2nd grow, Nirvana Bubblelicious closet scrog

So this is going to be my first attempt at creating a grow journal.

First grow was three bagseeds under cfl's the whole time. Used Organic MG soil and the samples bio bizz gave out for nutes. Had a complication and one bit the dust early, next one was a male..., and the last one that had been growing the longest was thankfully a beautiful female. Pulled 2 1/4 Oz. off of her. I had a time keeping temps down the whole time..

Starting this grow with better genetics, better soil.
Genetics = Nirvana Bubblelicious Fem
Soil = Fox Farms Ocean Forest
Nutes = Bio Grow, Bio Bloom, Topmax
Lights = Enough 26w cfl's to light a cave

Better lighting before I have to switch to 12/12. Better exhaust system within the next 2-3 weeks.
Lighting = 400hps
Exhaust = booster fan or inline?
*my closet is 2' wide x 6' long x 6' tall, the actual grow area is 2' wide x 3' long. Would a simple home depot/lowes booster vent that area well enough or would i have to invest in a better inline fan?

Without Further Adue:
Pic 1: The lil girls, 7 days from sprout. Healthy? the one on the right seems a lil strange comparitively. Started them in some left over MG organic soil and perlite. I have a pot prepared with Ocean Forest and perlite for the transplant at two weeks.
Pic 2: My setup
Pic 3: Swamp cooler to help with temps
Pic 4: Temps and humidity correct?
Pic 5: Curious Guard Pit "Yukon"


Hey guys, I have a quick question if you guys don't mind putting my mind at ease.

Does it seem like the first set of leaves on the one in the first picture are damaged somehow? they seem droopy.. Like overwater, possibly wind damage?

The second seems to be doing nicely though! :hump:

-cooler day out today so temps are perfect in the mid to upper 70's.
-humidity is a bit off in there today for some reason. 36%, so i put a few containers of water on the screen to evaporate and hopefully raise it a bit.
-also added two power strips with 2 cfls on each to bring the total to 8 cfls and two 2' flouro tubes



Well-Known Member
Hey Bog nice looking grow, Yes the droopy leaves are usually from over watering. Everything else looks good your leaves have good color as well (thats what you want)
thanks for the input! I had a feeling it was overwatering. I let the soil dry out really well yesterday and didn't water as heavy today to try to fix the issue. Heavy watering hand....
i water mine every 3 days in average. they are good too.
everything seems good dude.
just carefull not to water too much
yea I think I may try that idea. It just seems like with my temps always hanging around 80 and as many lights as I have in there it dries the soil out quickly. I couldn't imagine three days without water after not last night. Let it go without water all day (maybe a few hours of the prior day as well) and the soil was like crispy on top lol. The leaves say overwater though so it's H2O nazi time.
added some more lighting out of storage from the last grow.

Pic 1: Lighting now = 3x 20w, 7x 26w, 2' flouro tubes 40w.
Total = 282w

Pic 2: Still doing great everyday. Been a healthy lil girl so far. :hump:

Pic 3: Continued the role of water nazi, and sure enough the droopy one is perking up.

Pic 4: Left the closet door closed last night and got up and opened it around 10:30 A.M this mourning to do a temperature test. Even with the door shut when the lights clicked on at 5 A.M the high only got to 86 deg. Temps have been staying consistantly around 79-81. happy with that so far. We will see what happens with the few extra lights i have added. Makes me confident that a home depot booster fan will effectively cool my closet to where I want it.


Things started looking a little off today so i figured i would go ahead and transplant it today instead of waiting it out till two weeks on friday.

Turns out it had almost overgrown the cups I had started it in. Good idea to transplant I guess. Hopefully new soil and proper watering will nurse them back to perfect again.

Pic 1:Arial of plant 1
Pic 2:Arial of plant 2, possibly N defficiency on first large leaves from waiting too long to transplant?
Pic 3:Side of plant 1
Pic 4:Side of plant 2, problematic plant
Pic 5: New light setup after transplant

Give me your thoughts guys. Seems that they aren't doing quite so well. Will they rebound with new soil and bigger pots etc?


Things seem to be looking a little better than yesterday after the transplant. Both are starting to bounce back.

Pics 1-2: The first lady is still beastin along. Perking up now after the transplant as well. I'm watching for a sudden growth spurt soon.
Pics 3-4: had outgrown the cup so much that apparently it developed a N defficiency. Did a number on the first set of large leaves. The rest is seeming to perk up though and the color is ok.

Temps have gotten a little hotter lately with the current light setup, but never any hotter than 85. Typically hovers from 81-84 with a +- flux of 2 degrees in either direction.

I am going to start using Bio Grow friday as that is the two week starting point bio bizz recomends. I think I will dilute the nutes to 1/2 or 1/4 strength though. Any comments about that? Just a general idea that I figure it should be a smaller dose when it's a smaller plant. The feed schedule seems like alot of nutes for a two week old plant.



Well-Known Member
Is that FoxFarm soil worth it you think? Nowhere around here sells FF so I'd have to pay like $30 a bag if I wanted it shipped. I have some of the MG organic you said you used the last time. Looking at your pics it visually looks similar, except the FF stuff looks like it has more perlite.


Well-Known Member
My little ladies are looking better than ever :) Watered them again last night, it had been long enough. They both perked up this mourning. Do you guys think they are ready to be topped soon?

