3 Weeks And 4 Days Flowering (pics)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
very nice...

would have been better to bend the tops over so that you could lower the lights and get them closer to the entire plant...

still looks nice



Well-Known Member
May I just ask, about what height did your plants have when you flipped to 12/12?
I'm just a newbie but I think they look very good!


Well-Known Member
They look Fine Bro!!! If the Light's are even a issue, just addd more CFL's around the outside & Maybe Lower in the middle of the Canopy.

Good luck:joint::joint::joint::joint:

say no 2 soap

Active Member
ye looks well,if u can bend em go 4 it,if not add cfls to the sides,wot size was the clone wen u started?? wot strain is it?? looks tasty