yes I am aware of that terrible disease...but I have never poisoned my plants to get forum attention,well at least, not intentionally, lol.

Actually by M .proxy is worse than that, it's the parent getting unmet needs met through their children's sickness and medical attention, and yes, I have seen a mom inject bacteria into her own babies IV, sad sad things/people out there!!
I wanted to get these bubbles to about 16" or so before flipping them, and tbh, I think THAT is the part I look most forward to, but also it intimidates me the most.
I'm not sure what to feed them to get them ready, sure I have all these feed charts that will kill my plants if I follow them, I just need to find the right balance.
I have these 3 pricey solubles that I'm supposed to use each for 2-3 feedings, first the open sesame, then beastie bloomz, then the chaching up until flush time, but this is all assuming my plants can handle the ppm's they have listed (1960-2100 in week 12!!!!) seems I have troubles if I get over 700!!
And I don't know if that is this particular strain, or that I didn't start them out high enough and gradually increase by enough ppms, but if I gave my girls in week 5, which they are going into..1900-2100 they would die, I am pretty certain of that! Their last feed was under 800 and I flushed them after because they started getting weird growth and these brownish-orange spots!
So I am at the point now I am kinda scared to feed them!
They are all putting out tons of side branches now (great for cloning) so I am thinking perhaps it is time?
I think I may keep the one that is branchiest as a mum for clones, she's already got her little hairs, well they all do, so I guess they are mature enough, I just am so nervous that when I switch to flowering nutes that I'm going to scorch them!
They are in need of a good watering, it's been a few days, except the 2 I gave 2 cups with some mag and calcium to, the others are due and getting thirsty, the soil is dry like on the top 3-6" but further down it still feels slightly moist, I am guessing b/c I used 40-50% perlite?I do know I need to let them get dry around the roots so they don't get deprived of o2 and get rootrot or stunted, right, so should I let em go until it feels dry at the bottom holes? Its so fluffy w/ perlite I'm sure they get enough o2.
I actually think I may have troubleshooted "some" of my problem...I have like 2 feet of snow from the past few days, and my house is verrry drafty, now that I am using just the HO T-5, well it doesn't put out the heat like the MH did, and my pots sit right on the when I am bare foot, which isn't often , my feet freeeze on these hardwood floors, I have a stack of 2x4's cut into like 3 ft sections, should I raise them up a bit(the pots) so the roots aren't in such a cold zone?
I never really gave that much thought until I was in there tonight looking them over, my hands and knees were like ice after kneeling by them only 20 min or so, so they must be cold!
more leaves I am finding with the brown/rusty looking spots

and a few just white spots, but I looked over all of the foliage with my 80x mag, no bugs to be seen anywhere, even though some leaves have holes and look like someones been chewin on them.
So I know the buds are why we all grow this beautiful plant, I just realized tonight I am a bit freaked out about flipping them over, it's like I don't even have a feeding schedule down that I know wont kill them, it's a scary step to make..and I did want to grow them out to be big bushy trees!
But I have read these bubbles can triple size in if that is the case I better get busy...maybe I just need to be talked though what they need, the basics...dont want to flood them with overkill..but the open sesame(5-45-19) supposed to make more bud sites and early ripening, and supposed to use in wks 4,5&6..then to the beastie bloomz(0-50-30)(makes heavy weight "fruit" maximizes blossoms) week 7&8..then cha ching(9-50-10)(increases essential oils and produces heavy resins) weekly until flush time..guess I can mix like 1/8th of what they say to use, then see how they tolerate it and hope for the best?
reading those numbers are a bit intimidating, even though the amount used is miniscule, the cha-ching does have 9 of N, and I thought in bud we stay away from N, and even let it become deficient? The "chart" says to use 1/4 tsp of all three solubles(not all at once, of course). I am thinking even less than 1/2 of that?
doing it is the scary part..I'm so chicken, I hate the thought of killing one more plant!
So do you think I aughta prepare the lil ladies to toss me some nugs?
I was hoping they'd still be having great growth etc at this point..who knows maybe the ^ in nutes will fix whatever is ailing them..
Have you ever seen anyone over-analyze the shit out of everything as I do??!
Yeah I hate that part, personally.
Plz let me know what ya think anyone reading this....
Have a wonderful night all~C