250w HPS Club And Help Guide


Well-Known Member
Yup Yup, i was going to post but smoked another Joint instead, then i couldn't think what i would type for 3 hours,! LOL


Well-Known Member
Been changing Hoods and lights in my tent and Closte, damn, it's complicated totally rewiring Hoods for the First time. LOl Well after smoking a J or 2 it is i mean :p


Well-Known Member
I now have my SOG setup with 12 'Missing' Clones, i think i will open a thread and document it, would you guys like to see it? it's under 250 HPS :D haha


Well-Known Member
I now have my SOG setup with 12 'Missing' Clones, i think i will open a thread and document it, would you guys like to see it? it's under 250 HPS :D haha
Hell yeah i'd like to see it!! Been considering multiple small plants under my 250, so I can have a nice choice of different weed each month, kepp the taste budds interested


Well-Known Member
cheers man. after my fiasco with the airpump, think it was out for over 24hours the plant seems to have recovered nicely. the buds are getting fatter daily and frostier by the hour it seems. i can see already there is probably about 1 & 1/2 oz just from the density and size of buds. the main cola is about 8" long and about 2" across and the are plenty of 2-3" buds forming around it. :) ive whacked my ppm up to 1400 today. when i change the res this coming friday it will be going to 1600. im gonna slowly start reducing the nutes by 200ppm a week after that down to around 800. if she looks ready then i will do a 3 day just plain water then chop. hopefully around oct 5th. :)

Dr. Kundilini

Well-Known Member
Hello dudes and dudetts, friends and neighbors; Checking in reading posts and drooling over the nice buds in the finishing photos. Hoping to get there, but it is going a bit slower than I expected. I won the battle with the gnats, thanks to help and advice from you guys here in the 250 Club. I seem to have gotten all the males decapitated and now see only white haired ladies. They had a grow spurt and were getting into the lights , so I began some MST. I am getting the hang of it and doing a little MST every few days to keep the tender tops off the lights. I added some 2700K T12 floros hanging on either end to suppliment the lower parts that were shaded. Overall, the plants look green & healthy. Today is the 29th day of flowering, starting the 5th wk. QUESTION: I am using GH Grow/Micro/Bloom...Micro 10ml/Gal. Bloom 15ml/Gal, and growing in soil/perlite/vermiculite. How often should I be using the neuts?My current application has been about 1 dose a week. I water when the soil feels dry about and inch down. I have no signs of leaf curl, discoloration/burning. I do have a small amount of damage from light heat on a couple of terminal ends.


Well-Known Member
i would lower the dose of micro that far into flowering. lucas recommends using 8ml micro and 16ml bloom. if your plants are happy with what you are giving them then dont up it.


Well-Known Member
Hello dudes and dudetts, friends and neighbors; Checking in reading posts and drooling over the nice buds in the finishing photos. Hoping to get there, but it is going a bit slower than I expected. I won the battle with the gnats, thanks to help and advice from you guys here in the 250 Club. I seem to have gotten all the males decapitated and now see only white haired ladies. They had a grow spurt and were getting into the lights , so I began some MST. I am getting the hang of it and doing a little MST every few days to keep the tender tops off the lights. I added some 2700K T12 floros hanging on either end to suppliment the lower parts that were shaded. Overall, the plants look green & healthy. Today is the 29th day of flowering, starting the 5th wk. QUESTION: I am using GH Grow/Micro/Bloom...Micro 10ml/Gal. Bloom 15ml/Gal, and growing in soil/perlite/vermiculite. How often should I be using the neuts?My current application has been about 1 dose a week. I water when the soil feels dry about and inch down. I have no signs of leaf curl, discoloration/burning. I do have a small amount of damage from light heat on a couple of terminal ends.
Growth spurts happen the first couple of weeks of 12/12, it caught me out first time to, but expect it everytime :)

Depending on how much water your plant uses, and how regularly you have to top up. For example my plants in 10litre buckets, use about 600ml every 3 days, and I do: NUTES, NUTES, WATER, NUTES, NUTES, WATER etc. So in 9 days they get 2 feeds, and one just water (well I put a small drop of nutes in to help the soil process). But sometimes it's only every 4th water they miss nutes, depends on how the plants doing. Have a rough programme, but try and work to the signs of plant def's or burns.

