264watt CFL Rubbermaid Grow - Diesel Ryder Fem, Gnomo Ryder Fem


Well-Known Member

Seeds from Attitude came in today. :lol:

-5 Kannabia Gnomo Ryder Fems
-1 Joint Dr Diesel Ryder Fem
-1 Bubblegummer Fem
-1 C-99 Hydrid Fem

I am germinating the 1 diesel ryder and 1 of the gnomo ryders now. Next post will occur after they sprout and get planted. I am going to do all of the autos before I get around to my UFOs from Attitude.

My setup is DETAILED in my sig. I did quite a lengthy thread on my setup so I would rather not repeat that here. The pics of it are included below. If you have any questions on my setup, feel free to ask here, however. ;-)

also, my rubbermaid has since been covered with foil on the inside as to avoid the amount of light leakage shown in the pictures. you will see better pictures as we move along this grow and they move into the conservatory

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Well-Known Member
just checked on the beans. they have been germing for 30 hours in a warm dark place. they have both cracked:lol::lol:

going to let them keep germing for a tit. maybe around midnight if they have really started to come out i will pot them. if not, then tomorrow.

pic update in next post


Well-Known Member
planted the gnomo. giving the diesel ryder more time germinating until tomorrow afternoon probably.

she is under an 80w cool white fluorescent until breaking soil, at which point they will be under my 264watt rubbermaid + the 80watt cool white. when they begin to smell i will remove the 80w light from the top, attach the lid to my rubbermaid and flip my intake/exhaust system to on. again, my setup is detailed quite well in the lower link in my sig for those seeking more info.

does anyone know how to rotate pictures? they are oriented correctly but after uploading they switch??

the black towel over my light is covering the bag that the diesel ryder is germing in in moist paper towels. nice and warm on top of the light

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Well-Known Member
hey bro i grew diesel ryder and it was a damn good smoke. thats a ghetto ass set up but im givin reps for the work u put into it, it actually looks pretty sick. My only question is what are you going to do for the darkness periods when the lights go off? i say that cause the rubbermaids are clear. good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
hey bro i grew diesel ryder and it was a damn good smoke. thats a ghetto ass set up but im givin reps for the work u put into it, it actually looks pretty sick. My only question is what are you going to do for the darkness periods when the lights go off? i say that cause the rubbermaids are clear. good luck bro.
well i am doing all automatics so my lights will be running 24/0 except for maybe a few hours everyday i will turn them off when i'm around to save electricity. from what i hear this wont really stress them since they're autos. what do you think?

thanks for the rep. +rep back at you, kind sir.

it does look ghetto, but trust me- this thing runs like a well-oiled machine for how much time has been put into it... we'll find out though for sure in the coming weeks..


Well-Known Member
hell yeah you can run those 24/0. i love that fan set up keep this shit going through the whole grow. ill be watching


Well-Known Member
thanks for the encouragement man. i plan to keep this updated every time something significant happens or changes. this will act as my calendar for the grow so i want to keep it accurate too.


Well-Known Member
so it has been a few days since posting. in that time, my diesel ryder has failed to sprout, while the gnomo is now above ground :lol::lol:

i have another gnomo seed already germinated and now in the soil that was going to originally be used for the diesel. looks like we'll be working with 2 gnomo ryders for the rest of this grow.

i'm not too disappointed- the diesel looked like a fucking amazing plant but since i cant have smell breaches where i am it seems like the two gnomos might be more appropriate for a first grow anyway.


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Well-Known Member
the second gnomo that i started is doing very well. way better, in fact, than the first one that i started. pics are below. the one that looks good is my second, the other is the original girl i started.

does anyone know what is going on with the one that looks really poor as of now?:-(

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Well-Known Member
ok so in the past few days i have changed my setup a bit but other than that everything is coming along nicely. watering every 3 days or when bone dry.

from what i've read, the gnomos are very sensitive to overwatering. from what i have read, waiting until the soil is bone dry helps the roots grow and search for water anyway.

just been letting them do their thing. waiting patiently.

the two tupperware containers on top of my exhaust fan will have a couple of inches of carbon in them once the smell kicks in. the ducts are covered with panty hose so none will fall through.

any questions, input, or advise, feel free to hop in!:leaf::leaf::leaf:

all three of these girls are kannabia gnomo ryders feminized btw, in case that was not clear. they are all a matter of a couple days apart which is why the growth is not exactly the same on them all. oh well.

