2nd Indoor Grow, New Setup w/ CFL's and T5's. Lots pf pics!


Well-Known Member
same here, i was talking to my GF and said i should have gone into horticulture and opened my own greenhouse, Organic fruits and vegatables all year round for good prices for local people!!!!

we have a tomoto greenhouse here in town and they are 100% chemical and charge outragous prices even though the product is only shipped about 5 miles away :( :( the people that own the greenhouses are from germany or something.

i would love to produce good produce (organic) for a great price. and i could have my "side projects" just not on my buisness property...that would just be retarded


Active Member
Matt u wont believe this but im working for that little venture! I have a really decent job and the pay is not bad, but im truly willing to give it all up for a DREAM! Id love to grow fruit,veggies,herbs, and of course marijuana for a living! Something about it really gets me going and fulfills apart of my life! Im planning on doing it, wouldnt mind having a fellow RIU member helping me along the way :p hahaha. Family and Friends think im crazy and i might be! I might have had way to many spiritual moments in the grow room while tripping IDK?


Well-Known Member
LOL well im going to start a landscaping buisness this summer (if i can get the micro loan from the SBA) and from there i plan on specializing in garden design and horticulture, who knows maybe i will end up with a big time cooreration that specializes in all different fields of horticulture. or maybe ill cut grass for the rest of my life....who knows where it will take me. i need this landscaping buisness tho to get me motivated i have spent way too much time sitting on my ass going to college i have become on the lazy side and i hate it!!!!!

if your outfit was closer i would for sure come work for/with you man but relocation is definatly not a optuion for me right now.

what do you trip on? mushrooms? i was thinking of building a mushrooom grow box and getting some spore syringes and trying my hand at fungus. it looks really easy and if you do it right 1 spore syringe can last you forever.


Well-Known Member
im thinking right now of how i can modify my grow room to get everything into these new 3 gal buckets i bought without having to run 2 cabs >< this sucks my ultimate ScROG is taking up SOOOO Much room in my tent.


Active Member
Mushrooms and Mushrooms ONLY! well i cant say only i do dabble in the occasional MDMA when its around (only cuz im still young)
I have been looking at doing the same thing with the spores, u can buy them nearly any where online and they are not illegal until the Mush has been dried out (in my state). Which is bullshit why cant i grow bud?

That is a great Idea with the landscaping bizz! I hope it works out well with u, i have a close friend who has his own landscaping business and he makes really good money during the summer!


Well-Known Member
well if you decide to do some mushrooms i am totally interested in seeign that if you want to put up a journal definatly let me know :)


Well-Known Member
i would but my GF said "no fucking way or you can take that shit to your mothers house" so im going to be content with my grow for right now


Well-Known Member
LOL she already is not impressed with me growing pot. she deals with it tho cuz she LOVES me (shes watching)

lol i just got a "fuck you"


Active Member
hahaha! My wife was a lil iffy on it for a while but i got the OK! I hope u two have a Happy Valentines Day! Id like to meet up when the wife and i go up north later this year! We got a niagra falls trip plan