250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
nice nitrobob, how tall did you veg them to before flowering? How many plants?
i vegged them for a month 2 plants seedman mama mia and greenhouse bigbang to around a foot and a half the bigbang didnt stretch much a couple of inches if thatbut the mama mia blew up into a massive xmas tree the first pic is mama mia the second bigbang & on the 3rd pic ofthem under the light big bang is on the left
for my next grow iv bought a 400w hps and 4 barneys farm fem bluecheese and one advanced seeds critical 5 plants should be ok flowering under a 400W & 250w hps what do u think businessmen what grows have u done any grow journals id love a grow tent but gotta save some $ dolla $ dolla $ dolla $


Well-Known Member
My first decent indoor grow (thanks to RIU). I've done nothing but experimentations on this cloning from garden bagseed stuff.
Started with some white cardboard & veg. cfls.
Built a small cab for veg and clone w/ 4 cfls.
Switched to flower 4-7 weeks ago with only 4 cfls (2 23w & 2 42w)
Finally got a decent start on my flower room (2' X 2 1/2' X 5-ish' closet). 250 w HPS w/ vented hood and a 6" inline fan. But I could be into the weekend or more before it's ready / usable.

Okay, I have problems. (as expected)
Veg cab is only 15" X 19" and 18" hight usable space.
My temps are higher than needed (but good with veggie lights), and the humidity is higher than wanted too.
My plants were into flower after a week or two and are still small as expected under the conditions.
I've some more clones getting set to go into the veggie box for a 12" V. grow with topping and lsting. (maybe scrog too).

Anyways, trying to put a picture here for help in your opinions on if I should put these flowers into the 250 at this time or if I should finish the way they are. They are also root bound with roots coming out of the bottom of the pots. Presently in 1/2 gal. pots. Things just got ahead of me and now out of hand. (Ugh!)
Judging from the pic (if it shows) would I do more harm than good by repotting into a 3-5 gal. and sticking it into the 250 HPS room at this time?
Honestly didn't expect anything to live and thus became VERY sloppy with the grow & dates.
I'm thinking this is mainly indica?
I should consider these how much into flower?
(Boy, have I messed up!!!! - LOL But learned tons from this)
I'm actually shocked that nothing died...... yet.

So, what do you folks think? transplant and sock the light to 'em,,, or leave well enough alone and learn from the mistakes?? :shock::joint:

Hot Danged!!!!!
Pictures worked!!!!



Well-Known Member
if this was done up to 7 weeks ago no sence doing anything about it now unless they are some of those ten to twelve week flower girls

if root bound at 7 weeks and its a 8 weeek flower not to wrry to much damage already done plant almost finish

i normally start in the beer cups and transplant to final pot between week 2 to 4 based on how plant is doing if it shows vigor 2 weeks if lagging behind i go to about week 4 my plants stay on heating pads under flouresent until i transplant then to big girl lights


I'm planning on starting from seed and vegging and flowering using a 250w HPS/MH setup.

  • How long, generally, are you guys vegging (from seed) under 250s before switching over to 12/12?
  • Once you switch to 12/12, how much more growth (height-wise) can you expect?
Hi beautiful ppl! I am a few steps before starting my first grow, so i have some questions for y all.
I am planning to buy a 250w CMH (HPS retro white) for my project. Whats the smallest box that i could put it inside and start? What about a box wich is 50cm X 30cm X 65cm (1ft~30cm)? I am worried about temps. If i separate the box (with a piece of glass) in two places, would i have any problems with heat? of course one fan for intake and another for extake the main place (this with the pot), and another pair of in/ex fans for the "light place". Please tell me any tips for a successful grow in such a small place.

Love ya all!


Active Member
I am back in motion, i just picked up a new tent (4x4x?(64 or 78 ).. forgot haha, and an inline fan that can push a ton of air. Charcoal filter as well... Cant wait to germ my seeds I have a bunch from Attitude just not sure if I want to use those or get some autoflowers..... I think im feeling the autflower. Ak or La Diva or something, suggestions? Making my order this week, just have to get my money up real quick selling a bunch of crap on eBay and Craigslist haha. How do I set up my tent with ducting? as in how do i attach it to the tent, should the fan go right on the charcoal filter? Best way to show me this would be a simple GIF or something. Thanks so much im happy to be joining the 250w club. My beautiful outdoor nugs should be done by november as well. Im so stoked, i have Power Kush, Super Lemon Haze (2x I think*) , Lemon Skunk, The Church (has been doing bad since day 1 but surprisingly flowering sooner than lemon skunk), Bubblegummer, and a Femmed bagseed that I had accidentally produced on my first grow my friend grew it and i adopted it when the closet got too full. Its still a little baby it wasnt ready for outdoors.... maybe i should stick it under this hp3 the nugs would be absolutely FAT!