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EDIT-why the hell are all of my pictures ALWAYS rotated incorrectly when they look fine on the uploader!? driving me nuts



Well-Known Member
I got some diesel Ryder from attitude also recently and it's been vegging under sun for a cupla hours a day and cfl's for the rest. 19/5 light/dark right now. I think it was planted right around the same time. This should be interesting


Well-Known Member
The biggest girl is a 7 days old. the middle sized one about 4.5 days, and the smallest around 4 days. how do they look? I hope i dont have a nitrogen deficiency since my budget is completed tapped out . :sad:

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Well-Known Member
they are ages from sprout, not seed. the reason i posted this is because i was discussing my grow with a fellow grower who has more experience than me. the soil i am using is organic seed starter miracle grow. i dont have nutes and wasnt planning on using them (i think i am now though). he claims that his first grow looked similar to mine in that he used shitty ass soil. the end result for him was a 1/8 of dry weight at harvest. he thinks i have a nitrogen problem.

they do seem to have grown quite a bit though since watering them yesterday though. i have been going 3 days between watering, waiting until it is bone dry an entire finger's length into the soil before watering.

i can get better pics if you would like. they look like a bright green- healthy, but a light green color. i am not experienced enough to determine if this is a nitrogen problem or not. any help would be greatly appreciated +rep thanks guys


Well-Known Member
they are ages from sprout, not seed. the reason i posted this is because i was discussing my grow with a fellow grower who has more experience than me. the soil i am using is organic seed starter miracle grow. i dont have nutes and wasnt planning on using them (i think i am now though). he claims that his first grow looked similar to mine in that he used shitty ass soil. the end result for him was a 1/8 of dry weight at harvest. he thinks i have a nitrogen problem.

they do seem to have grown quite a bit though since watering them yesterday though. i have been going 3 days between watering, waiting until it is bone dry an entire finger's length into the soil before watering.

i can get better pics is you would like. they look like a bright green- healthy, but a light green color. i am not experienced enough to determine if this is a nitrogen problem or not. any help would be greatly appreciated +rep thanks guys
hey choop from my exp, nutes early on are not necessary and should be started when the plant has at least 2 or 3 nodes, or at least doesnt look like a vulnerable little seedling anymore...
that said, its hard to diagnose nitrogen deficiencies so young. nitrogen deficiencies normally show in fan leaves with yellowing at the tips and other symptoms.
ok, im no pro, just sharing some feedback

also, i water every 2 days and i dont wait for them to get THAT dry; just remember they do better in a drought than they do in a flood, yes, but you also dont want to starve them and then flood them, either. steady feeding is good. try every 2 days. and start the nutes at about 1/8 the recommended dosage and feed with every feed and move up the dosage slowly.
love and care, and watch your plants... listen to your plants... they will tell you what they need and if what you gave them was too much, too little or not necessary


Well-Known Member
oh yea
..almost forgot: they love the sun. at any age. and especially when theyre so little and they can suck up as many nutrients from the sun as they can. plus, because theyre so small its easy to hide their true identity from prying eyes...
for example i leave my seedlings and small clones on the windowsill and noone can tell... they get a good few hours of sunlight every day that way
until they are too big and i have to keep them in the cabinet... oh well


Well-Known Member
thanks for the feedback i appreciate it. i will rep you again as soon as i can. due to stealth reasons they are going to have to stay in their rubbermaid conservatory. i just took them out to water and they are really showing a lot of new growth. i will post pics later today or something. they look healthy to me so far, i just wanted some other opinions so thank you. i had to yank the tiniest seedling tonight. i helped remove its shell from the sprout like its first day out of the ground and it ended up stunting its growth to the point that it isnt even worth it. in a week it has not gotten any bigger or shown new growth. it hasnt looked bad, though. just no growth what so ever. now my 2 solid girls will be eating up the light all to themselves.

when i plucked the runt i scratched my nose right after and my fingers smelled like straight ganja. they are so tiny but definitely already have an aroma. my carbon filter is already being used so i dont have to dick with it later on in the grow. temps are staying around 80-83. considering that my setup is so ghetto and my exhaust fan is a home made vortex fan blowing through a tupperware container with carbon i am definitely not complaining...kind of amazing that i got it rigged up this efficiently at all in the first place if ya ask me