Do you use a light meter to check the output?
Nope I don't, I feel most light meters don't work that great in all honesty, same with water meters. You don't need a light meter to notice it in your plants, and you don't need a light meter to realize the light is easier on your eyes because it's just not as bright as it was.
When you get a brand new light you'll notice that when you go in to check on the plants, that when you come out you will usually have a glare. Kind of like when you stare at white too long, you can get that pink glare that gives everything a pinkish hue to it, it's sort of like that. You'll notice that after a couple of grows you don't get that glare anymore and if you do it's not as intense, that's what I mean by easier on the eyes. However with that said, a friend of mine has used a light meter and noticed performance diminishing as well.
Tools are awesome when growing, but I try to keep myself away from as much as possible. I feel that if you depend on your tools too much, that you will never really learn to read a plant or it's surroundings. I don't want to be stuck in another position where a tool goes to crap and I'm stuck up shit's creek with no paddle. Noticed I said "another" lol, yeah learning experiences are greeeeeeeeeat