Can be a bit much at first, but you'll pick it up, and enjoy not having to buy shit street weed


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah i'd like to see it!! Been considering multiple small plants under my 250, so I can have a nice choice of different weed each month, kepp the taste budds interested

Ok, i'm ready to start the thread, hmmnnn, i think i will do it in 'Strains' so it's like next to my Missing (the Motherplant) grow.

heres a pic of the little and i mean little Clones, taken one month ago..


See if that get's your tastebuds wet. lol


Well-Known Member
Nice!! Are you allowing comments on that thread??

Have you flipped them yet?? I take my clones about that size too, and then usually veg for2-4 weeks in soil, before flipping, depending on rotation. Vegged under CFL, they stay shorter then your plants are now, but with loads of nodes. I was worried that any more then 3 or 4 of these under HPS would get far too big by my 2x2 or 60x60 tent


Well-Known Member
Nice!! Are you allowing comments on that thread??

Have you flipped them yet?? I take my clones about that size too, and then usually veg for2-4 weeks in soil, before flipping, depending on rotation. Vegged under CFL, they stay shorter then your plants are now, but with loads of nodes. I was worried that any more then 3 or 4 of these under HPS would get far too big by my 2x2 or 60x60 tent
Sure you can comment on there if you like man.

That tent they are in is only 80cm x 80cm x 160cm under 250 HPS

16 that size would have fitted the tent Perectly in terms of floor space since 4 x those pots = 40cm square :p

They only had a few days under the LED before going under the 250 since i had the mothers under my CFL.. :p lol

Its gonna be interesting, i expected them to stay shorter too but they do seem to have/be stretching. hmmnnn..


Well-Known Member
Here is a comparison picture of a Clone that was taken and put straight under 12/12 once rooted, it's on week 4 of 12/12 now..



Active Member
44.2 grams total on the auto flower top 69. Smoked the sugar leaf and it was all great, but i will not be touching the bud until it is cured properly. Thank you to everyone that helped me out. This is only my 2nd attempt and only my first with professional gear. There is no way I could have done this without the help and support from this thread. Mazar kush is looking pretty good I will post pics later. cheers :weed:


Well-Known Member
Sure you can comment on there if you like man.

That tent they are in is only 80cm x 80cm x 160cm under 250 HPS

16 that size would have fitted the tent Perectly in terms of floor space since 4 x those pots = 40cm square :p

They only had a few days under the LED before going under the 250 since i had the mothers under my CFL.. :p lol

Its gonna be interesting, i expected them to stay shorter too but they do seem to have/be stretching. hmmnnn..

Now, I'm getting interested. I have 20cm 6.5 litre pots, which would fit 9 pots perfectly in my tent. That'd give me 3 small plants every 3 weeks. Just worried that the canopy will get too much, and the relatively small bulb will mean lots of the plants will be a distant from the light source


Well-Known Member
Now, I'm getting interested. I have 20cm 6.5 litre pots, which would fit 9 pots perfectly in my tent. That'd give me 3 small plants every 3 weeks. Just worried that the canopy will get too much, and the relatively small bulb will mean lots of the plants will be a distant from the light source
you can always set up like graduating downward steps to keep all the plants the same distance from the light. so have the oldest on the floor then say raise the next row by 4" then the next row by another 4" so its actually 8" off the ground then as you remove and and replace they will all get even light amounts :)


Well-Known Member
I was thinking of doing something like that, but i'm currently experimenting with more mature plants trained to flatter canopies.

Here are some pics fo my sorry ass harvest. After spider mites, and losing a main cola through dropping thte plant, i'll be looking at around 40g dried. Not great but it could have been worse, considering.



Well-Known Member
a harvest is good...... is this your first? my first was 44g :) second was a disaster. got 12g :( third times a charm lol