Hi all i am after some advice i am thinking of starting a closet scrog grow and am just wondering what you all recommend for a hydro setup. My closet is about 3 3-1/2 foot tall so i need something that doesnt take up alot of room height wise.


Active Member
Hi all didn't realise there were so many in favour of 250 grow's :) dont feel so alone now .

I have a 2 x 4 x 2 feet and a big blow fan ,in a room 10 long x 5 wide x 6 feet high with only door to vent , will this work i am losing a lot a light as it is not closed in , anyone direct me on this ,and Hello again .


Active Member
Wow those plants look great. What strain are those plants with the purple looking buds? They look delicisious.

Here is a few pics of my White Rhino plants at close to 3 weeks since they showed sex. Man i wish i would have cloned these two plants because these are my last ones until i buy more seeds. I also have 2 Hindu Kush that are the same age but they are starting off really slow compared to the WR. I think i am going to order some fem WR and find a couple good mothers. My flowering room is 4ftx4ftx4ft. And i have my light mounted verticle in the middle of the room and i use a cooltube that exhausts the room through it and out my roof. I have an intake running a pc fan that blows cool air in the room. My temps when the light is on never goes over 79f and the lowest it gets when light is off is 71f. The humidity is usually from 48%-54%. I usually veg my plants in a another little hidden room that measures 21inX31inX5ft high. I veg under cfl's for just over 2 weeks and move them directly in the flowering room. My last grow is did, the WR finished in 8wks so i am hoping these ones will be ready around Sept 7th. The 7th is just 2 days shy of 9 complete weeks flowering. The Hindu Kush will probably finish a few weeks later from the looks at how slow they are starting. Well here is the pics from tonight. OH Yea, i still have alot more mylar to put up on the walls. Just have not got around to doing it. I really only check on these plants one time a day and that is usually only when the light first comes on for the day. I used to sit and watch my plants all the time but now i just check them once a day and i can really see how much they grow each time i check them. Well sorry for the long post.
Hi why dont you Reveg them and get nice clone's ?


Hi lads

Just looked at this way long Thread and thought to share my experience with 250W HPS.
I have DR60 from Secret Jardin that sitts in little room . I'm using 250W HPS/MH ballast and currenty MH bulb during veg.
I have to admit it's quite hard to maintain nice temperature in my tent.
I have my tent in the small room without window. Even I have fan and duct that brings fresh air from outside of house I still have to watch temperatures few times a day.
I have cooltube installed that is fan exhausted as well.I may have temp problems because my fans do 85m3/hour.There is 1 intake from outdoor, 1 exhaust for cooltube that takes air out to the room where my box is and 3rd one (on the top) to take air out from the box (into the room again). It might be better to connect intake fan and duct to the cooltube, but more ducts inside the tent means less room for ya girls :(. Aditionally I use oscilating fan that blows under the cooltube. Any advise given to me may help others...


Active Member
yeah the three i had in the veg room where put in the flowering room on 27th nov so around end of jan ill have another harvest lol
thing is because it was my first grow i messed up on the timing of things so the 3 that are now in for flowering are already like 3 n half foot so the clones i have waiting to go into veg are gonna be held off until these are about 3 weeks into flowering, atleast then i wont have this height problem.
im gonna do wot u said with these ones and chop all the lower branches off so i dont end up with loadsa airy buds :)

here's a couple of pics of the 3 i have in the flowering room, they have all shown white hairs already so its lookin good.
ill do some better pics in a couple of days :joint:
Hi man can you tell me the kinda vent system fans you got in this room i am haven problems with heat , Great lookin girls ye got there .


I'll put some pics of my 250w snow white / bubblelicious grow I've got a decent size attic I am growing in, went with the 250 for heat problems. check it..


Hi guys, just bought buy first 250w hps! So im in the club :)

Ive ordered some sweet feminized seeds and ill post sum pics of my set up in a bit. I hoping for veg for 4 weeks then flower, at the moment I have a dual spectrum bulb:


Would this be ok to veg? Or is it a bit too strong for a lil seedling? Or do I need to buy a MH bulb? Any help would be appreciated...I love this site :D


Well-Known Member
@Bobek, try getting a 4" fan with a speed controller and your heat problems should be solved. It depends on what your ambient temperature is outside the tent as well.

@ Jonny, many people grow with HPS from seedling to finish. Personally, I like to veg with MH and flower with HPS, but if you don't have the money to run MH and HPS, then just go with the HPS.


Well-Known Member
hello ppl , i recently done a grow using 250 for 3 plants , i got about an oz a plant , this time round ive gt 5 plants under 2 250w lights should i get a better yield and wat size should i turn them there about 15 inches tall atm , im not using any technique either , thanks