Pic 1: Arial plant 1
Pic 2: Arial plant 2
Pic 3: Side plant 1
Pic 4: Side plant 2
I've never done it before, but I think topping is done after about a month to six weeks in.
Wow guys! there exploding on me :)

As far as the mg vs FF soil,
totally FF ALL the way! MG is turd soil in comparison... I used it last time all the way through and it made pretty decent bud but nothing like the growth im getting since I transplanted to FF. I have also noticed that if you overwater the MG it turns into muck and compacts really tight. Thus making it very difficult for the roots to breath. That combined with the slow release of nutes constantly changing your PH and causing lockup made up my mind. I was having trouble finding FF soil myself and getting it shipped was REDICULOUS! If you go onto FF website they have a "Store Locater." I did this and it pointed me to a place that i never even knew existed and passed all the time going to school. Fulll out garden supply shop :) It was only $25 for the large bag.

Nutes: started with a 1/4 dosage of Bio Bizz Bio Grow last night. Use nutes every other watering. Will be using this feeding schedule for a week or two then I will bump it up to 1/2 strength.

Training: I took an attempt at fimming but I don't know how well it whent. I think I cut too much on one and close to too much on the other. I can see new little leaves forming on one but not the other. Either way I am going to let it go for a few days and if I don't start to see any new branching then I'll just top it and get garunteed results. I probably tried it when the new growth was too small...

anyway, Pics
Pic 1: Arial 1 *Bad fim attempt
Pic 2: Arial 2 *Better fim attempt
Pic 3: Side 1
Pic 4: Side 2



Well-Known Member
Wow guys! there exploding on me :)

As far as the mg vs FF soil,
totally FF ALL the way! MG is turd soil in comparison... I used it last time all the way through and it made pretty decent bud but nothing like the growth im getting since I transplanted to FF. I have also noticed that if you overwater the MG it turns into muck and compacts really tight. Thus making it very difficult for the roots to breath. That combined with the slow release of nutes constantly changing your PH and causing lockup made up my mind. I was having trouble finding FF soil myself and getting it shipped was REDICULOUS! If you go onto FF website they have a "Store Locater." I did this and it pointed me to a place that i never even knew existed and passed all the time going to school. Fulll out garden supply shop :) It was only $25 for the large bag.

Nutes: started with a 1/4 dosage of Bio Bizz Bio Grow last night. Use nutes every other watering. Will be using this feeding schedule for a week or two then I will bump it up to 1/2 strength.

Training: I took an attempt at fimming but I don't know how well it whent. I think I cut too much on one and close to too much on the other. I can see new little leaves forming on one but not the other. Either way I am going to let it go for a few days and if I don't start to see any new branching then I'll just top it and get garunteed results. I probably tried it when the new growth was too small...

anyway, Pics
Pic 1: Arial 1 *Bad fim attempt
Pic 2: Arial 2 *Better fim attempt
Pic 3: Side 1
Pic 4: Side 2

Thanks for the reply man! finally a first hand account of someone that's tried both. I sort of feel like sometimes people on here recommend stuff based on what they hear rather than from experience. Nothing wrong with ppl giving advice based on what they hear just as long as they clarify they only heard it and didn't actually try it, ya know. I went to college for psychology so I guess I'm naturally a big skeptical. I use to workout a lot and I felt like there was more hype than science in the bodybuilding industry. I'm fairly new to this so I'm still trying to wade through the facts :dunce: . But anyway, Yeah I did the locator. Nearest outlet is about an hour away. I'll have to look into taking a little ride :lol:.

subbed :peace:
Glad I could help! If you have any questions while your trying it out ask me on this thread or PM me and i'll be glad to answer them to the best of my capability. I'm no grow veteran but I think I have the major info down. Just lacking $$$ for primo grow supplies...

I was skeptical at first. After a few weeks into my last grow it looked like everything was going well with MG and I didn't have alota $$$ to throw at the project then. So I stuck with the MG and finished out the grow. I was impressed for a first attempt at growing and with the limited resources (not enough lights, didn't have nutes for a majority of the grow, too hot in the grow room, cheap soil) I had. I turned middi bagseed into some upper mids if not entry level (insert your terminology for quality bud.)

Then I started this grow and the difference is rediculous! I'll attatch a pic at the bottom of my first lady Anastasia so you can see where the MG route will take you with limited lighting.

As far as bodybuilding, I agree all the way with you. There are some products that will boost results but really it all comes down to how hard you are willing to work for it and make changes. I'm on a daily workout regiment myself now at home that consists of bench, curls, elevated pushups, weighted crunches, weighted leg lifts. Been getting results as long as I stick to it and allow proper time to heal up between heavy workouts. I am also trying to take up some martial arts lessons from my best friend, he got his black belt in hap ki do when he was younger. The only real suppliment I have been using for my workout is some powder creatine that you can mix with water after your workouts. Seems to be doing something, if not anything else it tastes GREAT when mixed with "Lemonberry Squeeze" Hawaiian Punch. It tastes like weak fruit punch with water.


Did some rearanging today in the grow area. As well as some recreational smoking aparatus creation.

I felt like the cfls on the power stripped attatched to the walls were too far away to be doing a whole lot of good so I moved them in closer.
Took a good bong rip to get enough creativity to figure this puzzle out lol

The ladies are doing lovely though! They are even starting to show signs that I didn't completely eff up the fim job. New growth is growing at the top where I fim'd both.

Pic 1: Arial 1
Pic 2: Arial 2
Pic 3: Side 1
Pic 4: Side 2
Pic 5: New light setup
Pic 6: Zip Tie Mania
Pic 7: The new Bacardi Bong


Starting to see some signs that my fim job was actually successful. In the mean time both my ladies have gotten really bushed out with the top growth slowed to a halt.

Arial 1
Arial 2
Side 1
Side 2
- My cohort's progress. Arial, he has only used the 2' T5 bulbs so far and is only 3 days behind me in this grow. Big difference if you don't have the correct lighting!
- Side view of cohort's at 15 days.

