Man.. fuck!
this is what I get for neglecting pH and guestimating nutrients I guess....
My main white berry plant is looking like its going to die before it finishes and its not going to bud more because I scored a toxicity that slows down flowering. Somehow the white berry plant got a mad case of nitrogen toxicity, leaves are saggy like the plant is dead and I'm losing 1-2 sets of leaves per cola each day it seems now. Might have to chop it early, we'll see. I am running nothing but ph'd water through my system now, going to add nutrients later this afternoon when I take pics.
It could be a number of things and I doubt ill ever be able to limit it down, I just know that after all this I am staying with aero.
edit: After looking at nitrogen tox plants I am not sure if thats the case now, especially considering the fact that the blue cheese would have gotten n-tox before the wb would have so.. I really have no clue what is killing my plant, I am flushing it with nothing but ph'd water (all of my plants) I will let it chill in there the rest of the day with just water and see if it gets any better, I'm really thinking this plant is going to be chopped early unfortunately, but I do have the clone so I will have some good smoke of the whiteberry too.
It went from awesome looking to dead looking and super saggy in 1 day... The leaves are sagged to the max, thats why I think the plant might be dying, but IDK how it could just die so fast...
edit2: I think it is some kind of root fungus or form of root rot that is killing my plant, root rot = goner right? It is in my aero setup now, just getting sprayed with ph'd water..........
edit3: I just picked up some 3% h2o2 solution and I have been soaking the WB roots in it, so far they look much better, its about 50/50 water h2o2 solution so its 15% h2o2 in reality, soaking for 20 mins, hopefully this will save my baby...