2nd Indoor Grow, New Setup w/ CFL's and T5's. Lots pf pics!


Active Member
Thanks Guys
imlovingit: Yea those grow lights i do have the plastic on one and taking the plastic off the other, as to see if there was a noticeable difference! I cant really tell but i will remove the other due to what u said thanks! Also im not sure what u mean by the Base of the light? It just a selt ballast light that was in a Industrial size BASE for like Backporch lighting, i removed it from there and will be placing it in another small Cab just for Clones!

Also the bud has dried from the last plant and now curing in Jars, Final Weight was 16.8. Thats about the amount i thought i would get, it def looks and smells like good smoke :)


Active Member
Quick update!
Still waiting on my Gallon Grow Bags to transplant these plants! They are looking pretty good cant complain! Growth is going a little slow but i think its cuz i need to transplant, I hurt my leg at work and really havent been anything but lazy the past few days! I also found a few seeds from a bag that was purchased to make brownies, the brownies i ate totally kicked my ass (first time ever) I ate them around lunch time and couldnt keep my eyes open by 5pm. I was gone... Good pain management! lol
BM Feb 2 after topped.jpgBMH feb 2.jpg
Billy Maze Haze ^ She is looking pretty good, i topped her the other day and will be transplanting hopefully tomorrow!

LH Feb 3.jpgSLH Feb 2.jpgCab Feb 1.jpg
^ Lemon Haze, once again not much going on. This little lady needs transplanting as well and will hopefully get that done tomorrow! Im getting some yellowing of under leafs :( but i will hopefully fix that ASAP


Active Member
I got 3 Gallon pots that the plants were transplanted into today! I will put next plant in grow bags when they arrive!
Also i had one plant last grow indoo harvest! it was my first one, im planning now to slowly shove plants in the Cab and end up where i can pull the plants out on a month by month basis


Active Member
Quick Update:

I made some Dank brownies with some bud i currently had from last Harvest! Vaped Weed, Stems, and Trimmings from my last indoor Harvest! mmmm they tasted so good just cant eat them in the morning or ur guaranteed to be asleeep 3 hours later! lol

Back to the grow!! I placed some more lights in the Cab cuz i feel my plants are not getting enough lighting like my last plant did! I also transplanted them and they seem to like their new home! :)
All CFL's with BM and LH Feb 7.jpgCab with all lights on Feb 7.jpgInside Cab.jpgBilly Maze Feb 7th.jpgLemon Feb7.jpg



Just wanted to see how your progressin along, man thats a sweet setup, more and more i look at the dresser, more and more i think about gutting one of my dressers out. (to lazy for the work though) haha

just a question, since you have more grows under your belt than i do.
leaves look a bit droopy, normal?


Active Member
Yes they do look a little droopy, mainly the Lemon! Im not sure what the deal is, last few plants stayed on the droopy side as well! Nutes are fine, Water fine, Soil great? IDK i think there is a Flaw somewhere though


Active Member
ehh prob about once every 4 days w/ the transplant! i was doing 3days in the small pots! Which i checked on the plants this morning when lights were still on and NO droopyness at all on either plants. When these two plants were younger they laid down during the off cycles, odd i know? I will be uploading pics to show u later! Id also like to get a pic of them with lights off and then on to show u guys! Am i growing Morning Glories or some shit? lol


Well-Known Member
looking good man keep up the good work, we got about the same amount from our harvest :) mines almost gone lol maybe one of these days when i have enough smoke i will be able to wait for a propper dry/cure but for now a poor man w/ no weed gotta do what he gotta do lol


Active Member
looking good man keep up the good work, we got about the same amount from our harvest :) mines almost gone lol maybe one of these days when i have enough smoke i will be able to wait for a propper dry/cure but for now a poor man w/ no weed gotta do what he gotta do lol

haha i feel ya buddy! I have smoked a good amount of mine as well, still got the mail cola curing! the main cola weighed 8.9g which was pretty much the whole weight i got cuz those lil side nugs once dried were tiny as hell!


Well-Known Member
Hehe we had same results our first time it seems. I had a big cola too and a bunch of smaller guys. I harvested too early but I'm ready for round 2 like you! Your off to a head start but I'll be there soon! lol. Looking good!


Active Member
Happy Valentines Day bud.jpg
A nug i shaped for the Wife lol HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE!!!

Update :BM feb 13.jpgFeb 12 SLH.jpgView attachment 2059118Babies Feb 13.jpg

some random photos of whats going on! I really have been falling behind on my growing! My cab looks empty with the 2 Haze plants so i am in the process of filling the bitch up! I will be placing plants in Once a week or so i hope! I have room to throw prob like 8 smaller plants in there and thats what i will be doing! Ready to make this thing look like a jungle! Need to lay off the weed naps and get to it ;) lol


Active Member
hahaha its all good brother, yea im getting bored with it lol my plants are slowly growing, i got a batch of "decent" seeds and im just going to grow the shit out of them! My plan within the next few weeks is to have 10-15 SOLO cups with plants in them and the 2 Hazes. If they all suck its not a big deal! Its about the fun of growing and the feeling of contentment after u harvest!
Sooo i debated on buying LED lights, instead i bought an IPAD. ooops ;)


Well-Known Member
i heard today the ipad3 is coming out really soon

wish i had the money to buy a nice LED dual spectrum grow light but they are just so friggin expensive. i really like the idea of no heat!! could get rid of these annoying fans and ducting lol


Active Member
i heard today the ipad3 is coming out really soon

wish i had the money to buy a nice LED dual spectrum grow light but they are just so friggin expensive. i really like the idea of no heat!! could get rid of these annoying fans and ducting lol
Yess indeed, The ipad 3 is coming out this month or so the guy told me at best buy. They are already lowering the price of the Ipad2's for the release of the Ipad3. I went ahead and got the 2, pretty bad ass! Rollitup is alot more fun on this thing hahaha and ur pictures on ur Thread loook Wild as Hell on it! That camera u got is NICE!!
I know i really wanted the LED lights just cuz of the pretty colors and no heat issues but it was either an Ipad or the LED's and well im not a plant and i have my own needs haha maybe ill get the LED's soon? waiting for their price to drop a lil bit