250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
thanks man, the seeds are from a bag i got but the guy buys straight from a grower and it was dank as fuck. im hoping to get at least a 2oz yeild from her but we will see. once ive got it all under control and know how long to veg for to get a decent yeild i will start using the seeds i have paid for, got quite a selection: SAGE, amnesia haze, purple haze, ak48, big bud #1, blueberry, ak47 autos, also got a nyc diesel seed from a friend the other day so i thought id stick it alongside this to see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
I like to veg 60 days but it's a hassel. I'm thinking about 90 days but I'm not sure if I have the space for it this round.

Last grow with Blue Mystic, I grew one plant, vegged for 60 and flowered for 9 weeks. I pulled 1/4 pound off my plant. (LST is a personal growers best friend)


Well-Known Member
nice. only problem i have with lst is i have nothing to tie things too. dont wanna drill holes in my res. and cant really tie it to the wall or the floor as its solid concrete :( i want at least 2oz of this which im hopeful for. its taken me a while to get the temps and humidity right, and a decent lighting system and im keeping it simple as i can with nutes. rather than listen to the millions bits of nutrient advice ive been given im gonna try to get to know my plant a bit more and let her tell me when to feed her.


Well-Known Member
nice. only problem i have with lst is i have nothing to tie things too. dont wanna drill holes in my res. and cant really tie it to the wall or the floor as its solid concrete :( i want at least 2oz of this which im hopeful for. its taken me a while to get the temps and humidity right, and a decent lighting system and im keeping it simple as i can with nutes. rather than listen to the millions bits of nutrient advice ive been given im gonna try to get to know my plant a bit more and let her tell me when to feed her.
As with many things duct tape can be your best friend when LST'ing. I use string and duct tape to the side of my pots in order to train early in veg, then use the screen for the rest of training.


Well-Known Member
well considering i have rolls of it and even use it to hold my light straight (sits funny) i cant believe that didnt cross my mind. thanks man.


Active Member
That's so funny i actually had to use duct tape today for my wal mart pot (I don't normally like to use them) but yea i just wrap my string in it and tape it to the side and tie down whatever you want. actually in many cases its better than holes because of how easy it is to move and retape.


Well-Known Member
well we had the hottest day of the year so far less than 3 days ago now all of a sudden thunder and super heavy rain today. makes me wonder whats going on in the clouds


Well-Known Member
I just switched out my lights. I'm now running a 250 HPS

I keep switching to a 12/12 cycle and then changing it back to 18/6 before the schedule gots interupted. I just couldn't decide on when I wanted to flower.

Now with the bulb switched out, the plants will grow bushier (more red spectrum)
I'll do this for 10 days and then flip them.


250W High Pressure Sodium Bulb (For flowering/budding)

  • Power: 250 watts (High efficiency)
    [*]Expected Life Span: 24,000 hours (4300 used)
  • Lumen: 32,000 lumens
  • Color Temperature: 2,000K


Well-Known Member
I like to keep this thread on the first page for easy access so I randomly post in it if it gets to another page.


I also like to provide ease of access to the club by keeping it on the first page.

I love my 250, it's a cost effective way of providing my medication that's safe and I love showing off what a 250 can do.


Active Member
I love my 250, it's a cost effective way of providing my medication that's safe and I love showing off what a 250 can do.

Have to agree with you there. I am so happy I got mine, the T5 was ok, but looking back now I would be in trouble and would have to had sacrificed a plant of some of the best bud I've smoked....

I picked up some steaks for mine, going to tie them down a bit more tomorrow, will snap a few pics ;)


Well-Known Member
work in progress but i will have a 3x7x7ft room with 2 possible 3 250ws, what would be a good hood these mnight be air cooled but might not be not sure yet. what do you guys reccomend on ballasts? right now im just using a 150 so not to sure with thoses on which ois a good buy and whats not.


Active Member
I ran into a small N deficiency with my top 69 and used foliage feed to correct it. I know most will say not to use it during flowering but my buds are still light and have 2 fans and 1 blower pulling out the air in a very small tent so im not worried about it. I'll post some pics when it makes more progress.