3 1/2 Month old plants.. Starting to give up?


Well-Known Member
Once again I 100% agree with retired man. He speaks wisely.

Why I bothered to post is because you said you live in downtown toronto. I told you in my last post exactly where to get growing supplies in down town toronto. I know I didn't give you the addresses but they shops are exactly where I told you yonge st. I've personally bought seeds from seed shops on that street, and have seen the grow supplies in the grow shops on that street. THC like I said has a huge grow shop http://www.torontohemp.com/gallery/thc665b.jpg in their basement easly open to the public. They have or can get you anything you may possibily need.

here is another link to the main site http://www.torontohemp.com/

alpha don

Active Member
Day 7 since the transplant.
Rhetorically everyone was right. the soil is still wet so no doubt there is a water efficiency.
However, plants A and C ( left and right) have recovered and adjusted to the new atmosphere. they are back up and growing :)
as for plant B, it's still drooping. so today I went out and bought a green wire object to hold it up .
So far so good. Just waiting on the apollo to come in, hopefully this friday.

Also wanted to mention that I will begin germinating my White Widow and Black Diesel babies tomorrow, to have them ready for the new lighting.
We'll see how much I've learned on this second grow.


Well-Known Member
you got this man just keep us updated and with the help of me and fellow RIU members you should be able to grow out some satisfying plants.

alpha don

Active Member
Day 9 after transplant.
I recieved my apollo in the mail today.
The package was previously opened and used by someone.
Also missing a HPS light. Only came with the MH light.
Is this a joke? not only do I wait a week for it to arrive, but to arrive incorrectly.
There's a douchebag on the other end of the package, i know that.
time to install MH lights and see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
Day 9 after transplant.
I recieved my apollo in the mail today.
The package was previously opened and used by someone.
Also missing a HPS light. Only came with the MH light.
Is this a joke? not only do I wait a week for it to arrive, but to arrive incorrectly.
There's a douchebag on the other end of the package, i know that.
time to install MH lights and see how it goes.
call them up and tell them what happened. when my kit arrived the MH bulb was broken, had a new one in the mail within 3 days and didnt even have to ship the broken one back. e mail the seller directly and dont go throguh amazon. also did it come with a warranty card? if not make sure you tell them it didnt and they will send you one. on the card there is a promoton and all you have to do is leave a review on the product and they will send you a free bulb of your choice.

im sure if you contact the seller they will make things right for you. the shitty thing about amazon is they have a HUGE warehouse and inventory and thousands of items going out daily so shit gets forgot or misplaced you need to remember its not the seller packaging the shit its some underpaid Amazon factory worker.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Those plants look like they need another 2-4 weeks of veg before you flower them. Barely any leaf mass means barely any root mass.
Give them time to grow new leaf matter.


Well-Known Member
keep us posted, lets see some pics once you get it all rigged up. not sure if you are growing in a room or just out in the open but a cheap panda film room will provide nice reflection.

alpha don

Active Member
Yeah, I considered factors effecting the transfer. Immediately sent a message to the seller. The product looks good, no doubt this should be resolved.
I have a picture of the new light setup, please give me feedback if the distance between plant and light is appropriate.
I have my baby seeds sprouting in my bedroom right now. As soon as I can transfer them out of their jiffy cups I'll be placing them in that room aswell.

You can also see the issue in the middle plant here. Im sure its due to over watering, the soil is still wet and the leaves are still moist.

Lastly, anyone know how to use this timer? LOL


Well-Known Member
instructions for the timer shouldb be on the back but basically you just set the time of day in the middle or wherever it is indicated and then push down the little tabs for required on time. each tab represents 15 minutes.

also there is a switch on the timer that bypasses the timer and allows the electricity to flow through regardless of wether the timer is supposed to be off, just make sure you can see the little clock icon and not the I icon .

alpha don

Active Member
Great. Starting tomorrow I will change light cycle to 18/6. Or is this not a good idea due to the size of the plants?
A & C are perfectly fine now. they are back on growing routine.
would it be a good idea to start flowering a month from now?


Well-Known Member
i would do 18/6 today and continue that untill your ready to flower. theres too many factors involved to be able to tell you when you can flip. they may love that light up and grow like crazy in 2 weeks. they may take 2 weeks to start growing...you never know. patience is key now man. hopefully that light does you justice and you start to see some nice changes by the end of the week. you need to remember that with the transplant you just did they are going to focus on growing roots right now and once the root system is established you will see above ground growth.

alpha don

Active Member
I can already tell they are loving the light. Huge difference 30 minutes after installment.
They standing up with a strong structure, you can definitely tell they're getting better.
I turned the light off for about a minute to plug in the timer and the plants instantly began to droop.

This proves how much of a difference the lighting fixture did.
one of the dead leaves that fell into the soil came back to life as a little seed sprout (wtf?) its growing in the soil of plant A.

as for plant B, we're just holding on to see what happens next. if she decides to kick in again that would be great, but as from now im beginning to lose confidence in that.

Plant C is just a fatboy, the sun is it's cake. Ingesting all it can. I can tell.

Will post pictures in a week from now. Thanks again


Well-Known Member
leaves dont grow seed sprouts. pull the prout out as you dont know what it is and you dont want roots tangling up in the pot.

in 3 weeks you should have a good rootball going, i would sugest taking the plant and root ball out of the container and filling up the bottom with more soil. nothing that needs to be done right now but in 3 weeks they should have some well formed roots.

wait till the soil is semi dry and the whole plants roots and soil should all come out together, the roots will hold the soil together. fill in the bottom and then place the plant back in. this will give them a little more leg room and by then if all goes well they should be close to ready for flowering.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear they are coming around for yuo and the light is working ot so well man. I'm looking forward to see how they do now.

alpha don

Active Member
Thanks alot. I owe it all to the community of rollitup, no doubt.
I plan on rolling the finest blunt in recognition to a few people on this thread.

Just an update 12 hours since MH light in effect. Plants A&C Are growing higher then the plant can reach. The leaves are pulling the plant off the ground!
Also noticed in Plant A that lots of new stems and leaves are coming in. All in just 12 hours.

Retired: Pack new soil at the bottom so the roots can grow down more? thats very clever.
Thundercat: This thread has almost reached its end. Once I get into the flowering stage I will open a new thread in the right section, containing the remaining progress.

I've got a couple questions regarding the flowering stage,
like the duration of time the stage usually is?
aswell as how to cut off the bud, what to do with the plant after harvesting (hopefully keep it running)
I'll be getting to that very soon


Well-Known Member
flowering stage can last anywhere from 7-18 weeks depending on strain, the most common is 8-10 weeks and rarely see a 18 week tstrain but they are out there.

as far as trimming goes heres a link for you to read.


theres some good stickies in most of the forum topics so if you have time just go through all of them and read.

some good ones to get you started would be





these are just a couple that i think would benifit you to read. theres also a lighting thread on here somewhere that will be of good use to you as well.


Active Member
It was awesome following the thread here. Helped me also figure things out. That affordable apollo idea might just be the solution to my gals too. Rep!


Well-Known Member
It was awesome following the thread here. Helped me also figure things out. That affordable apollo idea might just be the solution to my gals too. Rep!
go with the 600w one its the same price as the 400w and you have the option to go 600w if you want to. you will just have to purchase a 400w bulb if you want to run it on a lower setting.

alpha don

Active Member
Just had a quick question.
I havent watered the plants in probably a week today, but im sure the soil is still wet.
i picked up a water mist(er) today in prep for the cloning.
was wondering if i could mist the plants or just leave them.
cos' personally I'd enjoy mist whilst sitting 18hrs under that light