt hps with 6 42 watt cfl's on the side for side lighting in another closet,a 3x3x6H space for a total of 44,200 lumens...ussually I lst 2 of the plants and i let the other just grow on its own..I use bc nutes Grow,Bloom,Boost..Also i have access to Pot of Gold,Skunk # 1,and Northen Lights..But right now i like the Cheese..I veg them only for 2- 3 weeks and then right to the flower room... Sorry no pics i don't even own a digital camera lol what a loser i am..but i'll see if i can snag one from someone..I've been reading the pages of this thread for about 3 weeks now on and off and i would like to say hi to everyone and happy growing..peace!!
im growing blueberry skunk at the moment which is closely related to the pot of gold (assuming its flying dutchman) and its a pleasure, i was gonna do pot of gold next so if you do grow it any time soon id love to see a journal


im growing blueberry skunk at the moment which is closely related to the pot of gold (assuming its flying dutchman) and its a pleasure, i was gonna do pot of gold next so if you do grow it any time soon id love to see a journal
Yes My Friend The Pot of Gold Of Flying Dutchmen seeds...a very nice yielding plant..I think it was a cannibas cup finalist in like 2003 or something..the smell of blueberry skunk is out of this world!!...i keep going in the room just to get a wiff!!! happy growing...;-)


Hey Everyone Heres My Blue Cheese Grow..3 plants Using 1 250 watt hps with 6 42 watt cfl for a total of 44,500 lumens...Using Pro-mix Soil with some perlite and B.C. nutes Boost, Bloom,grow..2 are lst'd and one is growing normally..the hps is a convertible MH/Hps...Temps are At 78-80..and everything seems to be going well..there are on day 29 of flowering and theres a nice auroma of blueberry skunk in the room..the camera is not the greatest but it did the job..I have another little veg closet going on with a couple of clones vegging to come in the room in a few days..so i can keep the rotation going..I'll update again in about a week or so.. ;-)



Well-Known Member
Hey Everyone Heres My Blue Cheese Grow..3 plants Using 1 250 watt hps with 6 42 watt cfl for a total of 44,500 lumens...Using Pro-mix Soil with some perlite and B.C. nutes Boost, Bloom,grow..2 are lst'd and one is growing normally..the hps is a convertible MH/Hps...Temps are At 78-80..and everything seems to be going well..there are on day 29 of flowering and theres a nice auroma of blueberry skunk in the room..the camera is not the greatest but it did the job..I have another little veg closet going on with a couple of clones vegging to come in the room in a few days..so i can keep the rotation going..I'll update again in about a week or so.. ;-)

Looking good,keep up the good work.
5 days into flower and she's budding like that! Wow! How long did you veg? What strain is that?
i vegged for about a month and its bagseed so i ave no idea what it is. but ya it took 2 weeks from 12/12 to finally show sex an once i threw that 250w in there just started to bud like crazy ill keeep you guys updated


i vegged for about a month and its bagseed so i ave no idea what it is. but ya it took 2 weeks from 12/12 to finally show sex an once i threw that 250w in there just started to bud like crazy ill keeep you guys updated
Sometimes you luck out with some bagseed.. i had a few plants from bagseed when i was first learning to grow(still learning lol) that actually ended up being real-nice...the high was fantastic and tasted real good too...hey.. you never know what your goona get!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't like chocolate....

Yeah weird I know, especially being a chick and all.... but it seriously makes my stomach turn....

I can do Hot chocolate and stuff that's kind of got that chocolate flavor or minimal chocolate in it, but like a hershey kiss or something no....

Every once in awhile I'll eat a chocolate bar but that's like once a year maybe lol.

Edit: And by the way hey guys long time no see, how's it growin?
I don't like chocolate....

Yeah weird I know, especially being a chick and all.... but it seriously makes my stomach turn....

I can do Hot chocolate and stuff that's kind of got that chocolate flavor or minimal chocolate in it, but like a hershey kiss or something no....

Every once in awhile I'll eat a chocolate bar but that's like once a year maybe lol.

Edit: And by the way hey guys long time no see, how's it growin?

haha wow ya ummm chocolate... but yea growing is good hopefully have some pics up soon they are now a week old soo ill let u guys know soon.. anyone else want to show off their grow?


New Member
How's it going Doob? Did you know that pot and chocolate stimulate the same synapes in your brain? Maybe you're just full! Me, I'm a chocaholic and a pot head to boot. I got skilz! Woman are so delicate! Gotta love 'em though! LOL!


Well-Known Member
Oh wait were you guys talking about a plant or like chocolate chocolate?

Lol sorry been sick lately, kind of off....

Pffft my girl's the delicate one, not I dear sir lol.